
Bird markets in St. Petersburg: where and how to find them?

St. Petersburg is one of two Russian cities (it will not be difficult to understand what other city is meant), in which there is absolutely everything, and where people go to realize their dreams. Many beautiful palaces, monuments, beautiful embankments, bewitching drawbridges, huge shopping and entertainment complexes ... But this is all romance.

Having enjoyed and satiated with all the beauties of the city on the Neva, people begin to deal with more mundane issues, including everyday ones. The arrangement of life and the creation of comfort takes a significant part of the time and takes a lot of energy. Wallpaper, floors, furniture, appliances, decorations make the life of a small person in a big city much more comfortable. But what is comfort without pets?

Where to buy pets in St. Petersburg?

In order to buy a cat, fish, a dog and other animals, you need to look at the bird market. This name belongs to places that are directly intended for the sale of pets. This is the only place where the trade in various pets is officially allowed.

Everyone who is trying to find bird markets in St. Petersburg is faced with certain difficulties. The fact is that in the city on the Neva there is only one such place. This is the Polyustrovsky market, which is one of the oldest in the pet trade in Russia. If you are looking for other bird markets in St. Petersburg, you will be disappointed - they are not.

Bird markets in St. Petersburg

What can be found on the Polyustrovsky market?

Cats, dogs, fish, parrots, as well as other life partners, live here. If you are tired of all the usual pets that you can see all the time, coming to the bird markets (in St. Petersburg - at Polyustrovsky), you can easily find the most sophisticated and exotic representatives of the fauna. They will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated buyers.

bird market in St. Petersburg address

In addition, here you can find all the accompanying household goods necessary to maintain the normal life of your little friends, which can only offer bird markets. In St. Petersburg, on the Polyustrovsky market, everyone can find the necessary feed, nutritional supplements, medicines, vitamins, clothing, accessories, cages, leashes, collars, aquariums, combs, toys, and much, much more.

How to find Polyustrovsky?

Like all modern bird markets, in St. Petersburg this place is located in a large spacious building, which inside is divided into sections (depending on the types of pets). It will not be difficult to find out. To get to the bird market in St. Petersburg, the address of which is Polyustrovsky Prospekt, house 45, you need to get off at the Ploshchad Lenina metro station and take the buses No. 28, 37, 106, 107, 133, 137 to the Zhukova Street stop . For orientation, it is worth mentioning that it is located in the Kalinin district, closer to the Neva.

Poultry market in St. Petersburg

The poultry market in St. Petersburg has the following working hours: from 9 to 18 hours daily. There are no breaks and days off, so there is plenty of time for everyone to visit him.

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