
The rarest coins of Russia and the USSR: review, description, cost and list

Numismatics is an amazing historical discipline. Coin collecting has become a favorite hobby for millions of people. Thanks to this passion, it becomes possible to look into the treasury of history, find out interesting facts about different countries, peoples and events. A person truly passionate about collecting and studying coins is often given to his business completely. Some psychologists even equate this occupation with the disease, as they were fanatically passionate about a variety of people. Among them were writers, emperors, famous politicians, and even clergymen.

The development of numismatics

Numismatics became a truly thriving cultural industry only in the 14th century. At this time, a certain system arose that helped to correctly classify rare coins. This was a rather important step, because the coin is different. Each of them has its own origin, meaning and value. It is believed that the main and most significant contribution to this science was made by Joseph Eckel. He improved the existing classification system, introducing several fundamental changes to it.

After that, numismatics acquired a completely different look and became a more serious and professional sphere of collector's life. In addition, it is considered a fairly profitable business and a good long-term investment. Unfortunately, this science involves collecting only metallic money. Perhaps everything would have turned out differently if at least a third of those who existed and served in everyday life have reached our time, paper money.

Why coins?

But alas, paper has never been distinguished by its durability, having lain in the earth for so many years as a coin, it will have a completely miserable appearance, therefore a relatively small number of ancient specimens have reached the modern world. If there are such, then their value, and therefore the price is much greater. Often, such banknotes go to museums, or are sold for fabulous money in private collections.

The most expensive coins

It is well known that Russia is famous for its numismatics. One of the rarest coins in the world belongs to her. It is noteworthy that when it comes to the age of a coin, its material ceases to play a key role. So, a unique antique copy made of copper can cost much more than a gold, but less rare or old coin.

The most expensive coin of the USSR is 10 kopecks of 1931. The famous slogan is written on the coin: "Workers of all countries, unite." The cost of rare coins of this scale can reach tens of thousands of rubles.

the rarest coins

Anniversary and rare coins of the USSR

Everyone knows that the Soviet Union is rich in rare coins as well as tsarist Russia. According to recent reports, it became clear that it was in 1965 that the first commemorative metal money was issued. From that very moment, about 15 series of coins from precious metals and other various alloys. Most of these copies, to date, are of great value and are rare. Professionals know how expensive some of their names can be.

One of the memorable specimens is 1 ruble of 1965, which is called "20 years of victory." The circulation of these coins cannot be called limited, since it totaled more than 60 million pieces. However, it became known that there are rare coins of the USSR, which are estimated several times more expensive than the usual representative of this issue.What is their feature? The whole thing lies in the inscription “ruble” itself and in how wide the letters are from each other. The rare metal money from this issue has a fairly wide spacing between letters. This inscription is called gurtovaya. This is their main distinguishing feature.

rare coins of Russia

Materials and evaluation

Their mass is approximately 10 grams, and they are made of a copper-nickel alloy. The price of these wonderful specimens varies depending on the quality of the product and, of course, its condition. Many scrupulous connoisseurs attach importance to all, even the most insignificant differences. It can be anything, any detail, whether it be a slightly different apostrophe or a special arrangement of letters in relation to the image.

Particularly rare coins of the Soviet Union include the so-called jubilee "Zionist ruble." Perhaps it is better known in everyday life as a jubilee ruble dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the 1917 revolution. Reliably no one knows what caused the appearance on the Soviet coin of a star - a symbol of world Zionism. She is also called the "Star of David." Perhaps the machinations of “agents of Zionism” or the elementary carelessness of workers led to the appearance of this unexpected sign on a coin. Many skeptics claim that this is only the fruit of someone’s sick imagination and that, probably, the orbits just randomly crossed in the image.

It was a rather rare and very scandalous case. The coin was immediately recognized as “incorrect” in terms of political considerations. Following this, the manufactured series was immediately withdrawn from use and immediately replaced with a new one - “politically correct”. But as expected, the wrong option instantly became public domain. They talked about him, argued, they wanted to buy him, but as usual with similar stories, the price of these coins immediately soared to cosmic heights.

rare modern coins

"It's all about the windows"

But not only this instance is of value to collectors. Quite rare differences are found on 1979 coins of the Olympiad-80. MSU »The difference between the ordinary and rare specimens can be seen on the right side of the building, which is depicted on a coin. Professional numismatists know that on valuable copies 5 windows that are in the building are more widely placed. There are also coins with 3 windows, but even less often. They are the most expensive. From the first glance or with the naked eye, it is almost impossible to notice the difference. But this does not make the coin less valuable in the eyes of real connoisseurs.

rare coins of the ussr

The list of the most valuable and rare coins of the USSR

Below are the most valuable and rarest coins of the Soviet era.

    • 2 kopecks dating from the twentieth year of the last century. The product is made of aluminum bronze and has a diameter of about 18 millimeters. To date, the value of the coin is estimated at approximately 75 thousand rubles.
    • 5 kopecks in 1958 is only slightly inferior in price to the previous one. It is made of the same metal as the first. The notches on it are made in a vertical way, and the coin itself is ribbed to the touch. In general, many 1958 banknotes are quite rare and expensive.rare coin value
  • 2 kopeks of 1925 do not change aluminum bronze. There are specimens with both smooth and ribbed surfaces. For its sale, you can also get a lot of money.

Numismatics in modern Russia

But not only the Soviet Union is famous for interesting metal money for collectors. Rare coins of modern Russia have no less investment and numismatic value. As before, today their value is determined by several criteria.

Rare coins of Russia, the value of which can reach 200-250 thousand rubles, are very difficult to meet in circulation. Often the minting of such copies is associated with a marriage in production or with a limited circulation.

Rare coins of modern Russia are often dedicated to one or another significant event or celebration.For example, the well-known monetary unit of the 2001 issue with a face value of 2 rubles is dedicated to the anniversary of the long-awaited space flight of Yuri Gagarin. It is noteworthy that the coin itself is not special, however, it became known that there are some instances of the same currency, but already without the sign of the mint. The difference in the value of these two coins is no less than 7 thousand rubles.

Alloy and cost

Another “metal treasure” with a face value of one ruble in 2003 was made of a nickel alloy. This coin was minted at the St. Petersburg Mint; its value varies from 3 to 9 thousand rubles. These are not all the rare coins of Russia. A list of some others is given below.

rare coins

List of rare coins of Russia

  • 5 rubles of 1999 minted at the Moscow Mint. The cost is really amazing - 250 thousand rubles.
  • 50 kopecks in 2001 (Moscow Mint) costs a little less - 120 thousand rubles.
  • 10 kopecks in 2001, minted at the St. Petersburg Mint. On rare specimens, taking a closer look, one can notice the presence of transverse folds on the coat of St. George the Victorious. The price is approximately 2000 rubles.
  • 5 kopecks in 2002 with no designation of the mint. It costs, on average, 5 thousand rubles.
  • 10 rubles of 2010 of release, "Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug". The price is 10 thousand rubles.

Treasures of Numismatists

Instances issued during the Soviet Union are often rare, and therefore expensive. During this period, many important historical events took place in the territory of a large country. Due to this, today they can be contemplated in museums and collections. Rare modern coins can not be found with a metal detector from a grandmother in the garden or found among unnecessary things in the attic. They are stored in expensive private collections and mints. Such instances can be obtained only by paying their real value.

Numismatics is an amazing science that allows you to discover new, previously unknown segments of history. Studying a coin, you can look into an entire era with its culture, customs and rulers. To date, not everyone can afford to buy metal banknotes of this value for the collection, however, this does not mean that collection should be abandoned at all. There are many no less interesting, but more budget options, which are also of historical value. Ancient banknotes and rare modern coins are objects of the city of most numismatists.

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