
Sberbank, mutual investment funds (UIF): rating, profitability

Each of us at least once had to dream about the enviable fate of the Russian Emelya, who lies on the stove and receives all the blessings of life "at the command of the pike." No, no, and the thought of how cool it would be if someone worked while he was resting creeps into the Russian man’s head. And let it sound sensational, but almost everyone has the opportunity to make their dreams come true. In the age of information technology and mass communications, money can work on their own, without the intervention of their owner. To do this, it is enough to only invest profitably in order to later spend time and effort only in time to “skim the cream”, receiving a stable income.

Where to invest available funds

The variety of ways to earn extra money in modern media is easy to get confused. Someone is playing binary options someone is engaged in network marketing, someone is opening his own business, someone is buying and selling currency in the Forex market. In attempts to try each of the types of earnings it is no wonder to lose the main job, money and a huge amount of time. Experience gained in the process of generating income from various fields can rarely be useful in the future. And the seeker of easy money is often left with nothing. And the reason for this is the lack of understanding of the whole situation as a whole and the insufficiently serious attitude to the market.

pifs yield

For most citizens, the simplest and most common way to save and increase funds is to register a savings account at a bank. Statistics show that the average income from this method of investment is from seven to nine percent per annum when opening an account in rubles and from one and a half to two percent for accounts in foreign currency. At least, such rates are indicated on your website by Sberbank. Mutual investment funds at the same time suggest a much higher income.

What is a mutual fund and what does it eat with

In an attempt to learn a little more about this method of investing, the investor usually gets either to the site where the actual rating of mutual funds is located, or to the free encyclopedia page, which contains the definition of mutual funds that is legally correct, but not very clear to the average person. Therefore, it is worth trying to convey this in a more accessible language.

rating of pifs

The first thing you need to pay attention to, as Sberbank testifies: mutual investment funds are property complexes, which are a combination of objects of movable and immovable property, forming a single whole and assuming their use for general purpose.

You can schematically imagine a fund in the form of an office building with a large number of offices, corridors and other rooms. It will have computers, tables, chairs, a paper-chewing printer, and a phone tearing from calls. But there are hundreds of such offices in the city and thousands across the country. In order to understand how it differs from other mutual fund organizations, you need to dig a little deeper.

And the next important point will be the answer to the question of where did the property of the mutual fund come from. The tip will be enclosed in the name of the fund. Translated from English pie - "pie". From several pieces of this pie just the property of the mutual fund is made up. And the distribution of profit is in accordance with the number of shares available to the investor.

Obverse mutual fund, or why they all love them so much

If you have free time, you can try an experiment. Without specifying anything, loudly and clearly saying, phoned Sberbank: "Mutual investment funds interest me."The call will be immediately transferred to the privileged service line. In a constant effort to attract new investors, a mutual investment fund, of course, shows its most attractive sides. And this makes sense, since he really has a lot of advantages.

For example, the complete absence of property qualification upon joining a mutual fund. This indicator is carried out due to the fact that the investment can begin in various funds even with an amount of one or three thousand rubles.

Sberbank mutual fund

Most depositors, as a rule, are pleased to know that, for example, in the Sberbank system, mutual funds are also completely transparent.

Funds of depositors are separated from funds of the authorized capital and are in a special depository. At any time, the client can request reports and statements about the movement of funds, about changes in assets and liabilities. This is somewhat similar to an ant farm, where insects live their lives in a plexiglass aquarium, build new passages and tunnels, and the consumer can only glance at their vanity when he becomes bored.

Practice shows that the shareholder of a mutual fund that brings a stable profit is rarely interested in the internal features of the organization. Indeed, for this, everything was conceived in order to relax while the money was working. But there is an opportunity, and this gives a feeling of control over the situation and confidence in the future.

Do not be scared when you hear the unusual word "diversification" in the advertisement of a mutual fund. In fact, this will only mean a reduction in risk due to the fact that investments are distributed among a large number of different enterprises.

Reverse Mutual Fund, or What You Cannot Forget

Everything is relative. So, it makes sense to talk about the shortcomings of mutual funds only together with a consideration of similar methods of investing funds. For example, deposits, about which much has been said before, have not only lower profitability compared to mutual funds, but also a lower risk level. The accounts of depositors are insured, and even if the bank revokes the license, the consumer will receive his funds back without any fees and compensation.

Sberbank pips

The income on a bank deposit is clearly stated in the agreement for its opening and does not depend on the success of certain enterprises and the general situation on the market. But the yield of a mutual fund can vary from month to month up to such indicators that will mean losses. Moreover, even in such unsuccessful periods, the shareholder is obliged to pay from 0.5% to 5% as a reward to the management company.

There is an advantage in private investment, and it lies in a much greater freedom of action in accordance with current legislation. So, for example, if things go wrong on the market and prices fall, then mutual fund managers temporarily lose the ability to transfer all assets into cash through the sale of shares, as this would stimulate an even greater collapse in the market. This seems like a cruel, but fair rule, according to which the captain must be the last to get off the sinking ship.

Which fund to choose

Depending on the presence or absence of restrictions on the withdrawal of funds, all mutual funds are divided into open, interval and closed. The easiest way to deal with the last two. Simple logic suggests the correct answer: there are no restrictions in open funds, and funds can be withdrawn at any time, but in closed funds this cannot be done.

cost of Sberbank pips

But units of interval funds can only be bought and sold at predetermined intervals. Usually these are two-week intervals that open once a quarter. This way of organizing the fund helps to avoid situations where investors panic with minor losses and are in a hurry to withdraw funds from the funds.

Moreover, each of the categories can also be divided by investment objects. Among the open, there are six categories: objects of stocks, bonds, mixed, index, money market and funds.At interval ones, objects such as the commodity market and hedge fund are also added to this list. And the closed ones - real estate, rent, mortgage, art values, loans, ventures and direct investments.

Mutual funds. Profitability how to determine?

If a management company rating or a mutual fund rating is created, two main indicators are considered first of all: the value of net assets and the amount of funds raised. However, demand creates supply, which means the broadest information base, which allows you to accurately determine the category that includes mutual funds. Profitability for a certain period is the most important indicator.

management of Sberbank shares

So, for example, along with standard ratings, where the level of investor funds is of fundamental importance, such lists are available for review, in which they rely on the size of NAV and the volume of banknotes under management. Ratings have also been developed, in which, first of all, attention is paid to the expenses of the client for paying for the services of managers.

What mutual funds can the largest bank in Russia offer?

The competitive cost of Sberbank mutual funds forces them to turn to them in a desire to earn income. As previously mentioned, these funds are divided into several types. So, the number of closed mutual investment funds of Sberbank include: "Residential Real Estate" and "Rental Business".

The list under the code name "Open-ended mutual funds of Sberbank" is much wider. It includes the stock fund "Dobrynya Nikitich", "Natural resources". No less widespread mutual fund of Sberbank is “Consumer Sector”. Also in demand are "Telecommunications and Technologies", "Financial Sector", "Electric Power", and the Balanced Fund. Mutual Investment Fund "Ilya Muromets" Sberbank offers on really favorable terms. Also worth noting are Emerging Markets, Europe, Small Equity Fund, Risky Bonds Fund, Global Internet, America, Active Management Fund, Global Debt Market, Eurobonds , Gold and Biotechnology.

"Athletic" mutual funds of Sberbank

According to Indian mythology, the Earth rests on the backs of three elephants. Such symbols of stability, strength and reliability for the Russian people are three heroes. Managing Sberbank mutual funds is by no means an easy task. Sberbank Asset Management JSC was founded in 1996, therefore it is considered something akin to the companies of the founding fathers in the USA, but only in the field of asset management. An organization of this level has rightfully earned the opportunity to use sonorous heroic names in the names of foundations. Let's try to better understand each of them.

Pif Ilya Muromets Sberbank

Dobrynya Nikitich Equity Fund

Turning to the statistics, it is easy to see that the main assets of this mutual fund are the shares of Lukoil (13.92% - a share in the portfolio) and Gazprom (11.95%), as well as the shares of Sberbank of Russia (10.12%) . This means that the fund invests primarily in liquid stocks with high growth potential. The mutual fund has existed since 04/14/1997 and has 69,552 shareholders. Despite all of the above, analysts avoid including this fund in the rating of mutual funds due to the insufficient share of Russian assets in the structure of the fund.

Bond Fund Ilya Muromets

If the concept of stocks has firmly entered the everyday vocabulary and no longer causes any difficulties in interpretation, then not everyone knows what a Sberbank mutual fund is. The consumer sector of this fund is quite wide, and at the same time it is important to understand that both objects of investment are essentially securities.

Pif Ilya Muromets Sberbank

Only a bond, unlike a stock, does not give its holder the right to participate in the management of the company. When buying such a security, the investor gives a loan to the issuing company for a strictly defined period at interest. A significant plus with this method of investing will be the fact that profit is accrued regardless of how well the company is doing.The lower risk of the Ilya Muromets mutual fund, Sberbank, however, also implies lower returns. So decide what is more important to you.

The following mutual funds are in the top five in the rating of the most profitable ones (annual returns are shown in brackets): Eurobonds (50.31%), Consumer Sector (54.11%), Ilya Muromets (37.3%), Global Internet (33.17%) , Risky Bonds Fund (31.1%).

In the light of the information reviewed, it would be logical to assume that one should not be afraid of investing mutual funds in Sberbank, because their diversity will allow you to choose exactly what you like, and will make the perfect balance of investment profitability and reliability. Transparency of work will allow you to keep abreast of the pulse almost around the clock and receive a stable income.

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