
Account 75: settlements with founders

When organizing an enterprise, its founders make contributions to the authorized capital. The sum of all receipts is recorded in the statutory documents. Any changes to the Criminal Code are made after the re-registration of the company. To reflect information on the mutual settlements of the organization with different shareholders, account 75 is used.

Authorized capital

Starting capital for the subsequent activities of the company includes the contributions of the founders in the form of tangible property, cash. Each shareholder has a certain share in the capital, and in the same ratio he will subsequently make a profit. The amount of capital recorded in the documents must be reflected in the balance sheet of the organization. This is the first operation with which the work of any company begins. The account of the same name 80 is used for this purpose. This is a passive account. The first transaction contributes the cost of capital to the debit of the account. Subsequent operations are carried out only on credit. The account balance is adjusted only in case of amendments to the statutory documents, that is, an increase or decrease in the amount of capital.

75 account

Legal restrictions

At the time of registration of the organization, shareholders are required to pay 75% of their share, the balance of the debt must be repaid within a year. The law provides for a minimum share capital. It depends on the type of property, calculated in the minimum wage and indexed every year. You can register an enterprise if the amount of capital is at least:

  • limited liability company - 10 thousand rubles.,
  • closed joint-stock company - 100 minimum wages,
  • open joint-stock company - 1000 minimum wages,
  • municipal organization - 1000 minimum wages,
  • state-owned enterprise - 5000 minimum wages.


Account 75 “Settlements with the founders” is used to reflect information on all mutual settlements with shareholders of the organization on deposits in the authorized capital, payment of dividends, etc. To reflect in the balance sheet more detailed accounting, account 75 opens auxiliary items of expenditure:

  • 75-1 “Contributions to the UK”.
  • account 75-2 "Payment of income."
  • 75-3 “Other settlements with debtors”.

Unitary organizations use sub-account 75-1 to account for mutual settlements with state and local governments in relation to property that is transferred to the balance sheet as operational management. The entries are made in the order of settlements on deposits.

credit 75 accounts

Analytical accounting is conducted separately for the participant. Settlements with related founders, the work of which is a consolidated report, is kept on account 75.

Formation of the Criminal Code

When creating a company in DT 75, in arrears with KT80 “Statutory Fund” the debt for the payment of shares is recorded. Contributions made in the form of cash are recorded at КТ75 in correspondence with ДТ50 (51), etc. Investing in capital of material assets is executed by posting KT75 DT08 “Investments in VNA”, DT10 “Materials”, DT15 “Procurement of material values” and others. Also reflected are the calculations of deposits in the management capital of other organizations. By posting DT75 KT80, the amount of capital prescribed in the constituent documents is recorded.

AO securities may not be sold at face value, but with a mark-up. In this case, the difference between the market price and the face value is referred to in KT83 “Supplementary Fund”.


LLC was registered in the register of legal entities with a registered capital of 100 thousand rubles. Of these, 20% were paid in cash, and the remainder in the form of a car. Entries in the BU:

  • DT75 KT80 - 100 thousand rubles.
  • DT50 KT75 - 20 thousand rubles.
  • DT01 KT75 - 80 thousand rubles.

account 75 settlements with founders

Debt repayment

Restructuring of accounts payable with legislation on budget settlements, bank loans is reflected in the debit of accounts 60 “Settlements with contractors”, 66 (67) “Settlements for short-term (long-term) loans”, 68 (69) “Settlements for payment of taxes, social insurance” , 76 "Settlements with various debtors and lenders" through credit 75 accounts. Debt cancellation is executed by posting DT75 KT92.

Net assets

The difference between the amount of assets and the amount of liabilities accepted for calculation is called net assets. If the value of this indicator for three consecutive reporting periods is less than the authorized capital, the organization should reduce the first section of the liability side of the balance sheet. If the amount of net assets is less than the minimum allowable capital, then the company should be liquidated.

Net assets = A1 + A2 - P4 - P5

At the same time, the debt of shareholders on deposits (account 75) and the par value of shares are excluded from the second section of the asset. The amount of future income is deducted from liabilities (account 98).

score 75 debit

Capital increase

One way to increase the attractiveness of the company and introduce additional funds without tax deductions is to increase the authorized capital. The process is carried out at the expense of additional contributions of shareholders in the form of cash and property, which is evaluated by an independent expert. The increase in the capital of joint-stock companies is carried out due to an increase in the nominal value of shares or the issue of new securities. A joint-stock company that has decided to increase capital before registering changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is required to issue an additional issue of securities with the Central Bank Security Service (FSFM). Process steps:

1. To register changes you need to collect and provide:

  • shareholders' decision to increase capital;
  • publication of the announcement in the "State Registration Bulletin".
  • copy of the charter;
  • copy of the certificate of Incorporation;
  • copy of TIN;
  • extract from the register;
  • a copy of the manager’s passport;
  • contact number.

2. Registration of changes to the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service.

3. Obtaining a certificate of registration of changes.

4. Registration of a new register.

The legislation does not stipulate the maximum amount of capital. But at the time of the decision to increase the authorized capital, the following conditions must be met:

  • the initial capital is fully paid, even if a year has not passed since the registration;
  • at the end of the second and subsequent years, the volume of net assets should not be less than the registered capital, the minimum size of the fund allowed by the legislation;
  • if the increase in the fund is carried out at the expense of the contribution of only one participant, then 2/3 of the shareholders must take the corresponding decision.

accounting account 75

Capital reduction

The law provides for circumstances in which an organization is required to reduce the amount of capital:

  • incomplete payment of the authorized capital before the end of the first year of operation of the company;
  • a decrease in the volume of net assets below the registered or minimum allowable capital;
  • a reduction in the nominal value of shares of all participants without changing the specific gravity or a decrease in the number of shares.

Capital AO

Procedure amending the charter joint stock companies are more complex. Capital is divided by the number of shares of a certain value. To make changes, you need to adjust either the number of securities or their price. All these actions are registered with the Federal Financial Markets Service before re-registering the charter.

Changes in the number of shares are carried out by issuing a new subscription. The number of securities of all issues should not exceed fixed in the Charter. If there is no reservation about this in the constituent documents, then first you need to amend the Charter, and then change the number of securities.

The change in value is carried out by converting the available quantity of securities to securities with a higher / lower value. The source of cash may be profit, additional paid-in capital, etc.The decision to increase the capital of the company should be taken unanimously by the meeting of shareholders.

75 account balance

Change in stock price

If capital increases due to an increase in the value of the Central Bank, then changes are made only at the expense of the organization’s property:

  • retained earnings for the previous year;
  • capitalization of unpaid dividends;
  • share premium;
  • accumulation balances;
  • funds from revaluation of funds.

The procedure itself is more time-consuming, since the issue of shares of a higher nominal value is carried out. The same package of documents is being prepared as for the initial issue. Trading is open or closed, depending on the form of ownership. The primary right to purchase the company's securities belongs to its current owners.

Stock changes

An additional issue of securities issued at the expense of the property of the organization is distributed exclusively among shareholders. Each participant shares shares of the same category in the same ratio as before. The maximum amount by which securities can be issued is limited by the difference between the calculated amount of net assets from the last surrendered balance confirmed by the auditors and the amount of the authorized capital.

score 75


The shareholders of the company periodically receive part of the net profit for their contribution. The accrual of dividends is reflected in the posting DT84 “Profit retained” CT 75 account accounting. This applies only to shareholders who do not work in the organization. The accrual and payment of amounts to employees of the enterprise, which are simultaneously shareholders, is reflected in account 70 "Payroll calculations." What part of the profit will be directed to the payment of income to investors is determined at a meeting of shareholders.

The payment of income is recorded in account 75, the debit of which includes the transfer of funds debited from the credit of money accounting accounts. If income is paid in the form of goods or manufactured products, works or services provided, securities, a record DT75 KT90 (91) shall be entered in the accounting record.

Other settlements with debtors

Account 75-3 reflects mutual settlements with shareholders for all other operations. In particular, it reflects the operation to repay the partnership’s loss due to the contributions of participants. The write-off of loss from the balance sheet is recorded in accordance with DT75-3 and KT84. Actual revenue of the target is reflected in KT75-3 and debit of material assets accounts. Transactions with founders for which other accounts are not provided are reflected through 75 accounts. The account balance reflects the debt of shareholders on contributions to the authorized capital.


According to Article 275 of the Tax Code, income tax is levied on the difference between the accrued and the amount of dividends of the organization itself, which it receives from other organizations. For Russian enterprises, the payment of dividends is a source of income.

Part of the profits allocated for the payment of dividends is distributed among the participants in proportion to their shares. The amount of declared dividends is calculated:

  • PIT: 9% for Russians and 30% for people without Russian citizenship.
  • Income tax is 9%.

In the BU, the amount of income tax is recorded through account 75 to the debit of subaccount 75-2 with the credit of account 68. Analytics is carried out for each participant. The tax deducted for 10 days must be transferred to the budget. In the declaration, it is displayed in section “A” of sheet 3.


The founders meeting of the LLC determined the annual amount of dividends in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. Of these, 75 thousand rubles. It is transferred to the Russian founder in cash from a bank account. Let's issue entries in the control unit:

  • DT84 KT75-2 - part of the profit goes to the payment of dividends - 75 thousand rubles.
  • DT75-2 KT68 - withholding income tax - 6.75 thousand rubles. (75 x 0.09);
  • DT75-2 KT51 - dividends paid - 68.25 thousand rubles. (75 - 6.75);
  • DT68 KT51 - the tax to the budget is transferred - 6.75 thousand rubles.

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