
Synergistic effect: obtaining, result

The synergistic effect is to increase the effectiveness of activities through integration, the combination of individual elements in a single system. The term comes from the Greek word synergys. It means "acting together." Let us further consider in detail the synergistic effect of the organization. synergistic effect

General information

Many managers who evaluate the performance of their company have questions regarding its effectiveness. For example, the state has several management teams. Some succeed, while others do not. One team has higher contract performance than the other. In the early 80s of the last century, the effect of exponential growth was revealed and described. Thus, some companies that operated in a fairly densely populated market and did not have significant financial resources, significantly increased turnover over a relatively short period of time. In the same period, the term “synergistic fusion effect” was introduced. It means the ability of several managers (managers) to form in aggregate a greater value than if we add up the indicators of their work carried out separately.

Main directions

The synergistic effect, according to some researchers, is carried out through three main processes:

  1. Adequate planning.
  2. Exchange of current information and knowledge between employees of the enterprise.
  3. Coordination of work. synergistic effect of the organization

All these processes can be combined with the concept of "collective thinking." It can lead to different results. However, they will not necessarily be positive when there is an active increase in interaction. The result of the synergistic effect may be negative with the same sharp drop in activity. Many are familiar with the concept of the “French strike.” It involves the action of each in accordance with the regulations, but the overall effectiveness will be zero. This clearly illustrates negative collective thinking.

Interaction specifics

Researchers distinguish 3 main options for cooperation between enterprise specialists:

  1. The simplest and most rare. In this case, the contribution of each employee is well noted, collective actions are also justified. The overall result, therefore, is equal to the sum of the efforts of each employee. For example, 4 people are working on a task. The result of their joint activity is equal to that which can be obtained if they work separately. This can clearly be represented by the equation 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4. synergistic effect
  2. The most, as practice shows, is frequent. In this case, specialists try to solve problems together; interaction takes place. However, the process is complicated by the presence of ambitions, misunderstanding, deviation from the main direction, intrigues, repetitions, conflicts. All this negatively affects the speed of solving problems. As a result, some moments have to be reworked several times, meetings are not constructive - in attempts to reconcile the conflicting parties - and do not end there. As a result, all the work is done mediocre. In this case, the overall result will be less than the sum of the elements. You can imagine it this way: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1.8.
  3. Synergistic effect. According to experts, this option is less common in enterprises than previous ones. The synergistic effect suggests that the contribution of each employee fits optimally into the existing overall picture in the company. At the same time, joint activity repeatedly increases indicators.The total result, therefore, exceeds the sum of the results of the specialists working separately. This can be visualized as follows: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7. synergistic effect of the merger

How to achieve a synergistic effect?

There is a fairly widespread belief that the art of managing intellectual abilities is to competently combine the efforts of people. The one who does it better will win in this case. With such a leader in the company everything will turn out much faster, with lower costs and with high quality. But for a synergistic effect to arise, it is necessary to correctly select a team. Unfortunately, no specific assessment criteria have yet been developed for top and middle managers. Until recently, the synergistic effect could be identified only by the fact of development and growth of the enterprise for a long time. However, now the situation is somewhat different.

Some recommendations

There are several criteria by which the personnel selection methodology is formed. Among the requirements should be noted:

  1. Mathematical accuracy. The analysis of the information obtained should be based on clear indicators, the essence of which should be clear even to an unprepared person.
  2. Low cost of work. When attracting external contractors, the service should significantly reduce the likelihood of risks that lead to losses many times higher than its cost.
  3. The speed of operations and results.
  4. Letter of credit. When attracting external performers, the customer should be able to not sign the acceptance certificate and receive an advance payment if the work does not suit him.
  5. High level of reliability. The results of the study should be confirmed by practice. Information about a particular employee (performance indicators) changes throughout the year with the probability that can be neglected.
  6. Independence from ethnic and geographical factors. obtaining a synergistic effect

Study Summary

When conducting a study of the market for services, the manager must solve a number of issues:

  1. Will a particular employee remain in a particular position and who will remain at all.
  2. What results can result in a change in structure.
  3. Is there an unrealized potential for the employee, can a new task be set for him.
  4. Who will be able to take on the development of a new product or direction.
  5. Which employee should be trained in management principles and how much time will be required.
  6. What will happen when the units merge.

The leader, seeking to find the perfect team, needs to conduct not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative assessment of the work of employees.

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