
How much does a notary donation contract cost? How much is a donation

Periodically, various individuals have to deal with a situation where relatives or other people, for various reasons, want to transfer real estate to them. In such a situation, information about how to issue a gift certificate for an apartment, how much does this procedure cost and what actions are associated with its implementation.

Required Documentation

Before talking about the cost, you need to pay attention to the documents, without which the donation process is not possible. So, here is what you need to prepare before visiting a notary public:

How much does a notarial deed of gift

  1. Spouse's consent (certified), which will help speed up the process if the property is joint.
  2. The passport of the donor, as well as the donee.
  3. Gift agreement. In this case, you need to take care of the presence of several instances. Their exact number is determined by the number of participants in the transaction. Each of those involved in the transaction is given a separate document, and one contract must be submitted to the registration chamber.
  4. Documents confirming the donor's ownership of the transferred real estate.
  5. Extract from the house book. It should contain information on the number of citizens who are registered in a particular apartment. It is not always mandatory, but in order to avoid sudden hesitations, it is better to take care of its presence.
  6. Notarized power of attorney. Required if any of the parties to the transaction is represented by third parties.
  7. Paying attention to those cases when the donee has not yet reached the age of majority or is incompetent, it is worth noting that in such a situation, you will need a permit issued by the guardianship authorities. The same rule is true when guardians bring up the donee.

In most cases, this list is enough for a gift certificate. But sometimes the Registration Chamber may request additional documentation, so it makes sense to initially consult with qualified lawyers who can take into account all the features of a particular situation.

Process time

In addition to the question of how much the gift is worth, you need to pay attention to the upcoming costs in order to correctly calculate the duration of the entire procedure.

how much is the gift

After all necessary documents have been handed over to the registrar, each of the participants in the transaction will receive a receipt stating the date when the application for the transfer of real estate and other related information was signed. Also, everyone receives separate copies of the contracts. As for the certificate, it is issued only to the donee. Accordingly, if an apartment or house is transferred to the ownership of several citizens, each of them receives a certificate.

Returning to time costs, it is worth noting that, on average, such a procedure lasts 7 days. But there are situations when the registering authority does not have time to invest in a similar period.

Complications that slow down the process may include real estate registration with a mortgage, a large number of property owners, secured loans and other similar circumstances. As a result, the donee receives a certificate when visiting the registration authority. To do this, he needs to take with him the original passport and a receipt, which is issued after the documents are transferred to the registrar.

How much does a notary donation contract cost

Now it makes sense to talk directly about the price of the service.It will be difficult to name the exact amount, since the scale of the costs depends on many factors. For example, the issue of who will transfer the property to the property — a child, brother, parents, or other relatives — is not the least important.the cost of a notary deed of gift

But in general, you should rely on approximately the following scheme:

  • a contract of gift in writing will cost about 2000 rubles;
  • if it is a question of transferring ownership of real estate, the notary may request 0.3% of the inventory value of the property when it is given to close relatives;
  • if the donee is an outsider, the amount increases to 1%;
  • it is worth considering the state duty that is levied for the transfer of ownership (500 rubles);
  • the same amount will have to be paid for registration of property rights.

It is worth noting the fact that if the price of the apartment is in the range from 1 to 10 million rubles, you will have to pay 10 thousand rubles, plus 0.75% of the amount that exceeds 1 million rubles. If you have to deal with real estate that costs more than 10 million, you will have to give 77500 to pay the state duty and 0.5% of the amount in excess of 10 million.

When dealing with how much the notary services cost - how much you need to pay for certifying the contract, do not forget about the legal assistance and technical work that this official can provide. We are talking about printing contracts, legal assessment of documents and other procedures for which you also have to pay. All this will cost about 4000 rubles.

What else is donated

A deed of gift may be used to transfer ownership of more than real estate. It is also relevant in cases where a specific individual intends to transfer, say, to a relative the objects used in commercial activities, a piece of land, various ships, cars, a garage, etc.how to issue a gift certificate for an apartment how much

Of course, you need to find out how much a donation agreement costs from a notary, taking into account each individual case. It is important to make sure that all documentation is compiled correctly and that the information shown is displayed correctly.

How not to overpay

Using the services of notaries, you should always pay attention to their cost. The notary donation contract is executed according to the tariffs approved in the Tax Code, which are the same in all regions of the country. But in the case of additional services, lawyers can set their own prices, since they are not regulated by law.

how much are the services of a notary for the certification of a contract

It is important to understand what exactly is included in the category of additional services in order to have an idea of ​​how much a gift contract with a notary without additional work costs:

  • Reception and consultation of the client;
  • drawing up a contract and its subsequent listing;
  • providing the required number of copies of the contract;
  • payment of related services.

With such information, it will not be superfluous to make sure that the notary does not request unreasonable payment.


The gift agreement continues to be an actual way of transferring property to relatives of the real estate and not only. The main thing is, before the procedure itself, to delve into how much a notarial gift agreement costs and start the process already prepared.

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