
How much does a general power of attorney for a car cost. How to issue a general power of attorney for a car

Today, a car is no longer a luxury, and it is rarely possible to meet a person who does not own it. Cars are often sold and bought, so traffic police inspectors simplify design methods every year.

Points of Sale Act

Purchase and sale of vehicles for 2015 is one of the most frequent legal transactions. Therefore, the traffic police service has simplified the formalities so that the purchase or sale of a car does not take much time.

how much does a general power of attorney for a car cost

  • Now the car does not have to be deregistered at the time of sale.
  • When buying a vehicle, you can leave the old license plate or get a new one at the discretion of the owner.

Previously, in order to drive a vehicle that the driver is not the owner of, a small power of attorney was required from the owner of the car. In 2015, it is already necessary to be included in the insurance policy. The owner and drivers who can drive the car are indicated in the insurance. how much does it cost to issue a general power of attorney An exception is an open (unlimited) insurance policy that allows any driver to drive this vehicle. Therefore, if you get into an accident or other problems arise with the participation of the traffic police inspector, you will need to confirm your identity. Not everyone takes a passport with them, but without it they will have to establish their identity at the police station, wasting time. Therefore, some drivers prefer to take a power of attorney with them.

Sale of a vehicle by proxy

Car accounting in Russia: removal, production - have a very high price and take a lot of time. If you compare with how much it costs general power of attorney for the car, then the last digit is less at times.

In addition, you will need to spend a lot of time on:

  • passing a technical inspection;
  • purchase of an insurance policy;
  • payment of state fees and insurance premiums.

It should be said that the execution of the contract is possible only if the vehicle has not been previously deregistered.

All this takes a lot of time and it is not known how much it costs.

How much does it cost to issue a general power of attorney

General power of attorney for cars it will cost in any case not so expensive, and also require less time to receive.

What rights are transferred by proxy

This document, in contrast to the power of attorney for driving, allows the attorney much more. When issuing a general power of attorney, the owner himself can choose and include in the document what is allowed to the attorney, namely:

how to draw up a general power of attorney for a car

  • use the car for personal purposes;
  • dispose of the vehicle: sale, rental, gift, exchange;
  • maintain in good technical condition;
  • represent the interests of the owner in court when considering cases of traffic accidents involving a trusted vehicle;
  • make tax payments for the car;
  • insure a vehicle.

Not only rights, but also responsibilities rests with the proxy general power of attorney for the car. The design of this document takes place in a notary's office, the text can be made by the owner himself, but it is better to entrust it to a professional.general power of attorney for a car sample form

There are several types of circumstances in which it can be declared invalid:

  • request to revoke the power of attorney of the car owner;
  • refusal to renew the document by the owner;
  • paper expiration;
  • long-term absence of the owner;
  • death of one of the participants in the transaction.

Since this document leaves the previous owner the right to the car (including it may require the termination of the power of attorney), you should buy a car on it only from trusted and reliable friends.

How to issue a general power of attorney for a car

Some motorists do not know where and how to make a general power of attorney.

  • This is a paid service that is ordered from a notary.
  • It will take much more time than issuing a power of attorney to drive a car, since you have to go to the office and stand in line.
  • The transaction does not require the presence of the person for whom the power of attorney is drawn up, but it is necessary to take a copy of the passport from him in advance.

Usually in the office where such papers are executed and certified, there is a general power of attorney for the car: a sample, forms. But if you wish, you can download the form on the site and fill out yourself. How much a general power of attorney for a car costs depends not only on the region, but also on the specialist. Different notaries establish different prices.general power of attorney for car clearance

To draw up this document you must provide:

  • passport of the owner;
  • copy of the identity card of the trustee;
  • Title
  • vehicle certificate.

Document Validity

A general power of attorney can be issued for one, two or three years. Moreover, it is important that the owner has the right to withdraw it at any time.

There are a number of special circumstances when the power of attorney is terminated:

  • at the request of the owner;
  • at the request of the trustee;
  • in the event of the death of the owner or agent;
  • recognition in court of the owner of the car or proxy as missing;
  • in case the trustee or owner is recognized as legally incompetent.

After the expiration of the document, re-registration is required. Paper cannot be issued for more than three years. If the document indicates a validity period exceeding the maximum limit, it is invalidated. If there is no information about this in the document at all, then automatically it is considered valid 12 months from the date of signing.

Service cost

The question of how much it costs to issue a general power of attorney now worries many who are going to make it. The price for the service in different regions may vary.

For example, the Moscow region is characterized by such indicators:

  • paperwork for individuals about 900-1000 rubles without notarization;
  • companies or legal entities will pay a little more - 1200-1300 without certification;
  • separately the cost of notarization is approximately 500 rubles.

That is, when asked how much a general power of attorney for a car in Moscow costs, one can confidently answer that on average it will cost private individuals 1,500 rubles, and legal costs 1,700. In the regions, the numbers may differ.

The disadvantages of buying a car by proxy

Regardless of how much it costs to issue a general power of attorney, how it will speed up the purchase process and will not have to go through the difficult stages of legalizing a car through the traffic police, there are a number of significant disadvantages for the buyer.

  • At any time, you can be left without a car and money, as the owner has the right to terminate the document at any time.
  • You can buy a vehicle with a "dark past". He may well be listed in theft.

If suddenly the former owner dies, the car will become the property of his relatives, as well as when the buyer himself dies. After all, this fact automatically cancels the validity of the document and the rights to it.

Seller Risks

The owner of the car, who decided to sell it by general power of attorney, risks no less than the buyer.

  • He is obliged to make tax payments for the property in the form of a vehicle until the new owner transfers it to himself.
  • All fines for violations of traffic rules by the new driver that fix the cameras will automatically come in the name of the owner, and he is obliged to pay them.

When you may need a power of attorney

Despite the doubtfulness of the design of a general power of attorney, there is a case when it can come in handy. For example, if the driver was involved in an accident through no fault of his own and can claim to pay insurance, but he must urgently go on a long business trip. It is likely that the insurance company will begin to look for ways not to pay money to the client, dragging out the proceedings. In this case, it is just possible to draw up a document for a close relative so that he represents the interests of the owner in court and can provide all the necessary data for the process in time. If you compare the cost of a general power of attorney for a car and the amount of insurance payment, then the usefulness of the document is obvious. Moreover, the trial at any moment may turn into the wrong direction, so it is important to control the situation.how much does a general power of attorney cost for a car

Recently, a car for sale does not need to be deregistered; therefore, it is not practical to use a general power of attorney to conclude a car sale transaction. It is disadvantageous for both parties, so it is reasonable to replace it with a contract of sale.

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