
How many federal districts are there in Russia? List and composition of federal districts of Russia

Russia is the largest state in the world. This status predetermines the specifics of his political organization. So, the highest authorities decided to organize the management of the country through the establishment of federal districts. The corresponding model of political structure is to some extent unique from the point of view of world practice. How many federal districts are there in Russia? What is their list?

How many federal districts in Russia

What is a federal district?

The Federal District is an administrative-political unit provided for by the system of state structure of Russia. The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into subjects of the federation. Those, in turn, are united in districts according to a number of geographical, ethno-cultural, social and political features. The appropriate administrative and political units are led by plenipotentiary representatives of the President of Russia.

List of Federal Districts

How many federal districts are there in Russia? Now there are 9. Among them:

  • Central;
  • Northwestern;
  • Volga region;
  • Ural
  • Siberian;
  • Far Eastern;
  • Southern
  • North Caucasian;
  • Crimean.

It is worth noting that the North Caucasus District appeared only in 2010. Crimean - in 2014. How many federal districts are in Russia, we now know. Let us now consider in more detail their key characteristics.

Characteristics of Federal Districts: Central Federal District

Let's start with the Central Federal District. Plenipotentiary Representation - the highest executive body of the considered administrative-territorial unit, located in Moscow. Among the most important economic characteristics of the Central Federal District is the presence of large volumes of natural resources, especially iron ores, phosphate rock, bauxite, and cement raw materials. Another important feature that distinguishes the Central Federal District is that Russia has key financial centers here. The main ones, of course, are in Moscow.

High-tech industry is developed in the Central Federal District, including in the mechanical engineering segment. The chemical industry plays an important role in the structure of the economy of the Central Federal District - especially in such segments as the production of mineral fertilizers and organic synthesis products. Resins, plastics, tires, dyes are produced here. The printing industry and the confectionery segment are also well developed.

The administrative and political structure of the Central Federal District is represented by the regions: Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Oryol.

Northwest Federal District

The federal districts of Russia include North-West. The Plenipotentiary Representative Office of the NWFD is located in St. Petersburg. In economic terms, the North-West Federal District can be attributed to the most developed in Russia. Both manufacturing and raw materials industries are developed here. The Northwest Federal District is also characterized by a high degree of development of transport infrastructure. How many federal districts in Russia have a comparable level of road development? It is difficult to say, since the experience of the NWFD in this sense is completely unique.

Central Federal District Russia

One of the factors stimulating the growth of the economy of the NWFD is its proximity to European states - Finland, the Baltic countries, Poland (if we talk about the Kaliningrad region). The North-West Federal District is characterized by huge personnel potential. In universities of St. Petersburg and other cities undergo training of specialists of various profiles, and all of them receive the highest qualifications.Significant volumes of natural resources are also present in the NWFD.

The structure of the North-Western Federal District includes the following areas: Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov. It is part of the NWFD and the republic: Karelia, Komi.

Southern FD

The list of federal districts of Russia includes the Southern Federal District. Its specificity is in a unique, in many respects not typical for the rest of Russia, warm climate. The Southern Federal District of Russia is a national health resort. The region has completely unique thermal springs, mountain springs and artesian wells. There are the largest reserves of tungsten, non-ferrous metals, coal.

Southern Federal District of Russia

After the North Caucasian Federal District was separated from the Southern Federal District in 2010, the region contains the following regions: Astrakhan and Volgograd. As part of the Southern Federal District there are republics: Adygea, Kalmykia. The structure of the Southern Federal District includes the Krasnodar Territory. The region is considered as one of the most promising in terms of investment in tourism.

Volga Federal District

Relatively small in area - about 7.27% of the total territory that Russia possesses, the Volga Federal District plays a crucial economic and political role in the country's development. Thus, the share of industry in the regional economic system is about 23.9%. This is one of the highest rates among all federal districts of the Russian Federation.

Russia Volga Federal District

The industry of the Volga Federal District is represented by engineering, the fuel and energy complex, agriculture, chemical and light industry. There are many republics in the administrative-political structure of the Volga Federal District: Udmurt, Chuvash, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Mari El, Mordovia. The Volga Federal District has three regions: Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, and Orenburg.

Ural FD

How many federal districts in Russia are located in the European part? At the moment - 7. Among them - the Ural Federal District. The authorized representative of the Ural Federal District is located in Yekaterinburg. The region under consideration is characterized by unique geography. It is located on the border between Europe and Asia, has significant natural resources and climate.

The leading sectors of the regional economy are oil and gas production, as well as mining. There are significant reserves of iron, non-ferrous and noble metals. The Ural Federal District is characterized by many experts as one of the self-sufficient in terms of the availability of resources and necessary technologies.

In the structure of the Ural Federal District there are areas: Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk. The Ural Federal District also includes the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

How many federal districts in Russia

Siberian FD

How many federal districts in Russia are located in Asia? There are 2. Among them - the Siberian Federal District.

Siberia is a huge Russian region, which is one of the key in the aspect of transport communications. It is understandable: it is through the Siberian roads that cargo is transported between European and Asian Russia. Local highways also play a crucial international role. Siberia is one of the most economically developed and promising regions of Russia. There are reserves of almost all the resources necessary for the economy.

In the structure of the Siberian Federal District there are republics: Buryatia, Altai, Tuva, Khakassia. In the Siberian Federal District there are areas: Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk. In the structure of the Siberian Federal District there are regions: Altai, Krasnoyarsk.

Far Eastern Federal District

Another federal district of the Russian Federation, which is located in Asia, is the Far East. It is the largest in area, occupying about 36% of the state. It is characterized by huge potential in the aspect of economic development. It has significant volumes of natural resources, in particular reserves of coal, oil, gas, metals.

The Far Eastern Federal District includes the following areas: Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan.There are territories in the structure of the Far Eastern Federal District: Primorsky, Khabarovsky. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is included in the Far Eastern Federal District.

North Caucasian Federal District

The North Caucasian Federal District was formed on January 19, 2010 by separating the Southern Federal District from the structure. It is characterized by a small area - about 1% of the state. The Southern Federal District unites the subjects of the Russian Federation, characterized by significant cultural and socio-economic proximity.

The composition of the federal districts of Russia

The structure of the North Caucasus Federal District includes the republics: Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia-Alania, Chechnya. The structure of the North Caucasus Federal District includes the Stavropol Territory. The city of Pyatigorsk located in it is the center of the North Caucasus Federal District. The residence of the Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District is located in Essentuki.

Crimean FD

In March 2014, Crimea became part of Russia. Soon after, the Crimean Federal District was formed. In its structure there are 2 subjects. These are, in fact, the Republic of Crimea, as well as Sevastopol, which has status cities of federal significance RF, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

List of federal districts of Russia

Crimea is one of the most important cultural, historical and tourist centers of Russia. This region is characterized by significant potential not only in tourism, but also in the aspect of the development of industry, agriculture and other industries. At the level of federal legislation of the Russian Federation, tax preferences have been established for businesses that operate in the Crimea. Programs were adopted aimed at stimulating the intensive economic development of the region.

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