
The death penalty in China. What crimes are sentenced for?

We live in a democratic country, where such a punishment as the death penalty is almost forgotten. But there are countries where this measure is quite acceptable. Can a person decide the fate of another person? But what if the criminal committed a terrible act - murder or abuse of a child? How to be?

The death penalty in China, according to most residents of the Middle Kingdom, is a well-deserved punishment. Does the prospect of such a punishment have a positive impact on society? Is crime declining in countries where the death penalty is taking place?

The attitude of modern countries to the death penalty

Legal deprivation of life for a crime - barbarism or an acceptable measure of punishment? Each state has the right to independently resolve this issue. Therefore, even in a modern civilized society, there are countries where the death penalty is a very ordinary court decision.

The list of offenses involving such a measure varies. The most commonly imposed death penalty for drugs, high treason, homicide, pedophilia and rape.

The court decision is preceded by a thorough trial. The sentenced may appeal and even hope to amend the contract or pardon. Execution is effected by a certain circle of people at the appointed time, at the appointed place, otherwise the action is considered a murder.

The types of capital punishment used in different countries are execution, injection, gas chamber, hanging, electric chair, decapitation, stoning.

Today, 130 countries have completely abandoned the death penalty. In 68 countries, a court may be sentenced to such a sentence. Among those who refused were Spain, France, Great Britain, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Estonia, Russia (the moratorium in 2010 expired) and others. Countries where the death penalty is applied are Belarus, the USA, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Thailand, and South Korea.

China is a leading country in the execution of the death penalty. In 2008, 1718 people were executed in the Middle Kingdom.

Some facts about China

Today, the People's Republic of China is not the last in the world in various fields. And the word “Chinese” means both “quality” and “mass consumer goods”. So what do we know about this country?

capital punishment in china

  • The area of ​​China is huge, only Russia and Canada are larger.
  • China is a country where population growth is far ahead of all countries.
  • The Chinese are very respectful of knowledge and books.
  • One of the main attractions is the Great Wall of China.
  • The Sino-Russian partnership is gaining momentum today.

The death penalty in China today is widespread, in addition, the majority of the population opposes its abolition.

For what?

The legislation of the Celestial Empire defines a huge number of crimes for which the death penalty can be sentenced. In China, capital punishment will result in the violation of more than sixty articles of the Criminal Code.

china country

Crimes “fatal” can be divided into groups:

  • Treason.
  • Acts endangering public safety (including illegal production, possession of firearms; negligence resulting in a fire, flood, explosion; act of terrorism; drunk driving if there were casualties as a result of an accident, damage to transport routes, etc.) .
  • Grave economic crimes (including counterfeiting of drugs, money, use of toxic raw materials in food products, tax concealment, etc.).
  • Against the individual (murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery).
  • Against society (smuggling; manufacture, transportation and distribution of drugs; pimping; corruption).
  • War crimes.

However, the country adheres to the principle of "one country, two systems." Therefore, Hong Kong and Macau abandoned the death penalty. Such punishment also does not apply to criminals who have not reached the age of 18.

How can they execute?

China uses the following types of capital punishment: execution and lethal injection.

types of capital punishment

Not far from Beijing in 2009, a death penalty center was built. For the execution of the sentence with a fatal injection, Chinese manufacturers produce special buses that are equipped with surveillance cameras and a stretcher with straps for the convict. Death occurs within two minutes after the injection.

Previously, the shooting was carried out in public, even minors were allowed, television broadcasts were conducted. At the same time, an invoice was sent to the convict's relatives for the payment of two bullets. Today, the sentence "execution" is practically not used. The reason for the refusal was the high cost of the method and inhumanity.

sentence execution


The judicial system of China provides for the consideration of the case of the offender in several stages:

  1. The court of first instance (people's) pronounces the verdict.
  2. The court of second instance reviews if an appeal has been received.
  3. The Supreme Court replaces with a life court, grants a reprieve, or pronounces a sentence of immediate execution. The chairman signs the decision, which is sent for execution to the court of first instance.

china judicial system

Before executing a sentence, a people's court provides an opportunity for a convicted person to meet with relatives.

The responsibilities of the trial court include:

  • Verification of the prisoner's documents (wills, appeals, taxes, debts, etc.).
  • Reporting to the Supreme Court (report, forensic report, photo of the offender before and after the execution).
  • Notifying relatives of the possibility of obtaining ash after cremation or a corpse.

The death penalty in China is a widespread punishment, but authorities seek to tighten control over the investigation to exclude the execution of innocent citizens.

Execution of punishment

Chinese laws clearly regulate the death penalty. Today, everything happens in a strictly designated place at a certain time and is performed by special people. The verdict is announced publicly, but public executions are unacceptable.

death penalty for drugs

A representative of the authorities asks the prisoner if he wants to say the last words, and sends him for execution. The executioner in the presence of representatives from the prosecutor's office, the people's court injects or shoots. Later, the people's court sends a report to the Supreme and informs the relatives.

Can a sentence be avoided?

Within seven days, the people's court must comply with the decision of the Supreme. But there are a number of circumstances in which the death penalty is postponed:

  • other crimes were discovered in which the convict was guilty;
  • the convict made a significant contribution to the disclosure of a crime or other contribution that may serve as a reason for reviewing the case;
  • the pregnancy of the condemned was revealed.

laws of china

At the same time, for each step the people's court reports to the Supreme and awaits a decision. The death penalty may be commuted to life imprisonment.

The loudest executions of the Middle Kingdom

The death penalty in China is a common punishment for many crimes. Including corruption entails trial and execution.

In 2014, the trial of the case of a Chinese billionaire named Liu Han was completed. The businessman had one of the largest mining corporations in the country. In this case, besides him, four more people were executed.

Wu Yin was convicted of fraud in 2009 and received capital punishment.But at first she was given a delay of 2 years, and then the sentence was replaced with a life sentence.

Du Yimin was executed in 2009, a verdict was issued on the basis of proven fraud and illegal fundraising.

In 2011, Luo Yaping was executed due to corruption.

Zheng Ziansheng received a sentence in 2012 with a deferral and confiscation of property; the reason for the litigation was the theft and receiving bribes.

It is worth noting that such a wide list of offenses, followed by the death penalty in China, did not make the country “crystal clear”. In it, as well as anywhere in the world, there are people who are going to violate the law.

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