
Art. 200 of the Criminal Code: consumer fraud

Many shoppers at least once encountered deception in stores. This can happen in the markets. Often, unpleasant situations happen to children, the elderly and intoxicated citizens. Sellers use the carelessness of such people to make money dishonestly. The punishment for this provides for Art. 200 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Types of Deception

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Now there are many options for deceiving consumers that sellers use. Common include:

  • calculation: the cost of goods increases;
  • Weighing customers: the product has more weight than in reality;
  • delay: such goods must be written off, and they are sold to obtain additional funds;
  • defects: instead of writing off the goods, the seller sells them by offering a discount;
  • low quality;
  • counterfeit goods: when its components are replaced, for example, dilution of milk with water;
  • dangerous goods: they are harmful to human health.


The sale of goods of this kind has a number of consequences. This causes economic damage. A person with such products can harm himself. Selling such products also causes moral damage to customers.

sales of goods

The negative consequences concern not only the consumer, but the whole society. The use of low-quality products threatens to worsen health, reduce life expectancy, and the appearance of various diseases. If a country has a consumer fraud, then it loses confidence in other countries. This reduces the flow of investment, and also spoils the overall impression of the state.


Consumer fraud is punishable by law, which provides for criminal liability. The norms are spelled out in Art. 200 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The punishment will be if the fraud was large.

Responsibility occurs when the victim's losses are equal to 1/10 of the minimum wage or the amount turned out to be more than one monthly accrual. Sellers who have been prosecuted or deceived in their work previously are punished.

Where are the crimes committed?

Similar crimes are committed in the following areas:

  • trade;
  • public catering;
  • utilities;
  • domestic service.

consumer fraud

Art. 200 of the Criminal Code establishes consumer protection. Persons from 16 years of age may be held liable. In some situations, fraud is not considered intentional and does not cause large losses. Then criminal law regulation is not required.

A responsibility

The sale of goods of inadequate quality is punished at the legislative level. Unscrupulous sellers are held accountable. Deception in this area is called the deliberate actions of trading enterprises to sell substandard goods.

Art. 200 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the responsibility of entrepreneurs, individuals, legal entities, officials. In case of violation, cashiers or sellers will need to pay a fine of 1,000–2,000 rubles. The same amount is awarded to officials, while legal entities pay 1,000–20,000 rubles.

Fighting Unscrupulous Sellers

In Russia, the quality of goods is low. In addition to inappropriate staff behavior, many consumers are faced with expired items in stores. How to deal with this?

Weighing customers

For this, the organization Rospotrebnadzor works, which protects the rights of consumers. In case of violation of their interests, each buyer has the right to seek help. Evidence must be maintained that damage has been caused. Therefore, you should not throw away checks and substandard goods.

The buyer has the right to write in the "Book of complaints" about his dissatisfaction.This document must be provided upon request. The book must be numbered, stitched. It has the seal and signature of the head. If this is not the case, then the record will not bring results.

Management must respond to the comment within 2 days. To completely eliminate the violation, no more than 15 days are allocated. When the comment has been reviewed by the leader, a note is made in front of the entry about the measures taken.

If no measures have been taken at the store, then complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. Serious offenses are pending in court. Then the deceiver bears administrative or criminal punishment. Therefore, if any violations have been identified, consumers need to report this.

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