
Structural crises. Structural changes and crises in the economy

The intensity of development of society has an inextricable link with structural economic transformations. They, in turn, are the result of gradual evolutionary and dynamic revolutionary changes in the system. structural crises

Industrial period

In this era, the economic system of countries with developed industry was focused primarily on increasing the output of production assets in comparison with the manufacture of consumer goods. This orientation was considered one of the factors of progressive development. It was reflected in the works of Marx and Lenin. The latter, in particular, formulated the idea of ​​predominant growth in the production of production assets. This law constituted the scientific basis of the phenomena studied. In addition, he reflected the conditions of the industrial period, corresponding to him. economic crisis

Change of situation

In the second half of the 20th century, as a result of scientific and technological progress, qualitative fundamental transformations of the technical basis of society took place. They caused significant transformations in the structure of social production. Along with this, two trends formed. The first was associated with the emergence of new high-tech industries and industries, analogues of which are not found in nature. As a result of the first stage of scientific and technological research, nuclear energy, automation and technical means, polymer chemistry, and so on began to develop actively. The result of the second stage of the revolution was the creation of a qualitatively new generation of computers, fully automated production, robot complexes, the appearance of composite materials and so on. All these tools had a significant impact on the production structure, determining its high-tech level. Another trend concerned the destructive effect of scientific and technological progress on the formation of microeconomics. It was expressed in curtailing traditional industries that could not compete with new ones. These include, in particular, peat and coal industry, ferrous metallurgy and some others. Their decline contributes to exacerbation of national tension, creates unemployment.  structural crises their essence and consequences

STR results

The transformation of traditional production, the isolation of a large number of workers in the provision of services marked the transition to the post-industrial period. Significant radiation and technological waste has become one of the consequences of scientific and technological progress. They negatively affected the state of nature, destroyed the human environment, disrupted its interaction with the biosphere. Acting as the result of modern high-tech production, these problems require appropriate solutions. Thus, NTR, on the one hand, significantly changed the traditional system of management, and on the other, led to the formation of new industries and enterprises that began to not only influence, but also completely determine the intensity of many modern processes.

The specifics of the post-industrial period

With the transition to a new stage of development, the foundations and the need for priority expansion of the output of production assets disappear. In the framework of the post-industrial period, there has been a dynamic expansion of the services sector, the redistribution of not only capital, but also labor. These changes necessitated the development of the production of consumer goods (means). This trend was noted in the West in the mid-60s. last century, and in Russia - at the end of the century. Modern dynamic processes determine the constant priority of one or the other structure.Such fluctuations require an active response from states. features of structural crises

Defense industry

The military-industrial complex occupies a special place in the macroeconomic structure. The military-industrial complex is a specific association of representatives of the Armed Forces, enterprises and government involved in the production of defense products and maintaining the relevant sector. The feature of manufactured products does not allow them to be attributed to means of consumption or production. The closed nature of this sector impedes the development of feedback. This leads to a one-way movement of funds. As a result, the functioning of the defense sector has a conflicting effect on economic development. With an increase in the cost of producing weapons, the budget deficit will increase. Increased defense research costs will result in lower costs for similar processes in the civilian sector. The increase in military spending is closely linked to rising inflation.


The imbalance between the production of means of production, consumption and defense products in the second half of the 20th century caused significant structural crises in the economic system. First of all, imbalances began to be clearly visible in countries with developed capitalism. Already in the 60s, these states began to reorient their systems to the production of means of consumption. In the Russian Federation, these processes dragged on. Such a slowdown predetermined structural crises, their nature and consequences for the country. cyclical crisis


The most important transformations in developing economic systems are structural transformations. They are primarily associated with key macro systems. They, as we found out, are the release of industrial resources, the manufacture of means of consumption and weapons. They act as the causes of the structural crisis, which is distinguished by a certain orientation. Sudden deformations can cause very negative effects. Any economic crisis covers both international and national relations taking place within the framework of the country's economic activity.

The specifics of the phenomena

Features of structural crises are their relative "partiality." Such deformations, as a rule, relate to any one sphere or industry. At the same time, they act as one of the key elements that make up the general economic crisis in the country. This is due to the fact that deformations of one industry or sphere inevitably affect others associated with them. The result is a chain reaction. In this they differ from other types of changes. Cyclical crises, for example, are characterized by a transformation of the general conjuncture. The described deformations, in contrast, cause changes in specific areas or industries. Often, structural crises affect many sectors of the national and even world economy. As a rule, such deformations are caused by an imbalance between industries - one-sided development of some to the detriment of the functioning of others. causes of structural crisis

Degree of influence

Structural crises can affect the economic system for a sufficiently long period. For example, the energy imbalance that arose due to a sharp increase in the cost of oil in 1973, for a long time influenced the development of many countries of the world. In the history of the formation of the economic system, structural crises occurred regularly. The most common types include financial, agricultural, currency. The latter are manifested in the form of sharp jumps in the national currency of the country. Agrarian structural crises are expressed in periodic difficulties arising during the sale of agricultural products on the world or national market.

New System Swings

The cyclical crisis is characterized by a certain constancy. It manifests itself periodically, after a certain period of time.Structural crises in this regard are fundamentally different from them. They are very spontaneous, irregular and arise as the prerequisites for them develop. Together with the emergence of new industries and fields, STP contributed to the formation of new imbalances between:

  1. Traditional, growing and new industries.
  2. Industries of mining and manufacturing.
  3. New macroeconomic structures.

Lack of attention to certain, most pressing problems within the framework of the exhaustibility of many resources leads to the periodic occurrence of agrarian, energy, raw material crises. Their intensity especially increased in the mid-70s. last century. structural crisis in Russia

Problem solving

Structural crises require close attention of the authorities and the development of certain measures to address them. To overcome problems with raw materials in many states, a multifaceted policy is being pursued to create and introduce substitutes (energy sources, for example). In addition, the technical base is being reequipped based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, and reservation of its own resources (if necessary and low cost in the world market) is carried out. During the modernization of the manufacturing sector, another large-scale problem arises. During the conversion and improvement of the equipment fleet, many specialists are left without work. With a significant mass of this process, a new structural crisis arises. In Russia today there are a lot of unemployed specialists whose knowledge and skills have become unclaimed. This problem requires an immediate solution, the use of specific regulatory mechanisms.

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