
Technical means of customs control: types

Objects moving across the border of the Russian Federation undergo a special inspection. For its implementation, officials have at their disposal technical means of customs control. The types of these devices vary depending on the objectives of the procedure, the features of the objects being inspected. It is allowed to carry out checks with non-defective devices that meet the requirements of operational documentation, normative acts, staffed in the proper manner. technical means of customs control

The concept of technical means of customs control

The main task of devices and devices with which the verification of objects is performed is the remote inspection of goods, without violating the integrity of the container. Technical means of customs control ensure the prompt identification of substances, materials and objects prohibited from import / export or not corresponding to the contents of the declaration. Officials who have undergone special training and have appropriate access may work with them, if these requirements are provided for by law.

Key Benefits

The use of technical means of customs control allows you to:

  1. Shorten the check.
  2. Inspect the vehicle.
  3. Detect camouflaged objects.
  4. Keep the object unopened and at the same time receive complete information about it.

Officials are required to comply with the regulations governing occupational safety and health, sanitary rules, and the provisions of operational documents. The integrated use of technical means of customs control ensures high effectiveness of inspections at specific sites. Large and medium-sized cargo shipments, separately the following baggage, hand luggage, international parcels, as well as transport following any direction across the border of the Russian Federation are subject to remote inspection. The effectiveness of the use of technical means of customs control significantly increases the professional level of inspections, contributes to the reasonable calculation of duties and the identification of contraband items. Special devices and devices allow you to explore the inaccessible areas of transport and goods.  list of technical means of customs control


The practice of using technical means of customs control is quite extensive. With the help of special devices and devices are carried out:

  1. Verification of information and documents.
  2. Oral survey.
  3. Observation.
  4. Inspection
  5. Checking markings on objects, the presence of identification marks on them.

Classification of technical means of customs control

The division into categories according to functional-target characteristics corresponds to the implementation of specific tasks assigned to the inspection service. The classification of technical means of customs control includes 7 relatively independent, but interrelated groups. They include special devices and devices:

  1. Visual operational observation.
  2. Inspection, testing and search.
  3. Checking the mass, quantity / volume of objects.
  4. Information control.
  5. Clearance and verification of goods.
  6. Operational and technological actions.
  7. Remote inspection.


The basis of technical means of customs control is the optical-mechanical inspection of objects and hard-to-reach areas in transport to identify prohibited objects and their signs in them or their contents.The search is focused on obtaining the maximum possible amount of additional information about the internal filling and structure of goods. Consistent continuous verification of objects for the contents of hidden investments, caches is carried out using x-ray, location, inspection devices. These technical means of customs control register active or passive detection signals specific to the items sought. technical means of customs control types

Key Features

Technical means of customs control, included in the second group, provide continuous monitoring of the actions of persons in the protected area and representing a specific operational interest. These devices are designed to detect unlawful behavior of entities, to establish unauthorized contact with other people, including security personnel.

Technical means of customs control of weight, volume, quantity of goods are intended for the inspection of individual raw materials of strategic importance. In the security zone, information contained in various carriers moving across the border is also checked. This is necessary to identify materials prohibited for transportation. The list of technical means of customs control also includes devices and appliances that ensure the design of goods, documents, vehicles, including the imposition of the corresponding attributes on them.

Operational action

In work customs authorities funds are used to ensure the implementation of measures relating to:

  1. Diagnostics of the accompanying documentation.
  2. Classification of goods. This operation is necessary to assign objects to the appropriate categories according to the nomenclature of foreign economic activity.
  3. Diagnostics of goods and potentially dangerous or prohibited items discovered during the inspection of the contents of the goods.

Checking accompanying documentation

It is carried out for the prompt detection in the papers of signs of complete or partial falsification:

  • chemical etching;
  • erasure;
  • overprints, text supplements;
  • replacing sheets in multi-page acts and photographs;
  • pasting fragments and elements of other information carriers;
  • falsification of stamps, seals, signatures, details and so on.

the procedure for applying technical means of customs control

Product range

Special controls provide verification of the classification of products. Due to the lack of conditions for instrumental delineation of most of the goods included in the nomenclature directly at the inspection sites, the capabilities of specialized laboratories are attracted. During the inspection, sampling and samples are carried out, relevant examinations are appointed.

Remote Operational Inspection

During it, an introscopy of objects is performed. Oversized cargo is being examined. For control, special complexes are used. In addition, during the remote operational inspection, the quantity and volume of individual strategically important raw materials are monitored. A check of this kind allows you to identify prohibited items and items.

Important points

In each individual case of the inspection, officials solve specific problems that require a special approach and equipment. The results of using technical means are crucial for the further course of customs control. Special devices and devices make it possible to establish the authenticity of the information contained in documents provided for transported goods; determine the conformity of the qualitative characteristics of the goods and the vehicle information contained in the declaration; to confirm the correct differentiation of products according to the nomenclature of foreign economic activity.All this allows us to ensure the correct collection of payments, duties, taxes, supervision of the movement of currencies, and the reliability of statistical data. use of technical means of customs control

Cargo specifics

To increase the effectiveness of technical means of customs control, it is necessary to separate the objects that are being inspected in accordance with their dimensions, weight, design features, etc. It is these parameters that determine the essence of the events carried out by officials. Among the objects in respect of which the check is carried out using special devices and devices, it should be noted:

  1. Certain product categories.
  2. Hand luggage, accompanied by luggage of transport employees and passengers.
  3. Oversized cargo packaging.
  4. Unaccompanied baggage. It moves separately from the passenger and is issued a waybill.
  5. Oversized packaging (platforms, containers, bins, vehicle compartments, etc.).
  6. Vehicles of all types.
  7. International postal items.
  8. Documentation of goods and vehicles submitted to the customs service.
  9. Specific individuals. The check against citizens is carried out only in cases where there is reason to believe that they hide and do not voluntarily give out items classified as prohibited for transportation across the border.
  10. Customs support attributes (identification means) superimposed on the vehicle, goods, documentation.

practice of using technical means of customs control


Currently, there is an active improvement of technical means of customs control. To increase the effectiveness of checks, devices and devices are modified, equipped with new functions. Along with this, the procedure for applying technical means of customs control is also being adjusted. New paragraphs are added to the current instructions that provide for certain requirements for employees working with complex equipment.

When conducting inspections of large-sized objects having a large size, weight, specific composition of structural materials, characterized by increased density of the content of various goods transported in them, inspection and inspection complexes (IDC) are used. According to their functional purpose, they are divided into 2 categories. The first is intended for introscopy of cars (trailers, vans, cars, mobile cottages), as well as freight packages weighing no more than 3 tons. The second group is used to check large objects (railway cars, refrigerators, trailers, containers, etc.).

Design Features

The performance characteristics of the IDK provide:

  1. The ability to visualize and recognize content in scanned objects.
  2. Determining the degree of container load.
  3. Inspection of the spatial location of objects, devices, various substances in the package.
  4. Coordinate binding of the identified elements to the locations.
  5. The ability to recognize objects made of various materials (organic compounds, metals, etc.).
  6. View structural spaces and cavities between walls, floors, ceilings of a container, railway carriage, car components.

Inspection and inspection equipment allows for fragmented, detailed inspection of specific areas of the inspected object and objects present in it, the image magnification several times. One large-sized object is examined using IDK for 15-20 minutes. improvement of technical means of customs control

Types of designs

Inspection and inspection complex may be:

  1. Transported.
  2. Stationary
  3. Relocated.
  4. Mobile.
  5. Portable.

Mobile Inspection Unit

It is considered one of the modern means of control. Scanning objects with its help does not pose any threats to goods and vehicles.For scanning, ionizing radiation is used, which does not provoke induced activity. Upon completion of the test, the object does not become radioactive. Protection of the public from radiation is ensured by the establishment of a restricted access zone. The presence of unauthorized persons during the operation of the inspection and inspection complex is prohibited and is controlled by customs officers.

In most cases, the installation of stationary devices is impractical. This is due to the high performance of mobile IDKs in solving operational problems. The use of such complexes significantly increases the speed of customs procedures, reduces the duration of control. The deployment of a mobile IDK requires from 15 to 60 minutes. Mobile complexes are divided into low-, high- and medium-energy. The last two types are used in solving operational problems during the inspection of fully loaded vehicles and containers.

Disadvantages of IDK

Mobile inspection and inspection devices allow to obtain x-ray images in only one projection. In this case, it is impossible to distinguish with the help of color highlighting the materials from which objects and parts of the vehicle are made. These functions are in the X-ray units used in checking the accompanied baggage of citizens. This circumstance significantly limits the ability of mobile systems to detect hidden attachments. A two-projection x-ray system is present in stationary inspection and inspection complexes. It allows you to get an image in two planes - top and side. This function facilitates the rapid detection of explosives, narcotic drugs, explosive devices, weapons and other items prohibited from being transported across the border.


The technical means currently used in the implementation of customs control ensure the prevention of penetration into the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the export of items that are dangerous to the health, life of the population and their property. Today, a rather tense situation is developing in the world, in connection with which the border checks have been tightened. The effectiveness of control is ensured by the use of technical means of various sizes, weights, and functionality.

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