
Total is universal

Our language is so rich and diverse that even we Russian people sometimes cannot say what a particular word means. Try now in your head to formulate a definition: "total is ...". Probably few people coped with this task. There is nothing shameful about it, there are no limits, no one can boast that he is an expert on the Russian language. As they say, “live a century, learn a century”, this is the only way to maintain knowledge of your native language, because new words and rules appear every day, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Total is ...

Since we have touched on this topic, we will present the definition of the word total. The meaning of the word has such a meaning - universal, all-encompassing, complete. You can endlessly list synonyms, but now you can do it yourself.

Total football

total itSports enthusiasts must have often heard the expression “total football”. Let's try to substitute synonyms: full football, universal football ... Somehow it's not very clear! In this context, total is such a game tactic when each player can freely move around the field, that is, he does not have a specific role. Such a game technique requires football players to have great speed, stamina and good tactics.

Total war

total meaning of the wordNo less often do we hear the expression “total war”. We often use this word form without even thinking about what it means. In this context, total is a method of warfare in which every participating country can take all possible measures to defeat the enemy. So all the wars went on until the birth of Geneva Conventions.

Summing up all of the above, it can be noted that the word "total" has a very large number of meanings. Depending on the phrase in which you used it or heard it, its meaning is interpreted.

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