
Trotsenko Roman Viktorovich: biography

Russian businessmen who were able to make an incredibly successful career in the early 90s are always at the zenith of the interest of journalists. One of these entrepreneurs is Roman Viktorovich Trotsenko, one of the country's main shipbuilders, an adviser to the president of Rosneft, a philanthropist and philanthropist, a talented and erudite person. Friends call him a child prodigy. The story of his life and career, ups and downs is interesting to many people who also dream of a dizzying career.Trotsenko Roman

Trotsenko Roman Viktorovich, biography: childhood

September 12, 1970 in the family of Moscow doctors Victor and Alevtina Trotsenko, a son was born, who was named Roman. From infancy, the boy was incredible mobility, energy and curiosity. He was easily given foreign languages, and study in general was not a burden to him. To curb the boy’s irrepressible nature, parents from early childhood identified him at once in several sports sections, but this was of little use, and at school Roman was known as a fighter and entertainer of all boyish showdowns. Then the couple Trotsenko decided that only their involvement in art could help their restless little son, and they sent him to both art and music schools.

Trotsenko Roman managed to prove himself in all fields: he was an excellent pupil in all the educational institutions that he attended, drew well, owned musical instruments, knew several foreign languages, and indeed was the soul of school companies. The teachers were only given a marvel, since they saw no special efforts on his part. Parents claimed that in order to learn the annual course, he only needed to read the textbook at the beginning of the school year. He easily became the winner of school competitions, although he did not prepare for them at all. All this testified to the fact that Trotsenko Roman was not an ordinary, but a gifted boy, to whom fate had a difficult fate.Trotsenko Roman Viktorovich

Student years

Future Russian businessman Trotsenko Roman after graduating from school in 1986, down at the Institute of Asia and Africa at Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov, and as a specialization chose the study of the Japanese economy. Naturally, he passed all the entrance exams perfectly. At the institute, he was to study another foreign language - Japanese, which was “taken” by him also with a bang and helped a lot in his future activities. Already in his second year, he was sent for an internship at the famous Yale University in the USA and Coimbra in Portugal. During the years of study, the best student of the institute - Trotsenko Roman - was able to determine the sphere of his interests. At the epicenter of his attention were management systems of organizations and enterprises, as well as economic analysis.


Its supervisor was the famous economist of international class, Professor Ivan Fazizov. It was he who had a great influence on him, transferring to his pupil such knowledge that rarely possessed in the Land of Soviets. Under his watchful guidance, the future entrepreneur and philanthropist Trotsenko Roman wrote his thesis on the analysis of the stock market, which only recently began to emerge in the country. Today, studying the first of his serious works, you understand how progressive he was for his time: many of his predictions made in the thesis, paid off. Preparing for defense, the guy studied the work of the first commercial and brokerage organizations. Here, in practice, he realized what the market is in the Western sense.Trotsenko Roman Viktorovich biography

Kazakhstan period

While still a student, Trotsenko Roman Viktorovich was noticed by Kazakh television employees and was invited to work in the main republican television company, which gained independence from the center and needed fresh and progressive staff. Kazakhstan of the late 90s in all respects was ahead of Russia. New economic reforms were carried out here, which were not thought of in the center of the country, but the eastern mentality had a great influence on all the changes. And such a specialist, who had an internship at the best of American universities, in their opinion, could change the current situation, or rather, help to take a Western course. Soon, the young man became director of the commercial part of the Republican television company of Kazakhstan - "Asia TV", which lasted 2 years - from 1989 to 1991.

Banking activity

Upon returning to Moscow (after the closure of the television company), a young and successful entrepreneur, Trotsenko Roman, receives the position of Director of Finance at IMB (International Medical Exchange), and a year later becomes the CEO of the same organization. If you remember, in the beginning of the 90s there was a "banking boom" in the country, and he, naturally, could not leave Mr Trotsenko indifferent. In 1994, a businessman founded a commercial bank, calling it “Platinum Bank”, and became chairman of his board. But this enterprise did not bring him success. And he realized that Western theoretical knowledge is very different from domestic practice. In 1996, he left the bank , is elected president of the Board of Directors of Passenger Port, which was in poor condition after the collapse of the country. Two years later, the port turned into a profitable and modern enterprise, all thanks to the wise leadership of a young businessman.Russian businessman trotsenko roman

Famous shipbuilder

In 1997, Trotsenko received another tempting offer - to take the reins of the South River Port LLC. And this time he was waiting for the company, which is in complete decline. There were no specialists or normal equipment. As a director, he had to practically start all over again. Hire new knowledgeable employees, repair equipment and buy new ones, as well as organize work in the company. A year later, LLC South River Port improved its performance almost twice. One of the principles of conducting business of Mr. Trotsenko is the idea of ​​rational use of what was created in the Soviet years. After a long search, he was finally able to find a business that is close to him - managing industrial enterprises during the crisis, as well as developing an anti-crisis program. It was in this area that he achieved great successes, and in 1996 he was elected a full member of IAM (International Academy of Management).Trotsenko novel interesting facts


A successful entrepreneur has a hobby - traveling. Over his 45 years, he managed to travel almost the whole world. He is also interested in sports, and among his favorites are such types as sailing, rafting (rafting on mountain rivers), diving (scuba diving), windsurfing, as well as winter types - snowboarding and skiing. Roman Viktorovich is also an excellent pilot and can fly jets.

Trotsenko Roman: interesting facts from life and business

The businessman earned his first million in 1992, when he was only 22. He was one of the first cooperators in the country and was engaged in the sale of cigarettes and simple computers. Last year, he proposed a security deposit for the scandalous businessman Polonsky, who was accused of fraud. Two years earlier, the company Aeon Corporation headed by him became the owner of the Federation Tower in the Moscow City business center. Public attention was drawn to the fact that the office of the AEON Corporation, which is located on the street. Frunzenskaya, d. 1 and created by businessman R. Trotsenko, resembles a regime object.Such associations cause barbed wire and a metal fence around the territory, as well as the absence of any sign. Moreover, this facility is located only three kilometers from Red Square.

It so happened that the life of wealthy people excites the townsfolk. They are interested in gossip and scandals, novels and divorces, secret and explicit ... Businessman Trotsenko Roman is no exception in this regard: interesting facts from his life, his family and private life are always in the center of public attention. Here is some more interesting information: in 2012, AEON was on the 41st place in the list of non-public companies of the Russian Federation according to Forbes. AEON Corporation includes the Timmerman Yachts concern (Russia - Holland), which produces luxury class yachts. Sailing and snow-white and stylish mini-boats were a long-standing dream and a great passion of Mr. Trotsenko. And now he not only possesses them, but also produces them.

Trotsenko Roman: personal life

A well-known entrepreneur is married to a well-known business woman Sofia Sergeyevna Trotsenko. She is the executive director at the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art, and also holds the post of dean of the faculty of production at the Moscow Art Theater School. They have two wonderful sons. Sofya Sergeyevna Trotsenko today is a successful businesswoman, but in the past she was a model with the famous Russian couturier Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Later, she established the Ileven photo studio, where photo sessions of famous models for equally popular publications were held. Sophia is interested in collecting unique photographs and photo albums.Trotsenko romance personal life

The wife of a businessman

In 2010, Sofya Trotsenko organized the First All-Russian competition “Building a Fleet of a Strong Country”, which relates to industrial design in the field of shipbuilding. In 2012, she became deputy head of staff of the vice mayor of Moscow. Despite the active work, the woman also manages to be a great mother for her sons - Nikita and Gleb. Engaged in their cultural and spiritual development. The boys took everything good from their parents: just like their talented dad, they have both musical and artistic abilities. Trotsenko Roman Viktorovich familyHowever, the main passion for the Trotsenko family, their biggest hobby is traveling, and, of course, they are most attracted to coastal countries where you can enjoy plenty of water sports, go sailing, explore the seabed. In winter, they strive to visit the best ski resorts and teach children how to manage snowboards and skiing. In a word, Trotsenko Roman Viktorovich, whose family is his main wealth (from his words), is successful not only in work, but also in his personal life.

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