
Conditions for marriage, or What to prepare for when going to the registry office?

Few people think about difficulties at the very beginning of family life. Unfortunately, it happens that problems arise much earlier than anyone could have imagined. Moreover, often troubles are caused by the fact that young people did not bother to find out all the conditions for marriage.

Requirements for spouses

Marriage Conditions

The main condition for permission to organize a new unit of society is the entry of future spouses into marriageable age. For the Russian Federation, this is 18 years. According to article 13 of the UK, if there are good reasons for marriage, you can be 16 years old. The article does not list specific reasons that can be called valid. But in fact, the conditions for marriage before the age at which it is allowed to get married can be the following: pregnancy or the birth of a child, cohabitation with a common household, and other similar prerequisites.

Even if there are obvious reasons for early entry into family life, minors must be given permission to marry. Such a document is issued by the administration of the village. The administration should only be in the same district of the city as the registry office in which the marriage will be registered. To obtain permission, it is necessary to submit an application with the confirmation of the reason for the marriage - a certificate from the hospital, LCD or testimony of joint housekeeping.

In rare cases, you can violate these conditions of marriage. The Russian Federation has a clause in the law that allows marriage before the sixtieth birthday. For this, a law must be adopted in the region of residence explaining the conditions and procedure for marriage under the age of 16 years.

An unshakable rule is the voluntary mutual consent of marriage. Initially, a man and a woman confirm their consent when submitting an application to the registry office. The final consent is pronounced orally during the marriage process. This consent is certified by personal signatures.

Reasons for rejection of marriage

For our country, perhaps the most important reason for the refusal of marriage is the fact that the newlyweds are of the same sex. A same-sex couple will not accept an application for registration in any registry office of the country.

The Family Code explicitly prohibits the following citizens from getting married:

  1. If one of the couple already has a spouse. Including, if a Russian citizen was married abroad. This marriage will be recognized by the Russian Federation. Accordingly, it will be impossible to enter into another marriage in Russia before the dissolution of the first, if at least one of the conditions is met: the marriage is registered in accordance with the law of a foreign state; There are no circumstances prohibiting this union of the RF IC.
  2. If at least one of the future newlyweds is officially declared legally incompetent.
  3. The conditions and procedure for marriage prohibit communication between immediate or blood relatives. Thus, they cannot become spouses:
  • children and parents born and adopted;
  • grandparents and grandchildren / granddaughters;
  • siblings who have at least one common parent (cousins ​​and stepbrothers can get married).

For what reasons do authorities not have the right to refuse marriage registration

It is important to remember that the lack of registration at the place of residence cannot be a reason for the registry office to refuse the registration procedure. Marriage is permissible in any registry office throughout Russia at the request of the newlyweds.

It is impossible to forbid marriage due to illness. The exception is HIV infection or severe sexually transmitted disease.

Conditions and procedure for marriage

Firstly, to write a statement you need to come to the registry office in person. Usually the bride and groom come together to submit an application. In rare cases (illness, urgent departure), it is allowed to write a separate statement and assure it of a notary public. In this case, the second of the couple submits an application to the registry office in person.

Conditions and procedure for marriage

How long should I wait?

If all the conditions for marriage are met, the marriage will occur 30 days after the application. There are situations when the term is changed.

  • In the direction of reduction, if the bride presents a certificate of the birth of a child or pregnancy, if the groom is drafted into the ranks of the Russian army, if a business trip is approaching, etc. In exceptional circumstances, registration is made on the day the application is submitted. Such a reason could be a departure to a hot spot, a serious operation planned, etc. Confirmation of the special urgency of marriage is required.
  • Also, the waiting period can be increased. The increase does not take more than one month. This happens if guests are expected to attend the wedding, thorough preparations are underway, work is expected to be completed, etc. To provide an additional month to prepare for the wedding, you must submit an application to the registry office.

What expenses do the bride and groom expect?

Conditions for marriage

Marriage conditions do not imply global spending. It is enough to pay the state fee at the bank. But they make marriages not only in the registry office.

By a special decision, you can sign in a hospital, in a military unit, at home. The law of the Russian Federation allows you to get married in such conditions. But for the "exit" marriage will have to pay an additional fee.

If you want to hold not just registration, but a solemn event, you need to find out in your registry office how much more will need to be paid to the cashier of the institution.

The conditions for marriage these days do not include the mandatory rings and the presence of witnesses at registration. But still, the majority of the couple are not ready to abandon the traditional accessories that mark the beginning of a new life.

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