
Objective and purpose of the study: definition of methods

The task and purpose of the research constitute the backbone of scientific work. When writing term papers and dissertations, dissertations, the author always begins by posing a problematic issue and determining the main areas of his work, which largely determines the formulation of the correct conclusions and conclusions.

general characteristics

The task and purpose of the study are of fundamental importance for any scientific work. By the apt definition of K. Marx, the correct formulation of the problem is half the success of the analysis of scientific material. It should be noted here that the goal is the general setting that the scientist sets himself when solving a particular problem. As a rule, it is generalized in nature, it has little specificity, since it only introduces the author into the course of affairs and sets the direction of the search. Its wording should be extremely accurate and understandable both for the scientist himself and for reviewers. Despite its generalized nature, it nevertheless, in its most general form, makes it clear what work essentially represents. The task and purpose of the study should be determined at the very beginning of the work. In this case, the task concretizes the goal, clarifies some of its most important provisions. Therefore, in scientific work, authors, as a rule, single out several tasks for a more detailed explanation of the meaning of their work.

task and purpose of research

Relationship with object and subject

The most important methodological characteristics of a scientific monograph, dissertation or diploma are subject and object. The last concept means in the most general that which is analyzed in the study of a particular problem. The task and purpose of the study must fully comply with it. But, as a rule, it is the goal that reflects the problematic question that the student poses for himself when writing a work. The subject is understood to mean individual properties, qualities, sides of the object that are being examined, tasks that correspond to it, which also explain what exactly the author is interested in.

problem goals research tasks


The problem of the goal, the task of the research is that its formulation and wording should reflect as accurately as possible the idea that the author wants to convey with his work. But at the initial stage it is extremely difficult to do, because scientists first formulate a hypothesis, which they put forward at first as some kind of guideline in their search. At this stage, it is extremely important for the researcher to present at least roughly what he wants to get in the conclusion of his work. The goal is just a mental image, the result of the analysis of a particular problem, this is the final result, the cumulative result that the specialist wants to achieve at the end of his work. The goal, objectives, object and subject of the research constitute the backbone of any work, and therefore it is very important to relate them to each other. In this series, it is important to determine the means and ways to conduct an analysis of the problem. The task is the author’s choice of methods and methods for the most optimal solution to the main issue.

objective of the task object and subject of study

Goal statement

The correct formulation of methodological characteristics determines the course of all scientific work. Therefore, it is not without reason that the authors pay such close attention to the competent formulation of the problem and the scientific apparatus in general. The purpose, objectives, research methods determine the content and headings of chapters, paragraphs, sections and subsections. The formulation of the goals of the work, as a rule, is traditional: it is denoted by such words as “reveal”, “establish”, “determine” and others. Using these words, the scientist shows what exactly he achieves with his work.As a rule, he seeks to detect and characterize any new aspects of the subject, to describe its previously unknown properties, to reveal the connection of phenomena, their relations with each other. This is all the more important because the determination of the novelty and relevance of work depends on this, which is especially appreciated in the scientific community. In formulating the goal, the scientist designates for himself and for the readers the laws that he intends to indicate, or the classification of phenomena and signs. Sentences should be indicated in the form of verbs in an infinitive form and imperfect form.

goal of the research methods

Task statement

At the second preparatory stage, the scientist is determined with the details and details with which he will work, for which he prescribes the objectives of the study. The purpose of the study is a general ideal speculative model of the final result, but the author analyzes specific facts for which he needs to narrow the field somewhat.

research objectives research objective is

Therefore, he divides the target into several sub-goals, depending on the level of difficulty and difficulty of the problem. It is best to move from a simple task to a more complex one - this allows you to most effectively use the opportunities available to the author. Usually, this methodological characteristic is denoted by an affirmative sentence, which makes it possible to better understand a large volume of material. There are several types of tasks; Conventionally, they are usually divided into three groups:

1. Those that are aimed at identifying the most important, essential features, criteria, characteristics of the studied subject.

2. Those that justify the most effective ways to solve a problem.

3. Those that explain the selected methods for analyzing the problem.


The goal, objectives, object of study are closely interconnected also because they determine in their totality the scientific novelty and practical significance of the work. For training programs, the last component is of primary importance, since at this educational stage it is most important to teach a student elementary skills in working with scientific and educational material, as well as instill in him an interest and understanding of what a full-fledged research work is. However, in graduate school, students are already reaching a higher level of development and must understand the scientific significance and the novelty of their work, not only in practice but also in theory.

goal of the object

Topic selection

The subject of research, purpose, tasks depend on the topic of the selected work, as well as on the problem posed. Ideally, the structure of the work should completely repeat the methodological characteristics that are fixed in the introduction. The problem is selected based on the presence of contradictions in any scientific field. In addition, the authors are guided by their choice on the degree of knowledge of a topic from historiography. Of particular interest in the scientific community are those topics that are either not studied, or little studied in science. At the same time, the authors proceed from the importance of the practical significance of the work. Indeed, scientific work is only valuable when its results can be used in practice.

The goals and objectives of the study are also formulated with an eye to this setting. Setting himself a task, the scientist primarily focuses on how useful his invention can be in society from a scientific and practical point of view. In addition to the above factors, the socio-political situation, which determines the interest in a particular issue, is also of great importance. In this case, we are talking about the so-called public order, which scientists often focus on.

subject of research goal of the task

Connection with the problem

The main methodological characteristics are the goals, objectives of the study.The main part of the work, that is, the chapters and paragraphs, is devoted to their disclosure, in the introduction they are prescribed as the main guidelines, and in the conclusion, based on them, the main results are summarized. In fact, the setting and formulation of the goal is the author’s choice of the most effective way to solve the problem. Its solution is a certain sequence of actions, a kind of algorithm that is set using goals and objectives. Therefore, the scientific community attaches particular importance to their formulation: it is important that these methodological characteristics are spelled out in simple, competent, understandable sentences.

Place in scientific work

Goals and objectives are formulated at the beginning of term, diploma, dissertation research. There is no single criterion for their wording; at the disposal of authors and scientists there are only some general rules that are generally recognized and which are used most often in works. So, when choosing a task, for example, the researchers are guided by what methods they will use, how theoretically they will justify one or another conclusion. The methodological characteristics considered in this article serve as steps to solving the problem. Therefore, it is especially important that the chapters and paragraphs exactly follow the wording of goals and objectives, and the conclusions in the conclusion are very briefly, clearly, accurately and correctly presented precisely on the basis of specific goals and objectives. They are closely related to a hypothesis, which is an assumption and a conjecture that needs proof. In this sense, the goal is similar to a hypothesis, since it also represents the mental result of scientific work. When choosing the considered methodological characteristics, it is also necessary to focus on the problem, research methods and techniques.

Research stages

If the goals are very general, then the tasks are intended to clarify the author’s actions to solve the problem. As a rule, a set of methodological steps is traditional. Depending on the breadth and depth of the chosen topic, the scientist sets his tasks. If, for example, it is a question of considering a broad problem, he sets himself the task of formulating general provisions, identifying similarities and differences, assessing the state of the object at this stage of development, and so on. If we are talking about a specific, experimental study, then he sets himself the task of analyzing an element, identifying any of its properties, checking its effect under certain conditions. It should be noted here that the first group of tasks relates primarily to the humanities, the second to scientific and technical.

Discipline specifics

It should be noted here that, despite the universality of approaches in choosing methodological characteristics, the discipline to which the chosen topic belongs has a great influence on their formulation. Humanitarian work has more general research objectives; the purpose of the study is to study a social phenomenon in the most general sense. Of course, here it is impossible to do without specifics, details, facts, but they serve as an auxiliary material for proving a hypothesis or a conclusion. Another thing is the exact sciences. Here, the researcher most often deals with specific physical material, his main way of solving the problem most often is an experiment, which largely determines the specifics of methodological characteristics, since now the author should give his reasoning not on the basis of scientific material, but on the basis of practical experience .

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