
Gold investment coins. Investment coins of Russia

Investment coins are a category of coins that are minted from precious metals with a characteristic high breakdown. The advantage is given to either gold or silver. The coins themselves have no artistic value. They play the role of an asset to save and increase their capital.

The specifics of investment coins

investment coins

Investment coins are presented as “ANC” or simple coinage. This mark indicates that the asset has never been used in circulation. This type of coinage is characteristic of automated production. The release of the asset is carried out on a chased conveyor in large volumes. This coin category has simple but specific requirements. Each unit of the asset must have a standard weight that does not differ from the weight of analogues. The thickness is standard, the texture is uniform. Drawing does not have to be complicated. The design is characterized by a simplified format. Small parts and mirror surfaces are minimized or absent. Products with the quality of "anti-circular" (ANC) correspond to a fresh and uniform, uniformly matte gloss. There are products with a metallic sheen. Minor damage, but only mechanical damage, is allowed.

Which investment coins are better invest?

gold investment coins

Experienced investors recommend investing in coins made of gold. This metal is characterized by the presence of important features. These are high reliability indicators and good liquidity, affordability and an excellent promising future. Gold assets have a high level of volatility compared to silver products. In the global market, the value of silver may remain static for several years. The price of any asset depends on the precious alloy from which it is made. So, the value of gold coins is formed taking into account the value of the gold itself. With a dynamic fluctuation in the value of a precious metal in the world market, the value of the coins themselves changes significantly.

When to buy assets?

investment coins of Russia

A sufficiently large percentage of people are used to buying gold investment coins at a time when there are free funds on hand. This approach to investing is wrong. Experienced investors carefully select the moment to make a purchase. Experts do not advise buying an asset when its price is actively growing. There is a high risk that after the purchase, the price of the precious metal will drop significantly. Part of the capital just melts. The most profitable are the purchases of precious coins during periods of their depreciation. According to the wave theory of the movement of all financial markets, after the falls there are ups. Economic laws speak of a systematic alternation of price spikes, both in plus and minus. Simply put, it is more promising to buy gold investment coins into ownership at the height of the crisis or during periods of sharp depreciation of the dollar.

Issue of investment coins in Russia

investment coins bank

The issuing activity of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation provides for the release of commemorative coins from precious or base metals. The policy of the largest financial institution also provides for the issue of such an asset as investment coins of Russia. Products are widely distributed among investors not only in the country, but also abroad. This area of ​​activity has been active since the creation of the Central Bank, since 1992. In the period from 1965 to 1991, the issue of commemorative and investment coins was assigned to the State Bank of the USSR.The dominant position in the minting of coins by the Bank of Russia is occupied by historical and sports items, and long-term programs. An example is the series “Outstanding Personalities of Russia” and “Monuments of Architecture of Russia”, “Golden Ring of Russia”, “Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, and many others. Starting in 1996, the issue of new investment coins for the domestic market was established. The innovators in the field of monetary investment assets were a gold dime of ordinary quality (1975 - 1982) and a silver coin with a 1995 sable. By a decision of the leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in 2001, gold chervonets, but in their usual quality, together with Sobol silver coins, are used as ordinary means of payment at the same level with new-type coins issued since January 1, 1998.

Asset Status and Legislation

Coin Investment Victorious

In February 2006, at the initiative of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, an investment coin "George the Victorious." In 2009, investors were pleased with the identical coin, but made of silver. Gold Chervonets, George the Victorious, Sobol made of silver and gold products of the Zodiac Sign series have full statuses and technical parameters of precious metal assets, any actions with which are regulated by 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Coins are not taxed on surplus value. The low cost of issuing assets ensures the price of the latter at the level of the value of the precious metal from which they are made. The situation creates the prerequisites for the use of silver and gold banknotes as a self-sufficient tool for investment.

Where is the minting of investment coins of Russia carried out?

Investment coins of the Central Bank are issued at mints in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They are distinguished by the impeccable quality of coinage, are in great demand. It is interesting to note that domestic products have repeatedly received prizes and insignia from numismatic publications and organizations. The bank does not distribute investment coins on its own. Assets are sold by specialized credit organizations (about 100 thousand institutions). Most of the coin runs are stored and distributed by the Savings Bank of Russia.

What are investment currency units?

investment coins george

In Russia there is a very limited number of investment coins. We can talk about such assets:

  • "Chervonets" or "Sower" 1975 - 1982, made of gold.
  • Assets of the series "Russian Ballet" 1993 release. They are made of silver, gold and palladium.
  • Coins of the Zodiac Signs collection, issued from 2000 to 2005. Products are made of gold.
  • The investment coin "George the Victorious" with a nominal value of 50 rubles was issued in 2012, as well as from 2002 to 2005.
  • Products released in honor of the 2014 Winter Olympics, which were minted between 2011 and 2013. Monetary units of gold have a face value of 50 and 100 rubles. The silver analogue is issued with a face value of 3 rubles.
  • A coin made of gold called "River Beaver" with a face value of 100 rubles, minted in 2008.
  • An asset called the “History of Russian Currency” in 2009, made of gold.
  • "Sable" from silver with a face value of 3 rubles of 1995 of release.
  • Coin investment "Victorious George", minted from silver with a face value of 3 rubles.

Silver products in terms of investment potential are inferior to their gold counterparts. This is due not only to the low volatility of silver in the world market, but also to the large spread of the bank for this category of assets. Gold is optimal for investment, and silver is for an exquisite gift.

The most sought after gold coins

investment coin George the Victorious

The most common gold coins among investors are the Chervonets “Sower” and “St. George the Victorious”.

  • Chasing the Chervonets “Sower” was conducted from 1975 to 1982. The coin is made of 900 metal.This decision ensured the safety of the asset an order of magnitude higher than that of coins with 999 breakdowns. Chervonets does not require special storage and handling conditions. A specialized capsule is not needed. Circulation - 6 565 000 pieces.
  • Investment coins "George the Victorious" issued since 2006. The nominal value is 50 rubles. For minting, metal 999 is used. Circulation - 3,480,000 units.

The most sought after silver coins

The most common coins made of silver among investors are the Victorious and Sable.

  • The issue of the Victorious silver coin has been launched since 2009. For minting, metal 999 is used. The face value of the coin is 3 rubles. The quality of coinage is standard “ACN”. Circulation - 280,000 pieces.
  • "Sable" from silver with a face value of 3 rubles was released almost at the very end of 1995. When minting, metal 925 is used. In its pure form, 31.1 grams of silver was used in each product. The investment status was assigned to the coin on March 5, 2001. Circulation - 1 million items. The quality of the production of "ACN".

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