
The temperature standard in the apartment during the heating season - requirements, features and rules

Russia may be a cold country compared to a number of others, but the apartments of citizens of the Russian Federation are much warmer than in many European countries. The fact is that we have central heating, which is subsidized by the state. The French, Germans and British, who are completely devoid of such luxury, are forced to temper and save a lot of money. This is the theoretical side of the issue. However, what do we have in practice? What are the temperatures in the apartment during the heating season? Are approved standards complied with? You can find answers to all these and other equally interesting questions in this article.

Heating and hot water: temperature standards

temperature rate in the apartment during the heating season

Since central heating is currently a concern of the state, the heating standards in citizens' apartments and non-residential premises are determined in a centralized manner. In accordance with GOST 30494-2011, during the heating season, the temperature in the rooms where people live, in bathrooms and in the kitchen, should under no circumstances fall below eighteen degrees. What air temperature should be in the apartment? In cold regions, including the Khabarovsk Territory or Yakutia, a temperature of twenty degrees is set for living rooms, for a bathroom and kitchen, this figure should equal or exceed eighteen degrees.

Additional terms

In the process of studying the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season, it is important to note that from 00.00 to 5.00 a decrease of the above standards by three degrees is acceptable (it should be noted that the deviation is very insignificant). The fact is that during sleep, a person does not need as much heat as in the process of life. Thus, heating providers legally take advantage of this fact, arguing that they are saving state resources.


heating and hot water temperature standards

If the GOST indicated in the first chapter is considered a reference book of specialists involved in the design of engineering systems, then absolutely all communal services (it should be clarified that there are no exceptions in this rule) ensure that degrees and hours are verified with RF Government Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011. It is worth adding that it, in particular, determines the beginning of the heating season in the territory of the Russian Federation. The norm of the temperature in the apartment during the heating season is eighteen degrees, and the batteries should be turned on on the 6th day after the thermometer outside the citizens window starts to show a temperature below eight degrees. It should be noted that this rule acts as acting and in the opposite direction. In other words, as soon as the spring air reaches 8 degrees (calculated as the average per day) and stores the position data for 5 consecutive days, the utilities decide to turn off the battery in citizens' apartments.

The temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season are centralized. However, often the established framework of the heating period does not correspond to our wishes and preferences related to our own comfort. Almost every fall, utilities in different regions of the Russian Federation receive hundreds and thousands of requests to turn on heating in apartments earlier than planned.It is important to note that today clear temperature standards are set in the apartment during the heating season, therefore, municipal structures have the full right to reject citizens' requests until the day comes that is determined by the Decree in force in the country.

Unit for heating apartment buildings

what air temperature should be in the apartment

Further, it would be appropriate to consider the issue of heating devices in multi-apartment housing at the present time. The heat going to our apartments, as a rule, is generated in boiler rooms or at thermal power plants. It is there that the water is heated in order to run it through pipes into the apartments of the inhabitants of Russia. One way or another, it should get to the batteries in a hot state, so you need to heat it as much as possible. What should be the temperature in the apartment? Norms we indicated above. However, what are the standards for water itself? Each student is aware that at a hundred degrees the water will begin to boil, but this reaction does not occur with water in the heating pipes. In heating pipes, a pressure of 7-8 atmospheres is formed. This increases the boiling point of water, increases it to 160-170 degrees.

Coolant distribution

In order to maintain the established temperature standard in the apartment during the heating season today, different coolant distribution schemes are used (this is the name of the water that is in the heating batteries and pipes in the official documentation), which enters the citizens' apartments from the CHP. The most common of these is an independent heat supply scheme. In accordance with it, water does not flow through pipes into apartments directly. Initially, it goes to a heat point, which is usually located in the basement of any multi-story building or non-residential building (for example, a business center). It is there that the water passes through the heat exchange mechanism and cools to a temperature acceptable for supply to living rooms or offices. It is worth considering that the water in the radiators cannot be very hot, because it is very dangerous. After passing through the heating batteries inside the house, the already cooled coolant (up to about 25-35 degrees) returns to the heat point. It is there that the water heats up again and gets into citizens' apartments or office premises.

Battery Temperature

what are the norms of temperature in the apartment during the heating season

The temperature in the apartment during the heating season is eighteen degrees. However, what is the standard for batteries? It is worth noting that the only indicator that relates specifically to heating batteries in multi-apartment buildings is the maximum temperature of the water (coolant). Under no circumstances should it be higher than 95 degrees, if we are talking about two-pipe systems, and above 105 degrees in relation to single-tube type systems.

What system do you have installed?

what should be the temperature in the apartment

Finding out which system (single-tube or double-tube type) is installed in your home is easy enough. To do this, you need to look at your radiator and calculate how many pipes are in connection with it. It should be noted that two-pipe systems are somewhat wider today, because they are much more economical and efficient.

The lower limit of the temperature of the coolant in heating batteries is not officially fixed. The only rule is that heating batteries must somehow provide those temperature standards in the living rooms, in the kitchen and in the bathroom of each apartment, which are established by GOST 30494-2011. Naturally, if the batteries themselves are a little warm, they are not able to heat a single room to eighteen degrees specified by GOST, unless the room is too small.

What and how to measure

the temperature standard in the apartment during the heating season 4, the temperature standard in the apartment during the heating season 2, heating and hot water temperature standards 1, what are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season 1, what air temperature should be

What if the house is cold during the heating season? First you need to take the appropriate measurements. In other words, measure the temperature in the living rooms and, of course, compare it with the standards provided by GOST.This is necessary in order to make sure: poor heating is not your personal feelings, but an unpleasant reality. If there really is a deviation, certain measures need to be taken.

What to do?

what to do if it is cold at home during the heating season

If your measurements can be argued by the rules established in this regard, then complaining is completely useless. So, you have to warm yourself independently. However, if your measurements indicate that the temperature in the apartment does not comply with the standards, then today there are several options for resolving the issue.

Firstly, the air congestion in the batteries may interfere with the heat entering the apartment. The fact is that such plugs create an obstacle to the circulation of water, as a result of which violations in heating become apparent. The cork is removed independently. To do this, open the special valve located near the upper corner of the radiator and bleed air. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to call a master.

Firstly, the cause of the cold in the apartment can be impressive heat loss. This problem is common especially in older buildings. In this situation, the batteries are very hot, but there is no heat in the apartment. Here, the challenge of public services is a futile action. You need to take care of your comfort on your own. By the way, you should not get carried away with sealing, because after curing one weak spot, you can easily cripple another.

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