
Sample order on combining posts (professions). Combination surcharge

In modern reality, to ensure a comfortable life, people often have to work overtime, combine several jobs and positions, completely immerse themselves in work. For some, this is a personal need, others have to replace colleagues or perform work in the currently vacant position. This article considers the issue of accepting additional duties, a sample order for combining posts, rules for registration, risks for the employee and the employer and some other issues related to this topic.

Combination surcharge

What is a combination of posts

Often you can meet a person who works on two, or even more, jobs at once. Everyone has their own goals, but, of course, the main reason is the low salary and lack of money. Maybe even in our immediate environment there is a person who works as an manager in the office during the day and works as a taxi in the evening, or an accountant who remotely reports to outside organizations in his spare time from his main bookkeeping. Only work in two jobs is not a combination of posts, as it might have seemed from the beginning. Combination is the assignment of an employee the job duties of a vacant place, or an employee who has gone on indefinite leave. At the same time, the combination does not extend the working day, does not add additional shifts, and does not take away the required weekend from the employee. All these nuances can be found in Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

order to combine posts at one enterprise

What regulates the combination

All information that may be of interest to the parties is set forth in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The regulation on the combination of duties describes the form of the order on the combination of posts. The necessary documents are indicated, the rules for registration, the nuances of the surcharge, the duration of the working day and other important points.

In what situations is applied

The opportunity to combine posts for an employee may appear for a number of reasons. You can prove the occurrence of this possibility using the following documents:

  • Staffing schedule. It lists all the posts that are involved in this organization. If any of them is empty, the employee may be offered a combination of their main job with the duties of a vacant post.
  • Time sheet. It indicates all attendance and absenteeism, shift time, as well as the reasons and deadlines for the absence of workers. Depending on the code of the reason for the absence of the employee, his job duties may be temporarily assigned to another employee.

The absence of the employee must be confirmed by the primary documents of personnel records. So, the following documents should be in the personnel department: the employee’s application and the head’s order for leave without pay, the head’s statement and leave for the parent to take leave, the certificate of incapacity for work issued by the medical institution and signed by the attending physician.

Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Laying additional responsibilities on the employee

Combining posts in the redistribution of one organization is only possible if the jobs are close enough to each other and moving between them does not take too much time. At the same time, additional duties should not reduce the quality of work in the main area or increase the duration of the work shift established by labor legislation. The nature of the combined professions determines which responsibilities will be assigned to the employee.Combination can be carried out with an identical position. For example, the procurement manager fell ill, and his responsibilities were transferred to another manager who performs the same functions. Then a person combining positions will perform a larger amount of work, but relating to the same set of competencies. The second type of combination is the fulfillment of the duties of a profession that is not related to the main type of activity. Then the employee performs duties that were not originally intended for him. For example, a sales manager temporarily purchases goods for the needs of a company.

How to write a combination order

Limitations on Combining Occupations

Combining and combining posts are two different things. All restrictions mainly apply only to multiple jobs. When combined, the conclusion of an additional labor contract is not required, an entry is not made in the work book, additional leave is not provided, and additional hours of work are not paid. The copayment surcharge is usually presented as a percentage of the salary. Officially, the minimum size of surcharges has not been spelled out anywhere, so the decision is made during a conversation between the employer and the employee and is set based on their agreement. Instead of an employment contract, an order to combine posts at one enterprise is used.

The restrictions that may arise when combining posts are reduced to the following list:

  • both posts are located in the same organization;
  • the time of the working day does not change;
  • Opportunities and qualifications of the employee dispose to combination.
Sample Combination Order

Risks to Parties

The parties may agree on unlimited part-time employment, but if one of the parties decides to terminate this mode of operation, the agreement is automatically terminated. There are no guarantees that tomorrow the employer will continue to pay for additional functions, or that the employee will continue to perform them. Yes, and the amount of payment when combined - a moot point. The percentage of salary specified in the agreement may be too low for the amount of work entrusted. Another controversial issue is the application of the northern coefficients to the surcharge. Employers prefer to forget about them in this case. And, of course, many companies load their employees with extra work without asking for their opinion on this matter. Many problems can be avoided if you know how to write an order to combine posts correctly. In judicial practice, there are enough precedents for resolving combination disputes. But workers and employers often prefer to leave all the problems within the organization, simply filling out their own free will.

Sample Combination Order

Registration rules

The process of assigning additional responsibilities has a certain procedure for registration, which depends on the initiative side. So, if the desire to perform additional work comes from the worker himself, he writes a statement addressed to the head, which he, in turn, must endorse with his signature and subsequently agree in detail with his subordinate. After that, a sample order for combining posts is filled.

The second version of the development of events is a proposal for combining by the authorities. The head writes a memo with an offer to the employee to expand competencies. The employee must consider it and put a note on consent or disagreement. After that, you can fill out a sample order for combining posts.

Documents and Salaries

The following information must be indicated in the application and memo:

  • name and data of the company, F. I. O. chief;
  • employee data and position;
  • name of the combined position, description of duties and functions;
  • the amount of surcharge for combining work.

If the application or memorandum was regarded positively and accepted by the other party, the personnel service proceeds to issue the order.A sample order on combining posts must contain information on the duration of the combination (or on its perpetuity) and the size of the surcharge. It must be signed by both the employer and the employee. After the issuance of the order, an additional agreement to the employment contract is concluded.

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