
Sample application for study leave: features of writing, the procedure for registration and recommendations

Not always with the beginning of a career, training stops. Some people actively and successfully learn and work. Only sometimes do these spheres intersect and interfere with each other. For example, an employee needs time to prepare and pass a session. In this case, you can apply for study leave. A sample of such paper will be presented later. First, we need to get acquainted with all the features of the preparation and submission of the mentioned document.sample leave application


What is a study leave application? We will study a sample of this paper below. But what is she like?

The said application is a request from an employed student addressed to the employer. When applying for study leave, an employee should be given time to “rest” from work in favor of training.

In fact, a employed person is asked by the employer for some time from work in order to devote himself to study. For example, during sessions. A similar right is enshrined in article 26 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


How to write an application for study leave (a sample document is presented)? First, let's take a closer look at this break. It is of several types.


  • paid;
  • without compensation.

What kind of vacation is assigned to an employee? The answer will depend on the circumstances. We will talk about them later.sample leave application

General grounds

Before this, it is worth remembering that not always a person can ask for leave in favor of studying with his boss. There are a number of general conditions under which this operation takes place.

These include:

  • obtaining secondary specialized or higher education for the first time;
  • completion and certification of general basic education;
  • the organization providing training services has state type accreditation.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. A sample application for study leave can be seen in the article. You can demand a break for study without much difficulty.


When will the study period be paid? As we have said, it all depends on the specific situation. For example, this feature may be regulated by an employment contract. Therefore, it is worth exploring the general reasons for paying vacation time for studies.

These include the following conditions:

  • the subordinate is currently studying in absentia or in absentia;
  • the educational organization has state accreditation.

It is not entirely clear when it is possible to apply for paid study leave (a sample of this document is published below). To get rid of unnecessary questions, it is enough to find out when the separation from work will not provide for compensation.application for paid study leave

Without payment

Quite often, the mentioned break is not paid. The bulk of students and workers in one person may not rely on payments during their rest from performing work duties.

The thing is that, without payment, a study leave is granted if:

  • full-time citizen;
  • a person passes entrance tests for admission;
  • passes certification in preparatory courses;
  • is engaged in obtaining a second (or more) professional education.

Thus, if a person decided to get several diplomas and work in parallel, he may not count on compensation during the sessions. However, vacations are still actively taking shape. But how is this done?

Presentation form

Writing a competent sample leave application is easier than it sounds. It is enough to remember some elementary rules.

The first of these is the paper presentation form. The application of the established form can be submitted to the employer only in writing. The maximum is in electronic. Verbal agreement in this case has no effect.

 how to write a sample leave application


How to write an application for study leave? The writing pattern, as you can see, has a certain structure. You can do without it, but, as practice shows, the document is unlikely to be considered.

Any statement consists of:

  • caps;
  • Names
  • body text;
  • list of attached documents;
  • conclusions.

Following this procedure, it will be possible not only to correctly compose a request, but also to correctly execute it.

how to write a sample leave application

About the text

How to write an application for study leave (a sample of this paper has already been submitted to us)? We already know about the structure. It remains to find out exactly what information will have to be written in the main part of the document.

It can not be called unambiguous. After all, the text of the request will have to indicate any information that could affect the decision regarding the provision of a break for work for study.

We can say with confidence that the above request should include:

  • Applicant's full name;
  • information about the educational institution;
  • the reason for submitting the request;
  • estimated break duration;
  • justification of the request.

In fact, everything is simple and extremely clear. Especially if you draw up a document according to the proposed rules. The literacy and reliability of the text should not be forgotten either.how to write an application for study leave sample

When to serve?

Some people wonder at what point an employee may demand a vacation (paid or non-paid) for training. And here there are many conflicts.

This is due to the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide any time limits regarding the notification of the employer about intentions to take a break from work. This means that an employee can apply for a study leave (we already saw a sample of it) even a day before it is needed. Employers, however, believe that workers are required to report such things in advance.

However, there are some unspoken rules that help avoid conflicts. Vacation may be paid. Accountants need 3 days to provide the appropriate payments. And another 1 day should be spent on notifying the employer about the break. It follows that you need to submit an application 4-5 days before the vacation. This is not an obligation, but a recommendation.

About the action algorithm

It’s clear how to write an application for study leave. Sample actions when submitting the corresponding request also does not cause any trouble. However, some features are worth knowing.

So, in order to ask for time from the employer, the student employee must:

  1. Contact the educational institution and request a help certificate there. It will indicate the period for which the vacation is required.
  2. Get a license and accreditation at a university or college. Their copies, certified in the prescribed manner, are required.
  3. Collect other papers that could affect the vacation.
  4. Write a statement of the established form.
  5. Submit a request to the employer. Prepared certificates are attached to it in advance.

You can wait for an answer from the employer. As a rule, they are not entitled to refuse vacation. But to provide an unpaid break from work - easily. It is this scenario that occurs most often in practice.

Before rest

It is worth remembering that even after applying for an educational leave, a citizen should not relax. Sometimes it happens that the request is not signed. And the actions of the employee are regarded as truancy.

To prevent this from happening, the subordinate must make sure that the boss has signed a vacation application. Otherwise, as already mentioned, the absence of a person in the workplace may be considered absenteeism.Such a violation is punishable by reprimand, a fine, and even dismissal.

The employer, in turn, not only signs the application, but also issues an order to leave his employee on vacation due to study. A standard vacation order form is suitable.

After vacation

A sample application for a study leave has already been fully studied by us. This paper does not have any particularly complicated nuances. Even a schoolboy will cope with its writing.

It’s not enough to know how to go on vacation for study. We have to take into account that returning to the workplace also has some key points. What is this about?

After the student finishes the session, he must without fail contact his educational institution. The dean’s student will receive a certificate of confirmation. It is necessary to indicate that the employee was indeed present at the session on time.

As soon as this paper is on hand, a person can return to work without problems. The resulting statement is presented to the employer, after which the issue of study leave is considered completely closed. The usual workdays begin.


We found out what a sample of filling out a study leave application looks like. We also had the opportunity to study the entire procedure for submitting a request. Conscientious student workers do not have any difficulties with the task.

Vacation of an educational type is the right of every subordinate receiving an education. It is protected by the labor law of the country. In the course of the operation studied, the Constitutional rights of the population of the Russian Federation to education are realized. So, the employer cannot hinder their implementation.study leave application

Despite this, the break that a person plans to take for training is advisable to coordinate with the employer in advance. And the fact of payment for this period, too. The only way to avoid negativity in the implementation of the task. The main thing is not to be afraid to assert your legal rights to the bosses!

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