
Educational activity is the work of educating and raising children. No. 273-ФЗ "On education in the Russian Federation"

Currently, there are many discussions and disputes on the topic of educational activities. This is no coincidence, because it is in the process of obtaining education that many character traits of a person are laid down, and physical, moral and mental improvement takes place. It is very important that the child grows as adapted as possible to the modern realities of life and can, with the help of his abilities, bring the greatest benefit to society. This requires the continuous development of educational activities as a system as a whole and full involvement in the process of all subjects of education.

Basic concepts

The purpose of the education process is to educate and educate a person at any age. Education is necessary for the proper formation and development of personality, the development of moral and spiritual values, and accustoming to accepted standards of behavior in society. Training allows you to master the necessary skills, abilities or knowledge, develop certain abilities and learn how to practically apply the information received in everyday life.

educational activity is

For the concept of "educational activity" the definition is used to denote the process of education and following in teaching people specially created training programs. The educational program is most often presented as a combination of various methodological and assessment materials, programs for conducting academic disciplines and subjects, a calendar schedule for training and other things and forms a single complex that includes the planned results, content and volume.

The person mastering the recommended educational program is a student. It acquires new knowledge most often under the direct supervision and guidance of a pedagogical worker who has concluded an agreement with an educational organization to fulfill the duties of training and education.

The process of knowledge transfer is carried out using various means of education. This includes a variety of equipment, devices, computers, visual and audio tools, information resources and other necessary objects.


The educational policy includes the following provisions on education in the Russian Federation:

  • everyone can get an education;
  • education should be humane in nature and combine free personal development and the cultivation of love for the motherland, responsibility, hard work, and a reasonable attitude to nature;
  • everyone can get an education corresponding to his inclinations and needs, choosing the form of training and educational institution depending on personal preferences;
  • educational organizations are required to have an open informational character and form public reports, however, they retain the right to autonomy and the democratic nature of educational management;
  • all relations in the field of education are regulated by the state and through contracts;
  • teaching staff are free to choose their own methods of training and education;
  • any restrictions or lack of competition between training organizations are unacceptable.

Education system structure

Education can be obtained by mastering one educational program or several at once.The training process usually takes into account existing education, as well as practical experience and qualifications.

Federal Law 273 on Education

The following levels of education are distinguished:

1) General:

  • preschool;
  • initial (starts at the age of seven, usually lasts 4 years);
  • core (5 years of study);
  • average (calculated for 2 years).

2) Professional:

  • secondary (duration of study depends on the educational institution);
  • higher - bachelor's degree (4 years of study), specialty (5 years), master's program (2-2.5 years);
  • higher - training highly qualified personnel;

3) Further education.

Forms of Education

Citizens of the Russian Federation, according to Federal Law 273 on education, have the right to receive education in two ways:

  1. With the help of an educational organization.
  2. Through self-education or family education.

about education in rf

Training in organizations takes into account the needs and capabilities of each student and the volume of employment of the teacher. It can take place in absentia, part-time or full-time.

Self-education is possible if subsequently intermediate and final certification in an educational institution is passed. It is allowed to combine various forms of training.


The following entities that carry out education and educational activities are distinguished:

  • educational institutions;
  • teaching staff;
  • learners.

The organization

Educational activity is a process that can be carried out by individual entrepreneurs, educational and training institutions.

The name of each organization must indicate its type and legal form. Additionally, in the title you can use indications of the features of the education provided and additional functions used to conduct educational activities.

training and education

Depending on the educational program being implemented, the following types of organizations are distinguished:

  1. DOE. Carry out pre-school education, supervision of children and their upbringing.
  2. General education. For their work, the program of educational activities of the initial level, primary and / or secondary is used.
  3. Professional. Provide vocational training and education.
  4. Universities. They train higher education personnel and conduct scientific activities.

Organization Charter and Management

Educational institutions are organizations operating on the basis of an approved charter. Each charter contains information about:

  • type of institution;
  • its founder;
  • educational programs;
  • management bodies of the organization.

Employees of the organization, students and their parents have the right to familiarize themselves with its charter.

The procedure for the establishment of governing bodies of the institution, their competence and the duration of their powers are prescribed in the charter. They work on the basis of the principles of collegiality and unity of command.

The current management and regulation is carried out by the sole leader (director, manager), performing the functions of the executive body.

There can be several collegial governing bodies; each of them has its own area of ​​competence. Collegiums such as the general meeting of workers, the academic or pedagogical council, the board of trustees, the manager and the supervisory council, and others, including those created with the aim of taking into account the opinions of representatives of minor students and students themselves on educational activities, may be formed.

Teaching staff

The right to teach are persons with higher or secondary vocational education and meeting professional standards and the requirements of qualification manuals. Each specialist receives some freedoms and rights, social support, state guarantees aimed at increasing the importance of teaching work.

To conduct basic educational activities, teachers are granted certain powers:

  • free choice of forms and methods of teaching;
  • independent selection of teaching aids and information materials;
  • involvement in the management of an educational institution, joining the collegiums;
  • the implementation of scientific, experimental, creative, research and other activities;
  • protection of honor and dignity, appeal to the commission on controversial issues, participation in the activities of public trade unions;
  • participation in the development of calendar schedules and curricula.

educational program

Teachers are required to:

  • Respect other employees and students
  • educate and educate, develop students' creative abilities, initiative, independence, patriotism, hard work;
  • increase your professional level;
  • periodically check for compliance with the post;
  • comply with the internal rules of the institution and its charter.


Educational activity is a process in which not only pedagogical workers are involved, but also students - individuals involved in the development of the educational program. Depending on the chosen organization, the level of education received and the form of training, students can be called:

  • pupils studying at a preschool institution or receiving a general education while living in an organization;
  • students - persons receiving general education;
  • students mastering professional or higher education;
  • graduate students and residents - persons studying in graduate school and residency;
  • externs enrolled in the organization for certification.

educational activities

Each student has the right to:

  • independent choice of organization and form of training, including several at once, if desired;
  • deferment of draft in the army;
  • holidays - breaks planned for rest and other purposes;
  • receiving free education in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law No. 273 on education;
  • participation in the management of the organization;
  • use of all information and library resources, objects of culture and sport, and other opportunities provided by the organization;
  • combination of study with work.

Students must:

  • observe discipline, comply with internal rules of procedure and the requirements of the charter;
  • be careful about the property of the institution;
  • conscientiously study the educational program;
  • take care of your moral, physical and mental self-improvement;
  • Respect other students and employees of the organization.

Learning process

Educational activities include the work of educating and raising children. It manifests itself in various forms: communicative, playing, research, music, labor, art, etc. Educational activity is a joint work of students and teachers aimed at mastering the material taught by students.


Educational activities can be carried out in different ways, each of its aspects has its own characteristics. Depending on the tasks set and the goals pursued, several methods of training are distinguished:

  1. Methods of educational activities. They are aimed at the formation of moral and spiritual values ​​of students. This may be, for example: self-esteem, repentance, imitation, deed, motivation. These actions can be divided into two groups: theoretical and practical. Theoretical activity is used to find and substantiate practical activity, which, in turn, allows you to consciously change the elements of the world.
  2. Methods of educational activity. They are by nature close to the scientific research activities of a scientist. They are divided into theoretical and empirical methods.Theoretical methods are used to carry out various mental operations (for example, analysis, comparison, induction, fantasy) and allow them to build hypotheses, engage in problem solving, identify contradictions, and put forward scientific theories. Empirical methods are aimed at conducting practical activities (writing essays, conducting experiments and experiments, taking notes, performing exercises).
  3. Learner development method. Used to improve mental processes. Development occurs either purposefully with the help of training in memory, emotions, attention, etc., or along the way in education and training.


For the implementation of educational activities, various teaching aids are used. Information and material means are games, teaching aids, special equipment and other items created by other people for educational activities.

The remaining learning tools are used by students on their own. These are language means, which include spoken languages ​​(native and foreign) and specialized (road signs, drawings, electrical circuits), specific scientific (mathematical, physical).

Logical means allow you to show mental abilities. They are formed by figurative perception and clearly effective. Thanks to these tools, a person learns to ask questions and give answers to them, solve problems, draw conclusions, and perform various mental operations.

educational development

The action of mathematical means begins with the formation of ideas about numbers and the ability to count. Subsequently, the development of mathematical tools occurs with a further study of the exact sciences.

Improving the process of educational activity is one of the urgent and pressing problems of the modern world. It is no coincidence that the laws on education in the Russian Federation undergo constant changes in order to develop the educational system.

Each person should have a minimum knowledge of educational activity, no matter whether he is a teacher or student. This will allow to properly educate and grow the future generation, which has spiritual values, developed intelligence and good physical data.

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