
Is it mandatory to register in the purchased apartment? Features and procedures for registration in the apartment

Is it mandatory to register in the purchased apartment? A similar question is asked by many homeowners. It often happens that a citizen bought an apartment, but he does not live for us. For example, due to moving to another city or district. Is this normal? Do people need to register in their home? And how do you register residents in an apartment? The answers to these questions should be known to every modern resident of the Russian Federation. Then it will be possible to avoid the problems associated with the registration of the country's population. Is it necessary to register in the purchased apartment

About registration

Is it possible to buy an apartment, but not to register in it? To begin with, we will understand what a residence permit is and why it is needed.

In Russia, legislation indicates that all citizens staying in the country for more than 90 days must be registered in one or another housing. Registration can be both temporary and permanent. The main thing is that she be.

Registration accounting allows not only to monitor citizens and their movements, but also allows:

  • receive services of the UK at the place of residence;
  • draw up benefits, payments and other state / municipal services;
  • use free of charge medical facilities attached to a particular area.

Therefore, registration (temporary or permanent) should be with everyone. The advantage of permanent residence is that if it comes to non-privatized housing, tenants will be able to participate in privatization and in the future they will be assigned a share in the apartment.

On the registration of citizens of the Russian Federation

Do I need a residence permit in the apartment? Under current law, all citizens of the Russian Federation must have a registration.

Is it possible to buy an apartment but not register in it

Initial registration can be made at any time. It takes place in the case of newborns. It is best to decide where the child will live in the first 30 days of his life.

When changing their place of residence, all other citizens must register in a new housing no later than a week after discharge from their previous apartment. Otherwise, you can wait for punishment.

The law allows you to have both a temporary residence permit and a permanent one. But this is a rather rare situation. As already mentioned, the main thing is that a person generally has a place of residence.

Overdue Responsibility

Is it mandatory to register in the purchased apartment? What will happen if you do not do this?

As already noted, when changing a place of residence, citizens must be discharged from the old apartment and registered in a new one. Otherwise, they will be held accountable.

To date, violation of the registration deadlines is punishable by a fine in the amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. Also, a person will be forced to register at a new address.

The right to registration

Is it possible not to register in a purchased apartment? Yes. The thing is that citizens can be property owners, but not be tenants. Such a technique is often used in practice.Do I need a residence permit in the apartment

The right to register in your own home does not oblige the landlord to do anything. He may, by personal desire, register in the acquired property. The main thing is that, as a whole, a person has a residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation. And where exactly does it take place - this is not so important.

In addition, the homeowner can register new residents in his apartment and write them out. This is his legal right.

Pros of lack of registration

Is it possible to buy an apartment, but not to register in it? As we have already found out, a citizen of the Russian Federation has such a right. Often people buy housing, but do not register in it. This technique has its advantages.

For example, if one house is rented out, but a person actually lives in another, then you do not need to think about which apartment is listed as a tenant. Also, when calculating utilities, the amount will be less. Especially if there are no meters in the apartment. After all, the "communal" is calculated by the number of residents.

Taxes and invoices

Is it mandatory to register in the purchased apartment? No, but this does not mean at all that the homeowner will be exempt from taxes and utility bills.

All these obligations are imposed on the owner of the apartment, regardless of where exactly he is registered. Therefore, do not think that registration affects the tax obligations of homeowners.Do I need to register someone when buying an apartment

Where are they registered?

Do I need to register someone when buying an apartment? Not. As practice shows, buyers when purchasing residential property require that all tenants be discharged from it. And then people are in no hurry to register for a new apartment. Especially if it is not the only housing.

The registration is made out:

  • at the MFC;
  • through the FMS;
  • in migration services;
  • in passport offices.

Each person who has decided to register in their apartment can choose where to register. How to do this will be described later!

Owner registration

Are you planning to register the owner in the apartment? The procedure in this case will be straightforward and understandable to everyone. Registration of owners of housing is the simplest operation related to registration.Is it possible not to register in the purchased apartment

A citizen will have to act like this:

  1. Obtain and register ownership of the apartment.
  2. Write an application for registration.
  3. Check out from your previous place of residence. Now this operation is performed automatically when registering a new registration.
  4. Collect a specific package of papers. Their list depends on how old the owner of the property is.
  5. Submit an application for registration with the prepared documents to the registration authority.
  6. Wait for registration.

That's all. Nobody can forbid the owner to register in his own housing. Even the other owners of the apartment. This fact must be taken into account.

About the preparation of documents

What time frames and how are they prescribed in the purchased apartment? The answer to this question will no longer make you think. This operation can be implemented without much difficulty. The main thing is to correctly form a package of documents.

Adult homeowners will be registered after they bring:

  • identity cards;
  • departure slip;
  • arrival sheet;
  • application for registration (and discharge from the former housing);
  • documents indicating ownership of the apartment.

registration of the owner in the apartment

Minor owners of residential real estate can only be registered with their parents. To register them you will need:

  • birth certificate (or passport - for children from 14 years old);
  • consent of one of the parents for registration (if mom and dad are registered in different apartments);
  • certificates of ownership;
  • departure sheet;
  • arrival leaflet;
  • application for registration at the place of residence.

In a few days, a citizen will be given either a certificate of registration (if the person has a temporary residence permit) or a passport will be given in which a stamp with a residence permit will be affixed.


Is it mandatory to register in the purchased apartment? Not. So far, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not oblige homeowners to have mandatory registration in their home. Such an obligation cannot be put into practice. After all, everyone can buy for themselves several apartments. And to register everywhere is a meaningless undertaking.It is enough to have one place of residence, and all the rest of the property only to dispose and own.

It is impossible to register someone in a particular territory without the consent of the owner. Only if we are talking about minor children (up to 14 years old). Juveniles are prescribed without fail with their parents, and the consent of the landlord is not necessary.

From the foregoing, it follows that the right of ownership does not affect the obligation of a citizen to have a residence permit. The legislation of the Russian Federation allows people to choose where to register as a tenant. But if it’s not about your apartment, you will have to obtain the consent of the homeowner for the operation.what are the deadlines and how are prescribed in the purchased apartment

A person may own 3, 5, 10 apartments. And this does not mean at all that someone must be registered in them. There are no such rules in the current legislation. But if desired, the landlord can at any time register on his territory, check out of it or register / deregister any other person.

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