
Mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations: procedure, frequency

There is article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, providing that the employer must conduct mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations. What are their conditions? What are they needed for? What are the nuances here? Why did you decide that it is necessary to conduct medical examinations without fail? All these questions will be answered in the framework of the article.

general information

Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation puts forward the requirement that the employer conduct mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations at his own expense. The former are carried out upon admission to a company or institution, and the latter during the course of employment. In addition, extraordinary examinations may be conducted at the request of workers. At the same time, they retain their place of work and average wages for the duration of the passage. Preliminary examinations are necessary for:

  1. Prevention and early detection of disease.
  2. Determination of compliance of the employee's health with the work entrusted to him.

Periodic inspections are carried out with the aim of:

  1. Dynamic monitoring of the health of employees in the face of professional negative factors of influence.
  2. Prevention and timely identification of the initial signs of disease, the adoption of timely rehabilitation measures to preserve the health and restore the working ability of workers.
  3. Prevention of industrial accidents.
  4. Timely detection and prevention of the spread of parasitic and infectious diseases.

But this is not a complete list of tasks for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees. More precisely, the list is overly general.

General organizational issues

preliminary periodic medical examination order

They are regulated by article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to highlight the following points:

  1. Workers who work in harmful and / or dangerous conditions, as well as are connected with traffic, must undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations. The first - when applying for a job. During the medical examination, it is determined whether the employees are suitable for the work entrusted to them, and also the measures that are needed to prevent occupational diseases are determined. If there are indications, examinations may be extraordinary.
  2. Workers in catering and industry, commerce, children’s, health care and water supply facilities must undergo medical examinations in order to maintain and protect their health, as well as prevent the possible occurrence and spread of diseases.
  3. Hazardous / harmful production work and factors should presuppose the existence of regular checks of the employee's condition. The time of their holding can be determined both by regulatory legal acts approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and by internal orders at the enterprise.
  4. Local government structures, if necessary, for individual employers can create additional conditions (indications) when it is necessary to conduct medical examinations.
  5. Persons who carry out certain activities involving work with significant sources of danger must undergo a psychiatric examination at least once every five years.

Inspections should be carried out by a medical institution of any form of ownership that has the appropriate license and certificate. The only exception is a psychiatrist. Inspection by this specialist is carried out in the office, neuropsychiatric dispensary or department at the place of permanent registration of the employee.

How are mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations carried out?

We pass doctors: general points

procedure for preliminary and periodic medical examinations

The responsibility to ensure this process rests with the employer. For this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a medical institution that has the necessary license to carry out this activity. The employer determines and approves the contingent of employees who will be sent for inspection. In this case, it shall be indicated:

  1. The name of the position (profession) of the employee in accordance with the current staffing.
  2. Harmful production factor (s) is identified. In this case, it is necessary to rely on the list available in Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 302n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2011.

In order to determine the factors, you can use a special assessment of existing working conditions. If it is not enough, then laboratory research and testing, technological, operational and other documentation for mechanisms, equipment, machines, raw materials, and materials that are used as part of production activities will be able to provide all possible assistance.

Preliminary inspection

preliminary periodic medical examination

When the employer accepts an employee, he must give him a referral for examination at a medical institution with which there is an appropriate contract. The document must contain the name of the person who directs where, what type of medical examination is required, the full name of the future employee, his date of birth, position (profession / type of work), dangerous and / or harmful factors. The direction is signed by the representative of the employer with the appropriate authority, and then issued to the person who enters the work. In this case, it is necessary to keep track of issued directions.

When an employee arrives at a medical institution, he needs to have with him a direction from the company, a passport, the conclusion of a medical commission on the passage of a psychiatric examination. Additional documentation is already being drawn up there (in case of its absence). This is an outpatient card and a health passport. They display the conclusions of doctors, as well as the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. In this case, the documents issued receive their unique number. In addition, the filling date is also indicated. The medical record remains in custody at the medical institution, while the health passport is issued to the employee after the examination has been completed. After its completion, it is necessary to draw up a conclusion signed by the commission indicating the names with initials and certified by the organization in which the employee was. It is compiled in duplicate. One conclusion is issued to the person who was examined. The second is attached to the patient's medical outpatient card.

Periodic inspection

preliminary and periodic medical examinations

In such cases, contingents of individuals are formed, where all people are indicated by name, which should be sent for examination. The lists received contain the following data:

  1. Name of the person, his profession (position).
  2. Harmful and dangerous production factors.
  3. The name of the structural unit in which the person works (if any).

Lists must be prepared and sent no later than two months before the referral for inspection. The medical organization within ten days after receiving them must agree on the date of the periodic examination with the employer.He, in turn, must first know the schedule of his employees. An order for preliminary periodic medical examinations is used to formalize these goals. But this is not the end of the bureaucracy.

On the part of the head of the medical institution conducting the examinations, it is necessary to prepare a commission that will conduct them. It should identify specialists who have received appropriate training in professional pathologies within their specialty. The head of the created commission is a professional pathologist. When passing the inspection, you must have with you:

  1. Direction issued by the employer, where harmful and / or dangerous moments are indicated.
  2. Identity document (passport).
  3. The decision of the medical commission to conduct a compulsory psychiatric examination.

If after passing the inspection the employee was found fit, then an appropriate medical report is issued. It is signed by the chairman of the commission with the name and initials, and is also certified by the seal of the organization that conducted the inspection. If an occupational disease has been identified, then the employee should be referred to a specialized medical institution or center for occupational pathology. All individuals who have problems should undergo examinations and receive recommendations on behavior and / or treatment. In the first case, it can be, for example, charging or taking medications. In the second - referral to a hospital or sanatorium. Here is a procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

Production cases

mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees

At industrial enterprises, preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees are mandatory. Take, for example, a food company. If you allow an employee who has tuberculosis to work, then there is a high probability of claims from the sanitary-epidemiological service with all the ensuing consequences. And therefore, if too long a cough is detected, it is necessary to send the employee for an unscheduled examination.

Consider another example - a heavy industry enterprise. Suppose a metallurgical plant operates, which has a foundry and a rolling mill. Their constant companion is dust. It happens both ordinary, and metal. All this negatively affects the respiratory system of the human body. All this gradually clogs the lungs, and a set of measures is needed to improve the health of the worker. Previously, only sending to sanatoriums, passing health-improving procedures, and proper and measured nutrition were offered for this. Now, you can additionally use drugs that restore the damaged organ of the body (for example, lungs, bronchi, kidneys, liver). Conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations allows you to identify problems of the human body in time and quickly respond to them, allowing you to get by with minor troubles and avoid complications.

But it should be noted that the danger is not only industrial enterprises. For residents of small cities, this is also true. After all, alas, the ecology in them leaves much to be desired.

Alternative cases

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers were primarily calculated when created for those who worked in dangerous and harmful conditions. But now this approach has spread to all employees of various enterprises. For example, those who are engaged in sedentary work, say, at a computer. No, of course, they had previously been entitled to vouchers, but those who worked directly in industrial workshops were usually prescribed more substantial rehabilitation. And take, for example, a programmer. It seems that he does not do very difficult work, sits in one place, but, nevertheless, it is dangerous to the health of a specialist.Because you need to sit upright, hold your back the same way, do not bend the spine, keep the monitor at a distance of forty sentiments. Few people manage to meet all these requirements. It’s difficult for the back to keep perfect half of our body for hours. Therefore, a person wants to stoop, bend down, bend, cross his legs - in general, take a lighter and more sparing position in the short term. But this turns into problems in the future.

What threatens in such cases?

Stooping, leg pain, constricted internal organs - this is not a complete list of problems that await those people who do not want to adhere to professional rules of the workplace. It is noteworthy that if something gets into the lungs, then they themselves gradually cope with harmful factors or you can use medications for this. Whereas, for example, with scoliosis, just taking a pill does not work. It is necessary to engage in physical exercises, go for massage, lead a proper lifestyle. Here, mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations and examinations can appear in the form of a trigger, which will push a person to begin to engage in his health. After all, only medications will not work out.

Separate nuances

preliminary periodic medical examinations are carried out

Speaking about mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees, it is necessary to note some features in the implementation of legislative provisions. So, in some cases, the availability of checks of the condition of workers at the beginning of the day / shift, as well as throughout and at the end. At the same time, the passage of medical examinations is included in working hours. If necessary, chemical toxicological studies can be carried out both to search for harmful environmental compounds and to check for psychotropic substances, narcotic drugs and their metabolites.

Speaking about a preliminary / periodic medical examination / examination, it is worth recalling once again that people associated with sources of significant danger should undergo a psychiatric examination at least once every five years. What does this mean in practice? Suppose we have a person who suffers from protracted and chronic mental disorders that have severe persistent and periodically worsening painful manifestations (for example, epilepsy with a paroxysmal manifestation). In such cases, he must not work with radioactive and chemical substances.

And yet - a health check is paid by the employer, even if a person only goes to work. If he pays for it from his own funds, then all the money spent must be reimbursed to him. This is stipulated in article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


obligatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations

At enterprises that adhere to the Labor Code, preliminary periodic medical examinations are mandatory. But what if unsafe work is supposed to be performed or there are other negative factors, and health checks are not carried out, which could lead to accidents? In this case, you must contact the labor inspectorate and assert your rights. After all, civil society does not appear out of the blue, it is formed in the struggle. How does it work in our country? We have a large number of rights and opportunities that are recorded on paper, that is, documented. Therefore, you need to know your rights, protect and fight for them. Fortunately, the state system itself provides many tools for this.

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