
Mandatory vehicle inspection

Inspection is a mandatory procedure, after the implementation of which, a diagnostic card is issued to the car owner. Without this document, it will not be possible to draw up an insurance policy, which is mandatory for each car owner. Therefore, technical inspection of vehicles is an indispensable process for each owner of the car. The procedure should be carried out with a certain periodicity, for which the year of manufacture of the car is taken into account. During the inspection, the basic technical parameters of the car are checked, allowing to determine whether it is suitable for further use.

Why do I need inspection?

Carrying out technical inspection of vehicles allows solving several important problems at once:

  • all deficiencies in the technical condition of the car are identified, so they can be quickly eliminated and be sure of safe traffic on the roads;
  • A diagnostic card is issued at the end of the process, without which it will not be possible to purchase a CTP policy.

Prior to 2017, the inspection was not mandatory, but after the introduction of amendments to the legislation, it is required to regularly pass it to the owners of different cars. Law No. 170 FZ “On the technical inspection of vehicles” indicates that only after this procedure will a citizen be able to receive a diagnostic card.

vehicle inspection

Features of the diagnostic card

It is presented by a special document provided to employees of the insurance company when purchasing an insurance policy. Its features include:

  • formed in A4 format;
  • consists of a table where the main technical parameters of the car are indicated;
  • the conclusion states whether the operation of the machine can continue;
  • The documentation is certified by the signature of the technician who conducted the inspection;
  • formed in duplicate, as well as in electronic form;
  • each card is assigned an individual number that must be communicated to employees of the selected insurance company;
  • the expert’s card is stored for three years, and electronically sent to a special base, where it is stored for five years.

If, for various reasons, the car owner loses or violates the integrity of the card, then he can contact any inspection point to get a duplicate. At the same time, there is no need to pay a state fee for compiling this document.

Process cost

Technical inspection of vehicles is a paid process, so car owners must prepare for additional expenses. The cost calculation method is developed at the state level, so the price should not exceed 958.5 rubles without VAT.

In fact, the state technical inspection of vehicles costs no more than 700 rubles. Rates may vary slightly depending on the region, vehicle type and other parameters. Regions may make their own adjustments to the cost of this procedure.

technical inspection of vehicles

How often is maintenance required?

The diagnostic card may have a different validity period, since this period completely depends on the year of manufacture of the car. According to the Federal Law “On Technical Inspection of Vehicles”, it is not necessary to carry out the procedure within three years after the release of the car, since it is believed that at that time the car is still in perfect condition, therefore, it does not need additional checks.

But there are situations where the need for inspection is required even for cars that are not yet three years old.For example, if the machine is operated too often or is used in business. In this case, the owner will be able to verify after the process that his vehicle is in perfect condition.

After the car is three years old, a technical inspection of the vehicle is required. The frequency depends on various factors:

  • for cars aged 3 to 7 years, the process is performed every two years;
  • if the car was released more than seven years ago, then an annual inspection is required.

In addition, each year a state technical inspection of vehicles for the following vehicles must be carried out:

  • Trucks, the maximum permissible mass of which exceeds 3.5 tons;
  • cars equipped with light or sound signals;
  • cars used to teach citizens how to drive.

Twice a year, inspection is carried out for the following vehicles:

  • cars used to work in taxis;
  • buses designed to carry passengers;
  • trucks equipped with 8 seats for transporting people;
  • specialized vehicles and trailers for them, used in the process of transporting dangerous goods.

Regardless of the frequency of MOT, there is no need for car owners to present a diagnostic card during the purchase of an insurance policy, as information about the document is available in a special database. Each car owner can pass inspection in advance. For example, if he needs to temporarily leave the territory of the Russian Federation. Failure to do so will be unreasonable.

Process rules

Carrying out technical inspection of vehicles involves taking into account some important rules. These include:

  • The procedure is carried out exclusively by an experienced technical expert;
  • he not only checks the condition of the car, but also enters the necessary information into the diagnostic card;
  • if the machine is allowed to operate, then a coupon is issued to the driver, and if serious problems in the technical condition are identified, then it will be necessary to repeat the maintenance;
  • even if you apply for the second process to the same organization, the procedure is still paid, but funds are paid only for inspection of those parts where violations were previously detected;
  • if another operator is selected for re-inspection, then the full cost of maintenance is paid.

The rules for the technical inspection of vehicles are fixed at the legislative level. Most often, citizens prefer to contact the same operator. Due to the identified shortcomings, you can quickly get rid of problems and re-profitable to undergo maintenance.

vehicle inspection rules

Stages of the procedure

Passing technical inspection of vehicles is considered a fairly simple and quick process. This is due to the fact that different service stations offering such a service are equipped with numerous special equipment, due to which checking the technical condition of the car does not take much time.

Technical inspection of vehicles consists of several successive stages:

  • Instrumental vehicle diagnostics are initially performed;
  • the presence and condition of registration marks, a fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit are checked, and all these elements must comply with certain standards;
  • the performance of the brake system is evaluated;
  • checked the lighting elements of the machine;
  • studied the suspension and rudder performance;
  • exhaust toxicity is measured;
  • assesses the condition of the locks on the door;
  • the norm of different technical fluids is checked.

Some special machines even test the performance of special devices designed to call emergency services.

Card expiry date

The Federal Law “On Technical Inspection of Vehicles” contains information on the rules for conducting this process.If after its execution no serious violations are detected, then a diagnostic card is issued to the car owner, which allows you to use the machine for its intended purpose. Only if this document is available is it possible to issue an insurance policy.

The validity of the diagnostic card depends on the features and year of manufacture of the car. If the car is for sale, then this document is presented to the new owner. The buyer may not have to go through MOT again, so you need to apply for this procedure only after the current diagnostic card becomes invalid.

The fact of the sale of the car does not constitute the basis for the repeated technical inspection of the vehicle for compulsory motor liability insurance.

technical inspection of vehicles

What documents are prepared?

The decree "On the technical inspection of vehicles" contains information on what documents are prepared by car owners to conduct this process. Car owners must provide the following papers to the vehicle:

  • passport of a citizen who is the direct owner of the car;
  • if a representative is involved in the process, then he must have a power of attorney certified by a notary, and a copy of his passport should be transferred to the equipment;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • Title
  • driving license of the applicant.

Technicians cannot require additional documentation, so the above list is exhaustive. If, as a result of the check, serious defects in the technical condition of the machine are found, then the car owner will not be able to get a diagnostic card. He needs to eliminate all identified problems, after which he will have to go through MOT again.

The car must be repaired within 20 days. Only under such conditions, during a repeated call to the past operator, it can be counted on that the check will be carried out in relation to those elements of the machine where deficiencies were identified. In this case, the cost of maintenance will be significantly reduced.

If the car owner cannot repair within 20 days, then he will have to fully pay for the repeated maintenance.

If, after receiving a diagnostic card, the car owner gets into an accident due to the presence of significant malfunctions in the car, the insurance company can contact the operator who conducted the check to recover money from him for the damage caused.

When do problems arise with maintenance?

The rules of technical inspection of vehicles are that experts must identify all the shortcomings in the technical condition of the machine. Therefore, the refusal to issue a card is often caused by the conditions:

  • there is tinting on the front windows or headlights;
  • there are unregistered deviations from the factory equipment, for example, the car was redone by the car owner;
  • problems with the functioning of the engine, transmission are identified or there is a deformation of the body, made intentionally by the owner of the machine;
  • the car owner does not have a fire extinguisher, first aid kit or warning triangle;
  • the difference in braking forces is detected on one axis;
  • there are cracks in the headlights;
  • additional steps installed by the driver;
  • license plates cannot be read;
  • there is an emergency xenon lighting;
  • cracks are detected in the side windows.

Even with the above minor problems, experts refuse to issue a card. Therefore, within 20 days, it is necessary to eliminate all these shortcomings, so that in the future not to pay the full cost of inspection.

Federal Vehicle Inspection Act

Who does the maintenance?

The Law "On Technical Inspection of Vehicles" contains information on which organizations are entitled to engage in vehicle maintenance. Until 2012, the process was carried out exclusively by state organizations. But now the procedure can be implemented by private companies.

Car owners can undergo maintenance in any region of the country, regardless of where they are registered. But the selected service station must have the appropriate permission to conduct this activity, and it must also have a license.

The state regularly monitors the activities of such organizations in order to detect fraud and issue diagnostic cards for money without actually inspecting the car.

Punishment for missing a document

The penalty for the lack of a diagnostic card is assigned exclusively to some vehicle owners. These include the owners:

  • cars used to work in taxis;
  • buses;
  • trucks equipped to transport citizens, and the number of seats should exceed 8;
  • special vehicles used for the transport of dangerous goods.

Owners of such cars are held liable for the lack of inspection, so they pay a fine in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles.

The remaining citizens are not punished in any way if they do not have a diagnostic card. They should not constantly carry a document or provide it to the traffic police. But at the same time, they themselves will not be able to do without this document, since they will not be able to issue an insurance policy.

technical inspection of a vehicle for OSAG

Can regression be applied to the culprit of an accident?

On the basis of the Law "On CTP" insurance companies may present recourse claims against the culprit. They consist in the fact that the car owner will have to independently cover the expenses of the insurance company if, at the time of the accident, the citizen had an expired diagnostic card.

The right to recourse can be used exclusively to owners of taxis, buses or trucks designed to carry passengers.

Can I buy a diagnostic card?

Some car owners do not want to spend time and effort on repairing malfunctions identified during maintenance. Therefore, they think about the possibility of acquiring a diagnostic card without an inspection. Indeed, some service workers practice such illegal actions, but the operator risks being held accountable.

If a document is issued illegally, the operator pays a fine in the amount of 100 to 300 thousand rubles. If a driver with a fake card gets into an accident, after which it will be revealed that the cause of the accident is a malfunction, then the operator will cover the damage caused to other participants in the accident. Therefore, it is unprofitable for operators to sell diagnostic cards without actually inspecting cars.

Typically, such cards are sold by fraudulent companies that print a fake document on an A4 sheet. It is certified by any false seal, after which it is issued to the driver for a fee. It will not be possible to find information about such a card in EAISTO, therefore, the car owner will be faced with the inability to purchase an insurance policy.

state technical inspection of vehicles


Inspection is a must for every car owner. The frequency of its passage depends on the release date of the existing machine. The procedure is carried out exclusively in special service stations that have a license and permission for this activity.

In the absence of a diagnostic card issued after maintenance, you will not be able to purchase a CTP policy. Therefore, drivers are forced to undergo an inspection to identify all problems in the technical condition of the machine.

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