
Making an accident without traffic police: the procedure and advice of lawyers

Unfortunately, more and more drivers are becoming participants in an accident. In addition to a lot of stress after the accident, the driver is faced with the need to spend a lot of energy on the incident. You should call the traffic police, draw up documents, contact the insurance company. A long wait for the traffic police at the scene and not always adequate behavior of law enforcement agencies lead to even greater nervous breakdown and the loss of a large amount of time.

registration of an accident without traffic police

Most drivers who have had an accident ask themselves: “How to get an accident without a traffic police?” In order to answer this question, the driver must familiarize himself with the algorithm of sequential actions in this situation.

Traffic accident

How to make an accident without traffic police? You must first understand the types of traffic accidents and the rules for their accounting. There are two types of traffic accidents:

  • incident without injuries;
  • accident with dead or wounded.

If people died during a road accident, then such an accident is recorded in state statistics and falls into the traffic police reports for the year (reported accident). An accident is not taken into account in state statistics, if during a collision of cars people were not injured (incidents that do not require reporting).

If there are dead or injured people in an accident, the task force always leaves for the scene. Investigators of the Department of Internal Affairs, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and forensic experts are required to complete such an accident. After examining the scene, the task force draws up a package of documents:

  • protocol from the place of inspection;
  • accident certificate;
  • scheme of a traffic accident;
  • check on the technical condition of cars that got into an accident;
  • testimony and a document explaining the participants in the disaster;
  • a medical document for the presence in the body of drivers of narcotic or alcoholic substances.

If the accident was without casualties, then only an inspector of the road patrol service leaves for the accident to the scene. The inspector also draws up a diagram of a traffic accident, records the testimonies of his witnesses and participants. He will draw up a protocol on an administrative offense. In addition, all damaged parts during an accident will be entered into the protocol.

how to make an accident without traffic police

What to do to the driver of a car that had an accident

During training in driving courses, clear instructions are not provided on how to operate the driver during an accident. Drivers should independently or with the help of a lawyer deal with this situation.

Today, there are a lot of accidents on Russian roads, but each accident is unlike the previous one and has its own characteristics. The basic rules for everyone who got into a traffic accident:

  1. Vehicle stop (vehicle). After the accident, you must stop the car, even if the stop will be on a busy part of the road or in the oncoming lane. Be sure to in this situation, it is necessary to put the car on the hand brake.
  2. Turning on the emergency gang. This must be done if during the collision the electronics of the machine were not damaged. Otherwise, it cannot be turned on, as transport may catch fire. To prevent ignition, if the wiring was damaged, you need to remove the battery from the car.
  3. An emergency sign must be installed on the road. It is needed in a situation if the electronics has been damaged. The sign must be put in a poorly lit area.In the city, the sign must be installed from the car at a distance of 15 m, outside the city - at a distance of 30 m. Such an elementary measure can prevent an even greater accident. Each driver must keep a sign in the car.

registration of an accident without calling the traffic police

A driver who has an accident can be under the influence of extreme stress. For an objective assessment of the situation, a relative or friend should be called to the scene of the accident. Further it is necessary to act depending on the type of accident. It is necessary to decide how the case will be fixed: accident without calling the traffic police or with the call of the task force.

What to do if there are victims

If during the incident there are victims, it is urgent to call an ambulance or take people to the hospital on their own. It must be remembered that timely medical assistance to victims can mitigate the punishment of the perpetrator in this situation.

In order to help people in critical condition, the driver is allowed to leave the scene of the collision. But after that, the participant in the accident must return.

Before you are forced to leave the scene of a disaster, you need to fix the place of the accident on the camera or quickly sketch a diagram. In addition, it is necessary to take the contact details of the accident witnesses or ask them to stay until the arrival of the task force.

registration of road accident without traffic police according to the euro protocol

If people died during the collision, the guilty driver may be prosecuted. But the situations are different, and both drivers can be guilty of an accident.

What to do if the culprit of the accident left the scene

If the culprit left, it is necessary to call law enforcement officers. They will record the fact of the accident. The intruder’s car will be wanted. If the driver is found, then compensation for damage can be claimed through the court.

Damage to the car can occur even in the parking lot. Then you need to look for witnesses of what happened, do not forget about the cameras, which can be located near the scene. In this case, you must definitely call the traffic police.

In these situations, it is important to conduct a survey of the technical condition of the car after the event. This will be the main evidence in court.

Accident without calling law enforcement officers

Registration of an accident without traffic police is possible, but only if certain conditions are met. Cases when self-reported accident is allowed:

  • situations when only motor vehicles are harmed and there are no victims;
  • if two cars collide which are insured under the compulsory motor liability insurance policy;
  • if the list and nature of the damage do not cause disagreement among the participants in the accident.

According to current legislation, accident participants have the full right to arrange an accident without a traffic police if only their cars or other property of the participants in the collision suffered in the accident. In addition, self-registration is allowed if the participants in the incident decide this situation by mutual agreement.

accident without traffic police can be issued

You need to know that the registration of an accident on the spot without calling the traffic police leads to the fact that the insurance company pays the insurance indemnity no more than 50 thousand rubles. This is prescribed in the law of the Russian Federation, clause 4, article 11.1 of the Law N 40-ФЗ.

Sequential instructions for self-registration of an accident

How to arrange a small accident without traffic police? In order to arrange an accident on their own, participants should know a certain algorithm that must be followed after the accident. Registration of an accident without traffic police and step-by-step actions of the participants suggest the following:

  1. Inspection and assessment of damage. It is necessary to conduct a joint inspection of the damage and, if necessary, fix everything on the camera or camcorder. This can solve the problem during controversial situations. If both parties agree with the degree of damage, and the damage does not exceed fifty thousand rubles, you must proceed to the next step.
  2. Fixing the circumstances that caused harm to the vehicle.This can be done with the help of video shooting, photographs or by providing a video recorder in the future. Photographs must be taken within one hour after the incident and must contain: license plates of the car of the participant in the incident; footage from the scene; arrangement of cars after an accident; if there are witnesses, then their license plates must be recorded.
  3. Moving vehicles from the carriageway. Cars must be removed if they interfere with other vehicles.
  4. Verification of documents of accident participants. You need to find out the number of the insurance policy, address and telephone number of the insurance company. The driver must provide this information to another driver. During the check of the policy you need to make sure of its validity. An accident without traffic police can be issued if the perpetrator of the situation has a passport, driver’s license, insurance policy and documents for the car.
  5. Paperwork for insurers. It is necessary to jointly fill out a form that will notify the insurance company of an accident. Be sure to indicate in such a form that an accident was made without a traffic police.
  6. Take the documents to the insurance company. Accident documents must be submitted within five working days from the day of the accident.

how to arrange a small accident without traffic police

Europrotocol during an accident

Europrotocol is more popular in European countries, as it was first introduced there. The purpose and essence of such a protocol is that there is no need for the presence of law enforcement agencies during the execution of the incident. Registration of an accident without calling the traffic police takes place by the accident participants themselves.

Europrotocol is a special form of accident notification with which you can rely on insurance for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance. Such a protocol helps save time, since it takes only fifteen minutes to complete it.

Requirements for the design of accidents according to the Euro Protocol

How to make an accident without calling the traffic police on the euro protocol? To do this, the following requirements must be observed:

  • The number of participants in the accident should be no more than two.
  • Each of them must have an insurance policy.
  • Road accident participants were not injured.
  • Only cars of participants are harmed.
  • They came to a common decision, and there was no conflict between them.
  • The amount of damage does not exceed 50 thousand rubles in cash, and in large cities the amount can reach 400 thousand rubles.

Necessary actions when filling out the Euro protocol

The euro protocol has its own nuances. In order for participants to draw it up, they need to perform certain actions. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Set an emergency sign.
  2. Estimate damage.
  3. To come to an agreement on the design of the accident according to the Euro protocol on both sides.
  4. For registration you need to call your insurance company.
  5. Fix the scheme of the incident. Attach photos or videos from the scene of the accident to the circuit.
  6. Filling out the accident report, which must be attached to the insurance policy for all participants in the accident.

Europrotocol has a second copy layer, therefore, when filling the first page, the data is transferred to the second sheet. Each participant in a traffic accident must fill out the back of the protocol. Upon completion, the participants of the accident must exchange contact information. Only when the injured driver receives OSAGO insurance can another driver repair his car.

how to make an accident without calling the traffic police

Registration of road accident without traffic police according to the euro protocol

After performing the necessary actions, participants must draw up a protocol. Experts recommend relying on certain schemes and using accident notification forms with insurance policy coupons during the process of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance. The order of filling:

  1. Indicate the scene.
  2. Show the vehicle trajectory in the accident diagram.
  3. Issue an accident indicating road signs at the scene of a collision.
  4. Draw all traffic lanes at the scene.
  5. Fill in all the items on the Euro protocol form.
  6. On the other side of the form, give a text description of what happened.
  7. Indicate the contact details of witnesses.
  8. Put a signature.

Expert Advice

Every year, the danger on Russian roads increases. Each driver must be prepared for an accident. The life of the driver and others is always in the hands of the person who drives the car. Therefore, the driver must know how to behave in such cases.

Today, adjustments to the design of an accident allow you not to call the traffic police if a minor accident has occurred. Every driver should know that Europrotocol significantly simplifies the procedure for registration, but he does not exempt from additional checks by insurers to obtain compensation for compulsory motor liability insurance. Experts recommend adhering to all of the above recommendations, and also advise not to take any action with the machine for fifteen days from the day of the accident.

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