
Hot work is an action performed with open fire

Hot work is a certain sequence of actions, one way or another connected with fire, the formation of sparks, and the temperature at which ignition of combustible liquids, gas or structures is possible. This wording includes gas welding, cutting, soldering, tinning, electric welding and much more.

Classification of hot work: types

hot work is

Hot work is a typical action, often performed stereotyped. They are of three types:

  1. Simple. Works that will not affect the gas pipeline, machinery, pipes, technical equipment transporting fuel and lubricants.
  2. Complicated. Work carried out in gas-containing places and locations where equipment for gas and fuel and lubricants is located. Allowed only if there is an admission order and a fire work plan.
  3. Integrated. Activities carried out in several stages. They are made on one or several production sites, as well as in separate locations of a common territory. They may require coordination of production processes for the preparation of a construction project, on which hot work will be carried out. Allowed after the order of the organization, if they will be held on its site.

Instructions for the implementation of hot work

hot work

The general position of the firing instructions includes the following components:

  • requirements for the organization of measures to ensure safety;
  • descriptions and listing of hot works;
  • Description of hot work at facilities with increased risk of explosion or fire.

A list of persons allowed for hot work and a classification plan for the stages are needed. The latter is not a separate subclause of the instruction, therefore it is drawn up separately.

Preparatory work

hot work

Hot work is always the risk of an emergency or injury, so the preparatory process is the most important stage before starting an activity. It includes:

  • preparatory work;
  • a description of the work in the territory of their conduct;
  • hazard zone designation with approved warning symbols and warning signs;
  • designation with chalk of places welded and heated during operation;
  • cleaning of the working area;
  • providing the facility with fire extinguishers, sand;
  • equipment, various equipment are turned off during operation, and explosive and flammable objects are removed, etc.

Also in this subparagraph the responsible persons are indicated.

Permit to conduct hot work

hot work instruction

This is a necessary action, assuming the following actions:

  1. The appointment of specialists as the head of the workshop who will be responsible for the preparation and work.
  2. Briefing by the composition of the brigade.
  3. Mark of the responsible person in signed documents.
  4. Execution of work after received instructions.

Code of Practice

hot work
  • During operation, air is monitored.
  • If the concentration of fuels and lubricants exceeds the norm, work immediately ceases.
  • Directly during operation, measures are taken that eliminate the likelihood of an accident.
  • When performing hot work, a responsible person is appointed, who will monitor their execution.
  • Before starting work, workers are required to undergo training.

Responsibilities of Workers and Responsible Persons

fire works rules

Hot work is operations requiring responsible persons. They are the ones who carry out the planning and control of the work.

Responsibilities of the head of the site:

  • development of a work plan and monitoring its implementation;
  • the appointment of a person in charge of engineering who will know the procedure for the preparatory work and their implementation in a dangerous territory;
  • verification of planned works before their execution;
  • monitoring of the implementation of tasks;
  • monitoring of a favorable air environment at the work site.

The engineer, who oversees the inspection of the equipment and the object of the work, answers:

  • for organization of activities approved by permission;
  • providing control over air analyzes within the construction site.

Engineering, who monitors the workflow directly, answers:

  • for control and performance of work in production;
  • briefing conducted for employees;
  • identity verification;
  • providing fire extinguishing means and PPE;
  • inspection of the work area after production delays;
  • inspection of the work area after completion of work.

Duties of the shift supervisor:

  • notification of employees about the start of production activities at the work site;
  • ensuring the conduct of the work process, which eliminates the accident and injury to employees;
  • registration of the journal on the reception and delivery of the shift;
  • inspection of the work site at the end of the process together with the person responsible for the production, in order to avoid a possible accident.

Responsibilities of employees performing direct activities at the facility:

  • the availability of documents attesting to their qualifications;
  • briefing and painting in permission;
  • familiarization with the amount of work at the work site;
  • start production after the order of the person responsible for the work;
  • performance of work described in relevant documents;
  • safe implementation of activities;
  • the ability to use PPE and VHC, means for extinguishing a fire when it occurs;
  • inspection of the place of production activity and elimination of violations, if any;
  • cessation of hot work in the event of an emergency.

Hot work in our time is an inevitable part of many construction and production processes. They are always associated with certain risks. To avoid an emergency, it is always necessary to be alert and strictly follow the instructions.

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