
Organization of the electrician's workplace: characteristics, safety requirements, briefing. Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

The main task of the correct organization of the electrician’s workplace is to ensure its safety by protecting the master from accidental contact with exposed live parts during the assembly, disassembly or inspection of equipment being repaired. However, there is another aspect - ergonomics. After all, if the necessary tool is at hand, then the work will go much faster. Today we’ll try to understand how to organize everything conveniently and safely.

Accuracy is the main thing in the work of an electrician

Characteristics of the electrician's workplace: general information

The first thing you need to pay attention to is accuracy, cleanliness, and the absence of foreign objects underfoot and nearby. It is this factor that often causes electric shock. The employee stumbles, begins to fall and involuntarily clings to any object, trying to hold on. If it turns out to be a bare wire, the consequences can be the most sad.

The next aspect is attention to detail. Having disconnected the contacts, the fitter checks the presence of current on each of the phases, after which he forgets to remove the voltage and continues to work in the electrical panel. In this case, a small loss of current is fraught with an electric shock.

Do not leave bare wires energized

A very important requirement for the organization of the electrician’s workplace is the location of the necessary tool. Before starting the installation, dismantling or repair of equipment, you should correctly place it so that you do not have to be distracted from work in search of a screwdriver or multimeter.

Important! An electrician's working tool should be checked daily for cracks or other damage to insulated parts. Such a simple inspection will help preserve life and health.

Important and sometimes decisive role in ensuring the safety of the workplace is played by warning signs that will secure the installer if the power was cut off far from it. They are most often made in the form of a rectangle or square with a red frame and a warning, or with a white inscription on a red background. This is to make the notification more visible.

Girls in this profession are rare

Other measures taken for labor protection

Before allowing the employee to the workplace, the necessary briefings are made. This is not surprising, because working with high voltage is dangerous. Often, even experienced employees make mistakes. The main of them can be called initial instructing an electrician at the workplace. Without it (as well as without an introductory one), the hired employee will not be allowed to repair and service.

Persons responsible for ensuring the safety of the electrician

At any enterprise, regardless of its profile, persons are appointed who are responsible for the labor protection of the electrician at the workplace. The first person to be liable when an employee is injured is his immediate supervisor who instructed. Further along the chain:

  • safety engineer;
  • Chief Power Engineer;
  • Head of the enterprise.

Most often, such situations occur due to the fault of the electrician himself, who ignored the rules of TB.

Workplace electrician repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

Such a position provides for an almost permanent presence in a particular workplace. It is important not only the convenient placement of all tools, but also well-made lighting, allowing the employee to see the smallest details of the equipment being repaired. In low light, he will have to strain his eyes, which will lead to rapid fatigue.

It’s quite decent lighting - you don’t have to strain your eyes

What you need to equip an electrician's workbench

The workplace of an electrician for equipment repair should be equipped with:

  • a transformer device that allows you to change the supplied voltage;
  • the ability to turn on / off additional spot lighting;
  • 12, 24 or 36 V socket;
  • a set of tools necessary for the production of diagnostics and repairs.

Accessories for the electrical workshop

As auxiliary devices and mechanisms can be called that will be useful to the electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Usually quite sharpening, winding machines and a vise. To store various small parts, drawers or metal boxes are used.

Workplace of trainee-electrician

The organization of the workplace of the trainee electrician is practically no different from the workbench of an experienced craftsman. Experts advise installing it so that the mentor has the opportunity to monitor the work of the student. This is especially important in the early days. Most often, at this time, the beginner is not trusted with responsible work, but the master can understand how the trainee is responsible for his duties.

For those who want to choose a similar difficult, but very interesting profession, but still thinking, we recommend the following video.

A few tips for interns

In order to make it easier for the student, several practical tips are offered:

  1. Strict adherence to the instructions of the mentor is the key to successful training.
  2. You should not leave the workplace without informing the teacher.
  3. The location of the tool on the workbench should correspond to the instructions of the master - he has considerable experience behind him.
  4. Items not related to the work performed are best removed from the workbench.

It is important that the trainee understands from day one - not only how much easier it will be to work subsequently depends on the strict implementation of instructions, attentiveness and accuracy. The smallest tiniest violation of the rules of safety and labor protection can lead to electric shock or fire.

Failure to comply is life threatening

Rules for preparing a workplace at a distribution substation

Here, the requirements for the workplace of the electrician are more stringent. The main task can be called the preliminary actions that must be performed.

Due to the high voltage at the transformer substation, the electrician is required to prepare protective equipment (rubber gloves, shoes, protective clothing), the necessary tool. Upon arrival at the place you need to get permission from the duty officer, which is noted in the admission order. After this, preparation is made, in which both the electrician and the attendant participate.

The first step is to de-energize the line by turning off the circuit breaker. If this action is not possible, the fuses are pulled out. This work requires maximum attention and the mandatory use of protective equipment - rubber gloves, safety shoes, ticks). By de-energizing the line, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the electrician from arbitrary switching on. This is done by grounding the tires. Only after this it can be considered that the organization of the electrician’s workplace has been completely completed, and he can begin to work.

The presence of the attendant on shutdown is mandatory

General rules for safety and maintenance of the workplace

Summarizing the information presented, it is possible to note the basic rules for organizing safety and maintaining the workplace of an electrician.

  1. Timely completion of the necessary briefings.
  2. Lack of clutter, providing a free approach to the introductory machine for the possibility of emergency shutdown in the event of an emergency.
  3. Accurate arrangement of the tool in direct access to take the necessary was not difficult.
  4. Use protective equipment if necessary.
  5. The absence of exposed protruding wires that may be energized.
  6. Strict adherence to all instructions and instructions of the master. Attentiveness, composure, accuracy.
  7. Mandatory stress relief before starting electrical work.
  8. Use of special warning and prohibiting plates.

Only subject to all the rules, an employee can become a professional electrician, able to perform complex tasks. And the main thing is to remember that this profession can be compared with a sapper - his mistake in mine clearance can also be the last in life. However, the profession of an electrician is quite interesting, especially today, when new equipment is constantly appearing. So, there is always the opportunity for professional growth and self-education.

The simplest transformer substation


Summing up, we can say that the safe organization and maintenance of the electrician’s workplace is not the last in the task of labor protection. You should not be skeptical about it - garbage under your feet can be very expensive. And you will have to pay for it not with money, but with your own health, and sometimes with your life.

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