
Organization of military registration and its mission

Any enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, where persons liable for military service are employed, must organize military registration. Only individual entrepreneurs are exempted from this obligation, although they should request a document on military registration when hiring a new employee.

Organization of military registration and its mission

Military registration is a whole system of methods and techniques that allow you to obtain the necessary information about all persons of military age.

The competent authorities can track how timely persons liable for military service fulfill their duty to the state and whether they evade it.

The fundamental document is Law 53-FZ, which fully regulates the entire process of organizing military registration at an enterprise. There are also guidelines for basic document templates. The normative act was approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia on July 11, 2017 and Regulation No. 719 of November 27, 2006.

Accounting Objectives:

  • In peacetime, ensure the fulfillment by all military persons of their civil duty.
  • In the event of a military conflict, timely mobilize all available forces to prevent a threat to the country's security.

In addition, accounting allows timely provision of labor resources to state bodies during a military conflict.

Initial registration is carried out annually from January 01 to March 31. During this period, all conscripts at the age of 17 years are required to appear in the military enlistment office. This must be done if a summons is received.

In the future, accounting is carried out in educational institutions and enterprises.

Organization of military registration in the organization step by step instructions

What is reservation and special accounting?

The main task of the reservation is for the mobilization period and during the military conflict, the authorities allocate citizens who are needed to perform certain actions (usually for work). That is, they will be granted a deferment.

Reservation issues are handled by the Interagency Commission.

Normative acts provide for two types of military registration:

  • General Conducted in relation to persons who are not booked for enterprises.
  • Special. It is carried out in relation to persons who are assigned to organizations during the period of military conflicts or during the period of mobilization. Such persons receive a respite for a certain period of time.

Military registration in the organization: step-by-step instruction

Organizing military records is not at all difficult, especially since at the level of legislation there are a number of documents designed to help the employer in this matter.

Each company that is registered and received an extract from the register must register for 5 days with the territorial commissariat.

Then you should create instructions for the employee who will be responsible for maintaining military records in the organization. Such a document will have to be developed independently, since the standard form does not exist.

This document should reflect the rights and obligations of the employee, measures for violation of official duties. It should also be shown what legal standards a specialist should know.

The issue of appointing a person responsibly is decided at the level of senior management of the enterprise. This can be either a dedicated specialist or a part-time job.

The appointment of the responsible person must be accompanied by the issuance of an order.

Conducting military records in the organization

Determine who will keep records

Despite the fact that the head of the enterprise will appoint a responsible official for the organization of military registration of citizens, it is necessary to take into account the regulatory requirements for the amount of work that are presented in this case.

If the staff is less than 500 employees, then the position for keeping records can be combined. If the company has from 500 to 2 thousand people, you will need to introduce a separate specialist to the staff. In an organization where 2 to 4 thousand people work, the number of persons responsible for accounting increases to two staff units. For each subsequent 3 thousand employees will have to enter 1 full-time unit.

If the enterprise is large enough and requires two or more specialists to conduct this work, you will have to create a whole department.

There are no special requirements for the applicant for the position. Even a novice in this matter can act as a responsible person.

Event Design

As the step-by-step instruction on the organization of military registration in the organization says, the next stage is the development of an action plan. A sample document can be taken from the Methodological recommendations of 07/11/17.

In fact, an event is a table where a step-by-step plan of action is indicated that an appointed specialist should follow. The document sets the dates for the implementation of a particular item of events.

Throughout the work, the responsible person notes whether a specific activity has been completed. This is done by putting the date and signature in a special column.

Approval of the developed documentation in the commissariat

For all accepted employees who are subject to military registration, it is necessary to have a separate card in form T-2. The card must necessarily contain all information about the employee, his signature and the signature of the person responsible for accounting.

It is also necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  • Order on the appointment of a responsible person.
  • Order on the organization of military registration.
  • Job description for an official.
  • Developed activities.
  • Cards T-2.

These documents should be taken to the draft board at the location of the enterprise and approved there.

After the approval of all documents, it will not be possible to simply dismiss the employee responsible for keeping records. Such a decision will have to be coordinated with the military registration and enlistment office.

Next, the employee begins the current work.

Recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations

Who is subject to military registration

In the methodological recommendations of conducting military registration in the organization, the categories of persons who are subject to registration at the enterprise are clearly spelled out. These are men of draft age who have not yet served in the army, as well as people who already have military tickets on hand.

Do not forget that among the female half of employees there may also be military liable persons. This category includes a number of professions:

  • Pharmacist.
  • Paramedic.
  • Surveyor and several others.

Women can be enrolled up to the age of 45 years. If the employee has an officer rank, then up to 50 years.

Men can also be in stock. The age of such a person depends on his military rank. So, officers of the first category are credited to the reserve up to 65 years, and the second - up to 70 years.

Guidelines for military registration in the organization

Who is not subject to accounting

According to the requirements of the instructions on military registration in organizations, the following employees are not subject to registration:

  • Women who do not have military and equivalent professions.
  • Persons exempted from military service, for example, for health reasons.
  • Persons who undergo alternative service.
  • Permanent residents outside the country.
  • Persons who are in the service of the FSB and foreign intelligence.

To find out whether or not a new employee is subject to military registration, you need to open 13 pages in your passport. There must be an appropriate mark.

What documents should be requested from a new employee

In order to properly maintain military records, when hiring, it is necessary to request documents from the employee that allow him to be assigned to a certain category of persons.

If we are talking about a person of draft age, then he should have the appropriate certificate in his hands. Those liable for military service and those who have served must have a military card or a certificate of a reserve officer and so on. Women can only have a corresponding mark in the passport.

Rights of the Military

If an employee who is registered with the military needs to undergo a medical commission or attend the training camp, the employer must retain his job for the whole term.

Also, the administration of the enterprise will have to pay all the costs associated with renting a house, moving to the destination and back, to pay travel expenses. In the future, if all expenses are confirmed, the company has the right to apply to the authorities for the reimbursement of these expenses from the state budget.

Order on the organization of military registration

Drawing up an order

According to the recommendations on maintaining military records in organizations, the order on the organization of this work should contain the following information:

  • Personal data of the responsible person.
  • Information on reserving military personnel in reserve.
  • Rules of notification in case of a call on registration issues.

Otherwise, there are no restrictions and requirements, since the order is drawn up in any form. In practice, before registering an order, its draft must be agreed with the commissariat. In this order, you can immediately appoint a responsible person, or conduct this as a separate administrative document.

Responsibilities of an Accounting Specialist

The main duty of a specialist is registration of newly arrived employees and updating data on them. The duties of the employee also include:

  • Registration of cards in the form of T-2 (they can be replaced with independently developed forms).
  • Registration and management of the card N-2.
  • Deregistration of persons who quit the enterprise.
  • Verification of documents of a new employee upon admission to work.
  • Informing employees about the upcoming mobilization training.
  • Warning of liability in case of refusal of mobilization or preparation for it.
  • Providing information to the commissariat if in the process of checking the documents of the employee revealed inaccuracies or violations.
  • Maintain established reporting.

Reporting to the draft board

Methodological recommendations on military registration in the organization indicate that it is mandatory for an accounting specialist to report to the military registration and enlistment office or to local authorities.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • The list of persons who have entered or quit their jobs. These data are transmitted to the military registration and enlistment office within 2 weeks from the moment of arrival or departure of the employee.
  • Upon request, lists of persons who are subject to military registration or are not on it.
  • A list of people aged 15 to 16 years (every year in September).
  • Until November 01, a list of males who need to be registered.
Organization of military registration and its mission

Common mistakes

Many consultants and military registration and enlistment office staff cover the accounting procedure quite widely and recommend avoiding the following errors:

  • Lack of reconciliation with the draft board.
  • The lack of local documents on military records at the enterprise.
  • Provision of incomplete information to the recruiting office about hired and dismissed employees.


At the level of the legislation, penalties regarding improper military registration in organizations are described rather vaguely. However, for the fact that the company does not provide information on the admission and dismissal of military personnel, a fine of 300 to 1,000 rubles may be imposed. For the fact that lists for 17-year-old employees will not be provided, the same penalty is provided.

If you do not notify the employee that he is being called to the commissariat, the company will be fined in the amount of 500 to 1,000 rubles.

The official himself may be disqualified for failure to comply with the legal requirements of regulatory authorities, and the company will be fined 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

The procedure for maintaining military records in the organization necessarily requires the creation of a register of checks on military records. This document must be stitched and numbered, be surely certified by the signature of the head and seal.

A military citizen also has administrative responsibility:

  • For failure to fulfill obligations: for failure to appear at the commissariat, to the place of training, failure to notify of a new place of residence. For such violations, a warning or a fine of 100 to 500 rubles is expected.
  • For the loss or damage of military registration documents, a warning or a fine of 100 to 500 rubles is also provided.
Military accounting in the organization step by step

Information stand

According to the recommendations on military registration in the organization, the company should have an information stand. Information should be placed in the corner of military registration regarding the purposes of maintaining such registration, about the reservation of persons liable for military service, about what rights and obligations such persons have. It is recommended to arrange the stand in a single style, best with pictures, because illustrations are much better perceived than plain text.

Stand cells can be either closed or open type. It is desirable to divide the corner into several thematic blocks. You can make them like this:

  • Legislative base with regulations on military registration.
  • Obligations of military personnel.
  • The main provisions and fundamentals of military registration.
  • Information about special accounting.
  • Samples of documents.
  • Place for announcements and orders.

On the stand you can post photos and information about the employees of the enterprise, who distinguished themselves during the performance of their civic duty to their homeland.


Organization of military registration is carried out at all enterprises. Such work is carried out on an ongoing basis and covers all categories of citizens who have military specialties or are of military age. The main purpose of military registration is to ensure the fulfillment of obligations to the state, which are provided for by the Constitution and other normative acts. In addition, it is very important to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of all individuals of both military age and those classified as mobilization resources.

Enterprises must necessarily organize the conduct of military records. Despite the small size of penalties, it is better to comply with the law, which will help to avoid conflict situations with government bodies. Persons liable for military service must also comply with applicable law, undergo a medical examination on time, arrive at the place of collection at the appointed time, because this is part of their obligations to the country.

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