
Refusal of a visa to Poland: reasons for what to do

As you know, a visa is what every citizen who is trying to leave the country and go abroad on his own business needs. And, of course, the refusal of a visa to Poland is not the most pleasant event, which will spoil not only the mood, but may also violate plans for the trip. After this incident, many applicants do not understand what caused the failure and how to influence the elimination of the problem.

This article will discuss the main reasons for receiving a refusal and possible ways out of this situation. All of the following recommendations are designed to help applicants obtain the necessary visa and go to the Republic of Poland in advance and without turmoil.

Can I get a visa after a refusal?

visa denial to poland

First of all, it is necessary to reassure applicants who have been denied a visa to Poland, and to assure that they do not have to lose heart after the current unpleasant situation. After all, you can get a visa after refusal!

For example, some embassies of the Schengen countries allow re-filing documents an unlimited number of times. The Republic of Poland also belongs to such countries.

But in order to exclude a new refusal, you will need to carefully study the main reasons for refusing a visa to Poland. They are offered for consideration below.

Reasons for rejection related to documents

reasons for visa denial to poland

You can be denied a work visa to Poland or any other for the following reasons:

  1. No one or more valid documents are required to complete the trip. For example, a common problem in this case may be the expired passport or the recommended recommended period of stay in the territory of one of the Schengen countries (as a rule, this is 3 months in each half year).
  2. The absence of one or more documents that are indicated as mandatory in the recommended list. A similar reason comes from the first paragraph, but has its own characteristics. The point here is not that the applicant forgot to extend the validity of one of the documents, but that he simply forgot to provide one of them. Most often, people forget, for example, about insurance, which must be drawn up for the required amount (as a rule, this is thirty thousand euros). Often, applicants can forget about the provision of other papers, for example, an invitation from the employer (for a work visa) or a letter from a business partner (for a business trip).
  3. Providing fictitious documents or documents that are incorrectly executed. For example, a citizen was denied a visa to Poland because of an incorrectly executed application form or insurance, which he ordered from scammers.

Reasons for refusal related to other circumstances

denial of a national visa to poland

Refusal of a visa to Poland can be obtained not only due to the provision of fictitious documents or failure to provide them at all, but also in other cases. The main causes of failure may be:

  1. The applicant’s absence at the embassy interview. Many people mistakenly believe that by contacting a visa company, you can not come for an interview. Some companies even tell their customers about it. But this is fundamentally wrong. An applicant applying for certain types of visas (work, student or business) is required to come for an interview and pass it successfully to get the necessary mark in the passport.
  2. Lack of funds to travel. If everything seems to be in order with the documents, but the applicant does not have the necessary money to stay in the country, he may also be denied a visa.
  3. The presence of debt or other obligations of the applicant in the territory of his home country. These may include, for example, a large amount of unpaid loan or the applicant being under the supervision of law enforcement agencies.
  4. The presence of other reasons why the applicant is not allowed abroad. Such reasons include, for example, the presence of a car that does not meet European standards (for car travelers), or the presence of any offenses in the past in Poland.

Ways to solve problems with issuing visas after refusal

denial of a work visa to poland

A visa to Poland after a refusal is issued in only two ways:

  1. Appeal to the embassy. An appeal should only be made when only a few days are left by the appointed travel date. Otherwise, it is better to use the opportunity to re-submit documents.
  2. Re-applying for a visa. This option is most optimal if more than two weeks are left before the appointed travel date. Indeed, in order to obtain a visa, the applicant will have to re-collect the necessary documents, only now also check each of them for errors and other inconsistencies with the requirements of the embassy.


The appeal process is only the responsibility of the embassy itself. You can find out in detail about when and how to file an appeal form at the embassy staff or from the indicated information on the rejected paper. As a rule, the deadline for filing an appeal is 7-10 days after receiving the denial.

In addition, if a refusal of a national visa to Poland was received, then there are some nuances. An appeal in such a case is necessary only when the applicant is truly confident in the correctness of his actions.

What is an appeal?

visa denial to poland what to do

An appeal is drawn up on behalf of the applicant and is submitted personally to the consul. The filing procedure is lengthy, therefore, during the entire period of viewing the appeal, the applicant cannot re-submit documents. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that when sending an appeal there is no need to submit foreign passports.

The appeal itself should contain approximately the following data:

  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • date of birth and place;
  • passport number;
  • current place of residence (postal address);
  • Email address (if any)
  • the name of the refusal and a detailed description of why the applicant does not agree with its receipt (only specific examples are provided);
  • a brief description of why and for what purpose the applicant urgently needs to get to Poland;
  • date of receipt of refusal to issue a visa;
  • signature.

If desired, the applicant may add to the appeal letter some documents that, in his opinion, will help the consul to make the right decision.

Resubmitting Documents: Solving Document Problems

visa to poland after refusal

There are no standard deadlines for resubmitting documents. You can submit them immediately the next day after receiving the refusal. But before re-applying and not getting a new visa refusal in Poland, you should check:

  1. Expiration date of the passport.
  2. List of required documents to avoid the absence of one of them.
  3. Each document separately for errors or inaccuracy of the information contained in it.
  4. The presence of such papers as insurance, tickets and checks evidencing payment of the consular fee and hotel rooms in Poland.

Resubmission: Resolving Other Circumstances

was denied a visa to Poland

Everything seems to be clear with the documents. Each of them needs to be double-checked, to make sure that everything is in place. But what if, for other reasons, a visa was refused in Poland? What to do in this case? To do this, you need:

  1. Do not forget about visiting the embassy at the appointed time for an interview.
  2. Make sure that the bank account has the necessary funds for the trip (approximately 30-45 euros for one day stay).
  3. Make sure that all loans are paid, that there are no debt obligations to the bank or other financial institution.
  4. Find out if you can make a trip to Poland with parole.
  5. Find out if there are any past offenses committed in Poland or other Schengen countries.
  6. Make sure that the car is fully equipped and suitable for traveling abroad (for citizens traveling by personal transport).
  7. Exclude other possible reasons for receiving a visa refusal.

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