
Responsibility for corruption offenses

Corruption is a huge problem for government. This is its main destroyer. With a high level of corruption in the country, the state is weakening, losing its power. Corruption contributes to the distrust of the people in the state and law enforcement agencies. Since criminal crimes of a corruption nature are committed quite often, people stop believing in justice, refuse to help solve dangerous crimes, and they think that everything can be bought. Thus, the authority of state power is undermined not only within the country, but also beyond its borders.

List of crimes

Bribing an official

Types of crimes related to corruption:

  1. Commercial bribery.
  2. Violation of the financing of the candidate, the activities of a group of persons for a referendum, an election group.
  3. Bribing organizers of competitions or sporting events.
  4. Mediation in bribery.
  5. Giving a bribe.
  6. Taking a bribe.
  7. Illegal business activities.
  8. Illegal movement across the border of the Russian Federation of firearms or parts thereof (bolts, barrels, receiver, drum, frame), ammunition, military equipment, other weapons, materials that can be used to create weapons or military equipment by a person performing his official duties duties improperly.
  9. Illegal movement across the border of the Russian Federation of nuclear materials, poisonous, explosive, radioactive, potent, poisonous substances using their official position.
  10. Illegal movement through customs of the Russian Federation of cultural property or goods of strategic importance.
  11. Illegal transfer through the customs of the Russian Federation of psychotropic or narcotic drugs, their analogues, plants containing narcotic substances, tools or equipment for the manufacture of narcotic drugs by a person who uses his official position in any way.

Corruption offenses with corruption intent

Corruption crimes

There are a number of crimes that can be attributed to corruption in the presence of criminal intent by an official:

  1. Money laundering (legalization of funds) received by him illegally in the commission of an official crime.
  2. Money laundering by several persons acquired by them in the commission of a crime.
  3. The creation of a criminal organization or the management of such an organization in order to commit a particularly serious or serious crime.
  4. Violation of the life of a person investigating a crime or administering justice.
  5. Threats to the person conducting the investigation or justice.
  6. Violence against a person who commits an investigation or justice.
  7. Obstruction of the preliminary investigation or justice.
  8. Bribery, coercion to knowingly false testimony.
  9. Evasion of testimony.
  10. Inclination of a person to incorrect translation.

Personal Intent Crimes

Serious state problem
  1. Abuse of authority.
  2. Abuse of authority by auditors and notaries.
  3. Abuse of authority.
  4. Registration of land transactions illegally.
  5. The misappropriation of funds from extrabudgetary funds.
  6. Spending budget funds for personal purposes.
  7. Violation of the rights of citizens, their legitimate interests, any law enforcement interests or the interests of organizations as a result of actions by an official who goes beyond his authority.
  8. Making a wrong decision, sentence, or judicial act by court.
  9. Official forgery.
  10. Entering incorrect information in the state register in advance, which entailed a violation of the interests of citizens.

Official Corruption Crimes

Use of official position
  1. Assignment or waste. The official squandered or misappropriated the property entrusted to him or a group of persons by prior agreement.
  2. Large-scale fraud by a person using his official position.
  3. Theft of nuclear substances, radioactive, chemical, firearms or their components, materials or equipment for creating weapons or military equipment by a person who has taken advantage of official capabilities.
  4. The movement through the customs of the Russian Federation of explosive substances, firearms, military equipment by a person exercising customs or border control.
  5. Violation of the rules for the manufacture, use, storage, transportation, import, export, etc. narcotic and psychotropic substances by the person who is entrusted with the duties of exercising control over this process.
  6. Extortion or theft of psychotropic and narcotic substances by a person on duty.
  7. Illegal cross-border movement of narcotic or psychotropic substances with the use of violence against a customs officer.

Self-Interest Crimes

  1. Illegal production, marketing, storage, transportation of psychotropic and narcotic substances by a person or group of persons using a large-scale official position.
  2. Theft of information on commercial, banking or tax secrets by theft, bribery or threats without the consent of the owner of a person or group of persons who have used their official position.

Types of Responsibility

Punishment for crime

Responsibility for corruption crimes can be of several types:

  1. Criminal
  2. Administrative
  3. Civil law.
  4. Disciplinary.

A person who has committed a corruption offense, in accordance with a court decision, may be deprived of the right to occupy his post.

Criminal liability

Criminal offense

Crimes related to corruption, include the following types of criminal punishments:

  • deprivation of liberty;
  • restriction of freedom;
  • fine;
  • dismissal of a post;
  • forced labor;
  • obligatory work;
  • correctional work;

Administrative responsibility

The administrative code provides for the following types of liability for corruption offenses:

  • disqualification;
  • fine;
  • administrative arrest.

Civil liability

A bribe is a crime

Civil liability for corruption offenses occurs as a result of harm to state bodies. It provides for compensation for harm to the state.

Such liability is provided for in the following articles of the civil code:

  • Article 1069 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for compensation for damage caused to a legal or civil person as a result of unlawful actions of state bodies or law enforcement bodies, their officials, publication of an inappropriate legal act or law;
  • Article 16 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for compensation for damage at the expense of state, municipal or any other authorities due to losses incurred by a civil or legal person by law enforcement or state bodies or their officials.

Damage caused to a citizen or legal entity shall be compensated at the expense of the treasury of the Russian Federation, its subjects or the treasury of the municipality.

Disciplinary responsibility

Disciplinary responsibility for committing crimes of corruption is provided for in article 27.1 of the law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation". The law provides for punishment for non-compliance with requirements, prohibitions, non-fulfillment of obligations stipulated in order to prevent corruption. Punishment involves punishment in the form of reprimand, remarks or dismissal in accordance with certain grounds.

Dismissal of an employee is possible in situations corresponding to the following articles:

  • Article 15 - for failure to provide employees with information about their income and expenses, property obligations of the spouse, their minor children, in the case when the provision of this information is mandatory;
  • Article 14.1 - for failure by the employee to take the necessary actions related to the prevention of a conflict of interest or its timely resolution.

Investigation of crimes

The investigation of corruption-related crimes falls within the competence of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Corruption crimes can be of varying severity. The investigation of corruption-related crimes depends on many factors. Each of them has its own specifics and is considered in accordance with the necessary methodological manual. Of course, corruption crimes have common features.

Corruption offenses are offenses committed by officials or a group of persons in order to obtain personal financial gain. Such crimes are of various types. The punishment is also diverse. This may be a fine, reprimand, dismissal, forced reparation, or deprivation or restriction of liberty. Crimes of corruption are within the competence of various public authorities. Depending on the gravity of the crime committed, such cases may be dealt with by the FSB of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor's office, the accounting chamber or the investigative committee. These offenses are quite a serious crime. State authorities take all necessary measures to reduce corruption in the country and raise its profile in the eyes of the population.

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