
Pedagogical experience: accrual conditions and calculation example

Pension payments in old age are the most important element of social security of the population by the state. Every person who has worked hard and hard for the well-being of his native country wants to get a decent fee for this and thereby guarantee himself a relaxing stay.

Pension payments

Any employee whose age is getting closer to retirement begins to worry about receiving a pension: how to apply for it, what is included in it. Against this background, many questions arise related to old-age payments. And the sooner a person begins to think about his future, the greater his chance of a comfortable old age. The first thing that affects any pension payments is seniority.


1. Insurance experience.

a) general;

b) special.

2. Work experience.

a) general;

b) special.

3. Continuous.

Total length of service is the sum of all the hours and days that a person has worked for his whole life. By this is meant official employment.

Who has a special work experience?

This concept arose only a couple of years ago, but now every employee should know if he has a special experience and what is included in it. After all, his future depends on it - pension payments.

Special length of service is a special kind of work that helps pay for the work of some workers: in certain professions and localities. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Working conditions adversely affect human health and can cause irreparable harm.
  2. Work in the Far North and territories equated to it.
  3. Military contract and public service.

The presence of a special seniority provides early retirement or long-term benefit.

This experience has employees of the following professions:

  • Medical workers.
  • Firefighters.
  • Workers in the field of cultural education.
  • Contract soldiers.
  • Civil servants.
  • Public transport drivers.
  • Teaching staff.
  • Miners and other workers associated with such activities.

This article focuses on one category from this list, namely, educators. For this sphere, a separate type of experience is distinguished.

Pedagogical experience is a special work experience, which is established to determine the remuneration of teachers. Many people in this sphere are interested in how the pension is based on it. They also want to know on what conditions the preferential teaching experience is taken into account.

Continuity of experience.

What professions have this experience?

Branches of pedagogy that have special experience:

  • educators;
  • additional education teachers (choreographer, music director, physical education worker, swimming instructor and others);
  • teachers of secondary educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums),
  • teachers of higher (institute, academy) and secondary special educational institutions (college, technical school, school).

The pedagogical experience of the educator and other employees of preschool educational institutions is the same. In this case, the direction of the garden (combined, correctional, development center, plant) may play a role.

In addition to these, there are many more posts related to teaching. One way or another, they are all connected with the educational process and have special experience.

The pedagogical experience of a teacher is taken into account when calculating a pension and affects its size.

What is included in this concept?

Pedagogical experience, what is included in it? Let's consider in more detail:

1. Work in other institutions:

a) by the head or inspector in the local trade union organization of public education workers;

b) methodological work in the children's fund;

c) work in the commission for minors;

d) the head of the public education worker’s house.

2. The period of full-time study in graduate school, secondary and higher educational institutions that have state accreditation (for certain years).

3. Contracted or urgent military service.

Specific issues are resolved at the level of the leader together with the trade union committee.

Does parental leave include parental leave?

This is a hot topic at all times. And today's young teachers are also very interested in this issue.

Holiday to care for the child.

For those women who went on maternity leave after 1992, parental leave is not included in the length of service of teaching experience. There are also other cases that do not count.

What else is not included in the experience of teaching:

  1. Studying full-time at an educational institution before receiving teacher education and out of work. This rule is valid for those whose studies have ended after January 1, 1992.
  2. Distance learning sessions.
  3. Continuing education courses. It is possible to achieve that professional courses are included in the teaching experience only in a judicial procedure, but there is no absolute guarantee for this.

Combination of several works

If a person works concurrently in several educational institutions (for example, a trainer), then the number of hours at a non-primary place of work should be at least 180 per year. Only months in which this work was directly performed are included in the calculation.

It is interesting that for the main place there is no such restriction - the minimum amount of work, which in the future will be counted as an experience, has not been established.

Combination of several works.

The length of the pedagogical work, the appropriate education and category are crucial when applying for a job.

Of course, for the entire time of labor activity, a person can work as an employee or worker in other areas. But such work will not be taken into account in a special pedagogical experience. When establishing the category of remuneration, all teaching work is summarized. One year of activity is counted as one year of special insurance experience.

The experience of pedagogical work is confirmed by the corresponding entries in the work book. If these notes are not available, certificates from previous places of work of all educational institutions with the signature of the head and seal can confirm it.

Continuous experience

Over the past decade, this term does not officially exist in the Russian Federation, however, it can often be heard from the administration of many institutions.

Previously, this concept meant the time that a person worked without breaks, and the duration between different positions did not exceed a certain time. All terms were spelled out in the legislation and were of crucial importance in setting wages and calculating old-age pensions.

In 2006, this document, namely the Decree of the Ministers of the USSR of April 13, 1973 No. 252, was canceled. Since then, there is no such concept, but in some professions the continuity of experience still matters.

Now, this indicator does not affect the size of wages, sick leave and other payments, but can be taken into account when receiving various benefits. Seniority is interrupted if the employment contract expires.

As for educators, this rule does not apply to them. That is, if the teacher quit one educational institution, but started working in another, the continuity of experience is maintained. The same applies to medical professionals.

The continuity of the total work experience is not affected by:

  • maternity leave;
  • military service and military training;
  • training in secondary and higher educational institutions (with a scholarship);
  • official temporary disability;
  • performance of state duties;
  • official unemployment (this means that a person must stand on the stock exchange and receive special benefits).

Continuous teaching experience is the sum of the teacher’s labor activity in all state and municipal, non-state educational institutions.

What is included in the training?

When changing jobs, the period of unemployment should not exceed a certain period:

  • 1 month;
  • 2 months for workers of the Far North (and other localities equated to it);
  • 3 months (if the reason for dismissal was the reorganization of an educational institution or a reduction in staff);
  • disability determination (also 3 months);
  • transfer of a spouse to work in another locality;
  • moving to another place (if there is a direction from the employment center).

Not every teacher knows that he can apply for a long vacation for up to one year. Its receipt is also affected by continuous pedagogical experience. You can get such leave at any time of the year, provided that this does not interfere with the work of the institution. At the same time, the teacher retains his position and working hours (load). It is also impossible to dismiss such an employee.

How is military service counted in seniority?

Military service.

The preferential pension, teaching experience includes military service under the contract at the rate of one to one. For military service (including the call of officers) - one to two.

Service life in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation:

  • sergeant;
  • ensign;
  • foreman;
  • midshipman;
  • officers

This rule is valid provided that the employee before and after the service worked in the pedagogical industry.

In addition to the conditions described above, there are categories of teachers who also receive a different service as a special service. These are posts such as:

  • methodologists;
  • psychologists;
  • additional education teachers;
  • physical education teachers and swimming instructors;
  • teachers of secondary vocational educational institutions aimed at culture and art (drawing, art, music, choreography).

Subtleties of calculating old-age pension based on seniority

It is worth noting that there are many nuances that are difficult to take into account. Therefore, when retiring, workers very often face various questions. For example, if an educational institution changed its name several times, and one of them is simply not on the list. The teacher’s workload is measured in the number of hours that make up the bid. And if the employee’s employment is less than one rate, the activity does not go into the experience. This was the case before, and at present this rule is not valid.

Such shortcomings are associated with many decisions that change the rules for establishing the category of remuneration and receiving a pension.

Separately, it should be noted that for the teaching experience of teachers in rural areas and primary school teachers (at any place of work), the minimum number of hours has not been established.

As mentioned above, when calculating an old-age pension, the periods of pedagogical work are summed up. However, there is no restriction on its interruption. This means that the employee can change the scope of activity for any amount of time, and then return to pedagogy. And all the time of his direct teaching work will be counted into a preferential pension.

When establishing the category of remuneration and accrual of pensions, do not confuse circumstances that are not included in the teaching experience with factors that do not affect its continuity.

Although a special experience should affect the size of wages in all professions for which it is provided, at the moment this is realized only in two areas: social work and pedagogy. It is also planned to introduce this rule in the healthcare system and pharmaceuticals.

The experience of teaching significantly affects the size of wages.Depending on the type of educational institution, a coefficient is established by which the percentage for special experience is calculated.

Making a preferential pension

About how to apply for a preferential pension, it is said in Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400 dated 12.28.13 (“On Early Retirement”). In order to understand what benefits you have, you need to find out:

  • The full name of the position and educational institution in which you work.
  • When the assessment of working conditions or classification of jobs.
  • Consider the results of the assessment and understand what class of work is in your position.

Such a course of action is suitable if the employee does not know whether he has a length of service in pedagogical experience.

After that, you can apply to the pension fund and start preparing documents for processing payments. For this you need:

  1. ID document.
  2. Certificate with personal account data in the OPS (compulsory pension insurance).
  3. Certificate of Income.

This is the main list, the need for other papers individually for each teacher, a pension fund employee will help. Documents can be submitted no more than a month before the start of early retirement.

Please note that after accepting the application, you have 3 months to collect documents, otherwise it will have to be submitted again.

Documents for preferential teaching experience are somewhat more difficult to find, especially if there are any additional barriers (loss of documentation, changing the name of an educational institution or its closure, and much more). Therefore, it is better to worry about this in advance and start collecting documents. After all papers have been submitted, the pension will be issued within 10 days.

Pension Calculation Example

The formula for calculating preferential and regular pensions is the same.

IPO in year N / NGO in year N) * 10.

IPO - individual pension contributions.

NGO - the standard amount of pension contributions.

N - Year of calculation.

For example: a music director in 2015 receives a salary of 10,000 rubles / month. It is necessary to calculate how many points he will receive in one year. The rate of deductions that affect the insurance part in 2015 is 16% per month, for NGOs in 2015 = 16% * 670,000 rubles. = 107,200 rubles.

(10,000 * 16% * 12 / 107,200) * 10 = 1.79 points.

Before using the point system, the so-called pension capital was used. It was converted to points automatically. When making pension payments, all points are added up and multiplied by the cost of one. Each year its price is different.

As you can see, such a calculation is not so simple. In a pension fund, it is done automatically. Of course, you can do it yourself, but you will have to work hard for this. In addition, the risk of mistakes is very high.

Self-counting algorithm:

  1. Make sure that your position is on the list of professions eligible for special experience.
  2. Use the Internet to find out which periods are considered grace periods.
  3. Calculate how many points have accumulated.
  4. Using the formula, get the amount of preferential pension.

The data obtained in this way will be very approximate. For a more reliable result, it is better to contact the pension fund directly.

Registration of preferential pension.


Pedagogical work experience is the most important aspect in the field of social security of the population. It affects the size of wages and early retirement benefits, and also covers all areas of pedagogy that are directly related to the educational process.

The article describes most of the factors for obtaining length of service: for whom, when and under what conditions it is possible.

There is also a detailed description of how to calculate and arrange pension payments yourself on the basis of pedagogy, so all that remains for you is to use our tips and ensure yourself a decent old age right now.

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