
Full-time survivor pension

Students belong to a socially vulnerable group of citizens. In our country there are certain measures to support such categories of the population. In most situations, parents help students by sending them money for a normal stay. But when there is no one to provide such a person undergoing full-time education, the student is entitled to a survivor's pension.

In order to make a payment, you should know about the basic legal framework, as well as who they are entitled to, what documentation should be brought to the pension fund in order to receive a positive decision from the state. Knowing the basic rules related to paperwork will certainly help to correctly resolve the issue of receiving payments.

student survivor benefits

Legal basis

The main reason that a survivor's pension is paid to a student is the following circumstance: he simply does not have the ability to work independently and provide for himself. For the same factors, payments are assigned only to people who study in full-time. Those who attend part-time or evening classes can theoretically work and provide for themselves. Full-time students of any educational institution of the country can receive pension payments, regardless of the legal form and areas of study.

During holidays

Often the question arises as to whether pension will be paid during the seasonal holidays. According to the law, payment is continued until the student’s status is relevant. During the holidays, he does not lose it; accordingly, payments are transferred even during the holidays. In addition, in the case when the student is dependent on a pensioner, the latter can increase the size of the insurance pension. However, such payments with allowances for retirement benefits to the student are relevant only at the full-time education stage.

termination of student survivor pension

How to get a pension?

Such a pension is entitled to those students who die one of the breadwinners, on whose support they were. Legislatively approved that the right to receive payment are absolutely all children who are not yet eighteen years old.

The amount of the survivor's pension to the student will be given below.

However, there are additional conditions under which students can continue to receive money even after they reach the age of majority. One of these conditions is full-time training. Payments continue until they reach twenty-three years. Education can also be carried out in an educational institution located outside our country. For example, if a student was sent to a foreign exchange institution.

retirement student pension

Cessation of survivor's pension to a student

When do they stop providing payments? This is done in the following cases:

  1. When a person is trained in an institution that provides additional educational services, he is deprived of the opportunity to receive payments.
  2. As part of a student’s expulsion from an educational institution.
  3. Against the background of the transfer from the day format to correspondence, students are also deprived of material support from the state.

Payments cease immediately the next month after the transfer from one training format to another. Students undertake to notify the pension fund themselves that they have been transferred or expelled to correspondence education. In the event that this is not done on time and the payments continue, the student pension fund will oblige to return all the excess paid funds.

A similar situation arises when a person officially gets a job, making contributions to a pension fund. In this regard, the student also does not receive any pension. Subject to dismissal from the place of work, payment may be renewed.

Payout amount

The amount of the survivor's pension to the student is determined by the pension fund, depending on the documentation provided. In 2018, the amount of such state assistance is about 4.4 thousand rubles. And in case of loss of both breadwinners at once, this figure is eight thousand six hundred rubles.

How to issue?

A step-by-step instruction for obtaining a survivor's pension for a full-time student is as follows:

student survivor pension
  1. You must make sure that the child has the right to receive a payment. Material assistance is prescribed to all minors when kinship with the deceased is established. Payments are also accrued after eighteen years of full-time students, but they cease after they reach twenty-three years. How to apply for a student survivor pension correctly?
  2. It is necessary to collect a full package of documentation, which is necessary for accrual. To do this, you will need a passport along with a death certificate, marriage, paper, which confirm the relationship with the deceased person, and so on.
  3. An account is opened (savings book or plastic card) in the name of the child. Later, monthly accrued pension amounts will be paid to her when the student has lost the breadwinner.
  4. They apply to the pension fund at the place of their registration. There it will be necessary to write a statement on the provision of appropriate financial payments. Full-time students write such a statement on their own. The pension fund will tell in detail about the period for reviewing the documentation and the procedure for monetary accrual.
  5. Full-time students of educational institutions must present a certificate with the seal of the university from the dean’s office, where the date of enrollment in full-time will be marked. Pension for the loss of a breadwinner is awarded to a student from this date, and not from the day the training begins within the educational institution.
survivor pension

Features and nuances

You should always try to carefully check any issued certificates, calculating them for any typos or errors, since if any, the pension fund specialists will most likely be refused. In the same way, it makes no sense to even try to submit a false certificate, which will be revealed, and the applicant may even be imposed certain administrative sanctions in the form of a fine.

What documents are needed?

You can apply for a full-time survivor pension if you apply to the pension fund and provide a full package of all required documents. You can go to this government agency in person or send documents by mail. A pension is calculated from the moment of filing the application or from the day of death of the relative who was the breadwinner. It becomes possible to receive payment from the day of the death of the breadwinner if an application is submitted within twelve months after the death of the relative concerned. To make such a payment, the following documents must be submitted:

  1. Student passport full-time study format.
  2. The work book of the deceased breadwinner.
  3. Death certificate.
  4. Certificate of salary for the last sixty months.
  5. Documentation that confirms kinship with a deceased relative (birth certificate, which indicates that the deceased person was the student's parent, or a paper confirming guardianship).
  6. A certificate from the place of study, which confirms full-time study.
how to apply for a student survivor pension

Additional papers

In addition to the mandatory documentation listed, the pension fund will ask for some additional papers in the process of assigning payments from the state.All cases, as a rule, are individual, but usually they may still ask:

  1. A certificate confirming the place of residence of a citizen who claims to appoint or extend cash payments.
  2. A document that confirms guardianship in cases where the deceased was a guardian.

What else should you know about providing such a pension?

The decision to assign a survivor's pension to students shall be made within ten days after the application is submitted. A similar payment is appointed once and for all time. The transfer of money may be terminated only in cases provided for by law. Pensions are indexed annually. Payments are made to students studying in full-time format at an educational institution. The fact of such training must necessarily be documented by a certificate taken at the educational institution.

Payment can continue even after twenty-three years, but only if the student receives a disability and is recognized as incapable of work. In such a situation, the payment is assigned to a child who receives a disability immediately before the end of life. As noted earlier, to apply for a money transfer, you should contact the pension fund by registration. In order to get a quick decision from the authorities regarding your issue, you need to submit full documentation. The decision will be made within ten business days. Pensions are indexed every year.

student survivor pension

Is a survivor entitled to a working student pension?

Pension, as a rule, is paid to those students who are studying full-time before completing their studies or before reaching the age of twenty-three years. Getting a pension due to the loss of a breadwinner does not depend on whether the training is paid or budget.

But the money is paid exclusively to disabled citizens. In this regard, if a student who receives such monetary compensation goes to work, he loses the right to receive it. In such a situation, a person begins to receive a salary, which means that he can provide for himself. Therefore, survivor pensions are not provided to a working student.

Thus, in life, each person may encounter a variety of situations, while not all of them can be pleasant. Everyone can easily lose a loved one, but it is especially scary when young people (children or adolescents) are left without any means of subsistence due to the loss of a single breadwinner, and long before they graduate from the institute and enter an independent life, within which they will be able to provide for themselves. The state should always take care of such a category of citizens, this situation is no exception.

In a difficult life situation, anyone should know that the homeland will always take care of him, and at the same time give him the opportunity to live quietly and study, even when the only source of financial income has been lost. In our country, students, not only those studying at a higher educational institution, but also at a college, technical school, lyceum and other educational centers, are entitled to receive payments due to the loss of the breadwinner. That is, the education that a person receives can be primary, higher or secondary professional, as well as postgraduate (for example, residency or graduate school).

We examined the conditions for providing a survivor's pension to a full-time student.

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