
Old-age pension: terms for applying for a pension after applying

In the article, we will consider the terms for applying for a pension after applying. Since this year, this process has been greatly simplified in Russia. But citizens are still actively interested in the timing of accrual of pension payments after completion of registration.

old-age pensions

How to submit documents

In order for a pension to accrue, a citizen must fulfill the requirements for seniority. To date, the minimum period that he must work in order to receive payments is 8 years. Subsequently, by 2025, it is planned that this period will be increased - pension payments will be made to those who have worked for at least 15 years.

When submitting papers for registration, a citizen will have to fill out a special application form. The form itself, as well as a sample of its completion, can be taken directly from the PFR department, as well as viewed on a specialized portal on the Internet. If you want to arm yourself with all the necessary papers and quickly turn them in for immediate processing, you can pre-download this form and fill it out yourself.

In similar ways, you can submit an application: by contacting the department of the pension fund or by sending it via the Internet. After the papers are filled and filed with the appropriate authorities, the term for applying for an old-age pension is 10 days. During this time, employees of the FIU are required to complete the consideration of the citizen’s appeal and make an appropriate decision on the due payments.

old-age pension terms

What to indicate in the application?

In the process of preparing the application, the potential pensioner should indicate:

  1. Own data - F. I. O., address of permanent residence.
  2. Passport information, data of insurance certificate.
  3. If a person is legally incompetent, information about the legal representative or guardian must also be indicated.
  4. The type of pension that is due.
  5. List of documents that are attached to the appeal.

A citizen must indicate the reasons sufficient for calculating pension benefits. The list of applications should provide documents capable of confirming a person’s right to receive payments.

what is the term for applying for a pension after applying

The terms for applying for a pension after applying must be strictly adhered to.

Package of documents required for submission to the FIU

In addition to the application, the citizen who has applied for the receipt of pension accruals must also submit the following papers and certificates:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of payroll for five years of labor. Moreover, it does not matter for which period the document will be provided, the main condition is that the experience in this period should be continuous.
  3. Employment history.
  4. Documentation confirming that a citizen has an insurance experience allowing him to receive a pension.
  5. Medical insurance certificate.

What is the term for applying for a pension after applying, we will describe below.

what is the term of the pension

Other papers

In some cases, the pensioner should attach other papers. For example:

  1. Former military personnel will need a military ID.
  2. Persons who have previously conducted entrepreneurial activities must attach a certificate confirming the registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  3. Mothers with many children who are eligible for benefits must be accompanied by a birth certificate for each child.
  4. A disabled person's guardian must attach a certificate of disability.
  5. If necessary, you should supplement the package of documents with confirmation of the change of surname.
  6. In the case when a person worked under special conditions and has the right to receive preferential conditions under the law, he must also provide relevant evidence.
  7. Documents confirming the participation of a person in any programs involving financial support for retirement benefits.

If a citizen has collected all the necessary papers, filled out an application, and handed them in the established order to the PFR department, he should just wait for the due date for processing the pension. In accordance with the law, payments begin immediately after the application is submitted.

terms of registration of a pension after application

What to consider?

But if a future pensioner submits documents for assignment of benefits in the traditional way, namely by personal appeal to the authorities issuing pension payments, he should take into account certain points:

  1. The application in its entirety and without fail must comply with the model that is installed.
  2. The entire package of documents, including the application and certificates, must be prepared a month before the expected date of retirement.
  3. All documents can be submitted by contacting the Pension Fund, the MFC or the post office.
  4. In cases where it was discovered that certain documentation is not in the package, the missing papers must be submitted no later than 3 months. Otherwise, the FIU will stop calculating the pension and will have to start the registration procedure again.
  5. It is extremely important to correctly indicate the information about the place of residence and the details of the banking organization through which the pension payment will be transferred to the card.
  6. A pension should be accrued from the moment the application is submitted to the relevant authorities, but only after the FIU makes a positive decision on the future pensioner.
timing of retirement pension

Deadlines for applying for a pension after applying

As already noted, the deadline for assigning pension insurance benefits is strictly regulated by law and is 10 days. But, despite this, in practice there are exceptions, and often. Sometimes it happens that a citizen receives the first allowance later or earlier than the deadline for obtaining a pension, which was originally declared.

Usually a person receives the first payment later than expected, if an error was made during the paperwork, or the package of papers did not include all, or defects were present in the application. It is worth noting that employees of a state institution are urgently required to notify a citizen who has applied for any non-compliance and give him time to quickly eliminate errors. If the pensioner filled out all the documents correctly and submitted them on time, then the first charge will be made at the beginning of next month. Employees of the FIU check all documentation in just 10 days.

When will you not have to wait?

What is the term of applying for a pension, it is important to find out in advance. In some cases, a person does not have to wait at all. The term for consideration of the appeal may be very short in the following cases:

  1. If a citizen quit his job in old age. In this case, he simply needs to notify the FIU of his retirement.
  2. If a citizen is recognized as disabled. You can contact the FIU on the same day, and you will not have to fill out any applications.
  3. If the death of the breadwinner. In this case, a citizen has the right to payment, for which he should apply to a pension organization no later than 12 days from the date of death.
  4. If a citizen already receives disability payments, then he will start receiving a retirement pension after he reaches the appropriate age.

Personal presence

In each of these cases, the formation of charges begins even before a citizen applies to the FIU. But a personal presence in the organization may be required if it is necessary to clarify certain information. Usually this applies to the data that the pensioner himself wants to know.

When planning to leave for a well-deserved rest, a citizen should collect and prepare all the necessary papers and certificates in advance. The sooner he contacts the appropriate organization, the faster and easier the procedure will go. In the article, we talked about the timing of applying for an old-age pension.

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