
Re-qualification is ... Definition, features, types and requirements

What is the word retraining? First of all, an association arises with getting an additional education. Indeed, what else? That's right, retraining - this most often means learning a new specialty.

At the same time, it is much easier to learn another profession. Firstly, faster, and secondly - cheaper. However, retraining can be done both in private educational educational centers, and in state ones. In the latter case, knowledge can be obtained at public expense.

Re-qualification is such a voluminous concept

But that is not all. There is another concept, which, fortunately, not everyone faces. We are talking about retraining of crimes and related criminal articles. What this is and how this procedure occurs will also be described in detail in this article.

A new specialty is a new life!

Indeed, having an education, do not stop there. Because learning new things is always useful and interesting. Retraining helps to achieve something more in a career and in life. Retraining is the accelerated acquisition of a new specialty on the basis of an existing education. Moreover, with the receipt of a diploma of the established form.

retraining is

As a rule, the purpose of such retraining is to get a more promising profession that is in demand and well paid. Or just the one that is more to your liking.

Usually, retraining is a sure step up the career ladder and changes a person’s life for the better in all respects. However, sometimes the need for retraining is not just a person’s voluntary choice. Sometimes retraining can be caused by the requirements for a profession that needs constant improvement of knowledge. Teachers, doctors, accountants, lawyers and many others do not have the right to stop there. At a certain time, for example, every three years, they must take refresher courses to learn about new laws and regulations.

Retraining Prospects

Professional retraining helps a person learn a new profession or improve knowledge of an existing profession. And in any case, this will affect career growth and the level of salary. The retraining initiator can be both the employee himself and the employer. At the same time, the employee obtains undoubted benefit, and the manager both benefits and the danger of losing his job.

Since sometimes a specialist who has received additional knowledge can remove the leader from his post and take his place. Unless, of course, he will fully fit the requirements and differ in the best knowledge and personal qualities not in favor of the previous boss. Therefore, sometimes leaders hinder the career growth of their subordinates when they see them as serious competitors. However, no one bothers a person to independently undergo professional retraining at any age.

Two types of retraining

Depending on the purpose, professional retraining is of two types. It, retraining - getting a completely new specialty. For example, a therapist can additionally learn to be an endocrinologist, since he already has some knowledge base. Then he changes the profession - becomes an endocrinologist. The second type is the courses of improvement of knowledge in the existing specialty.

retraining of uk rf

Suppose a neuropathologist can learn diagnostic research methods and work on a computer tomograph. But at the same time remain a neuropathologist, but at a higher level. The same examples can be given in the field of education, and in the field of culture, in industry and in the field of computer technology. By the way, there are many examples of retraining in the field of journalism, when teachers, lawyers, and managers come to this profession. And then they go to special training courses in order to better master the profession of "shark pen."

Where do retraining take place

In Russia, professional development and retraining are being carried out on the basis of secondary and higher educational institutions. But in some cases, this procedure is also available at state employment centers. And in this case there is an opportunity to get new knowledge for free, that is, at the expense of the state. However, this option is not offered to everyone, but only in cases where there is an overabundance of workers in this profession on the labor market. Therefore, job applicants are offered to learn exactly the profession that is most in demand in their region.

 base retraining

In time, retraining courses are two times shorter than if a person received knowledge in the usual way, studying in a specialty. But despite the accelerated educational process, due attention is paid to quality. There are requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which are strictly followed. The number of lectures is determined specifically for each specialty.

Remote Learning

Sometimes an educational institution is located in the same city where a person lives. But more often it just so happens that for knowledge it is necessary to leave the city or even the district. Not everyone can afford it. The solution to this problem is the "remote" way of learning. Retraining remotely allows you to study without interruption from work, from family, with lower costs and the need to solve a host of other problems associated with temporary relocation.

retraining of higher education

Distance learning allows you to get exactly the same diploma as in the traditional form, and, in fact, the same knowledge. You just have to do a lot yourself. But on the other hand, “homework” not only provides new knowledge, but also the ability to acquire it, arouses interest in finding a new one. Retraining on the basis of higher education remotely accessible for such professions as a programmer, accountant, lawyer, manager. There are many examples. But you cannot learn in this way some other professions. For example, medical. It’s not worth explaining the reasons.

Study and study

Choosing the profession of a teacher or teacher as part of further education, you must be prepared for the fact that every three years you will have to undergo mandatory retraining. And maybe, in parallel, to master a new profession in the field of teaching. For example, a kindergarten teacher can learn the profession of speech therapist and even music director.

retraining on the basis of higher education

In general, teacher retraining is a very common occurrence. In the field of education, every time there are many changes and additions that must be met. Therefore, even a working teacher is regularly obliged to improve his knowledge, to keep up with the times. And to learn an additional profession means to become a more demanded, universal and highly paid specialist. For example, an elementary school teacher can further master the profession of a school psychologist.

Higher Education Improvement

Sometimes life requires a retraining of higher education. If, for example, a person has not worked in a specialty for a long time, he needs to remember all that baggage of knowledge that he once received at a university. This may affect doctors, engineers, advertising specialists, and teachers. Indeed, how can one deal with, for example, treating people if knowledge and skills are forgotten.

retraining remotely

But there are situations when the re-qualification of higher education is necessary due to the fact that there are an abundance of these specialists in the labor market in a particular city. What to do? Re-qualify. Or another situation: an educational institution desperately needs a certain teacher, but it is difficult to find it. In such cases, some teachers take extra hours of work, having mastered a new profession on the basis of the existing one. If you wish, you can retrain from a geography teacher to a historian, but this is already more difficult. And we must remember that a diploma of retraining is not equal to a diploma of higher education.

Criminal law

Retraining is not always about getting a new education. Another interpretation of the term refers to criminal law. First you need to understand what is the classification of crimes. This is a lengthy process, which ultimately leads to a court decision and specific punishment. But during the investigation, the assessment of the crime can be changed.

retraining of article

Usually retraining an article occurs at the very beginning of a criminal investigation, and the result of a retraining is necessarily enshrined in the procedural documents. For example, the investigator, having collected all the information about the committed act, opened a criminal case, qualifying him as hooliganism. And then it turned out that before starting a fight in a cafe, a man quarreled with the victim at work. And in the evening I decided to take out the anger. This means that this is already intentional harm to health.

The re-qualification of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can be repeated in the case of a complicated and complicated case.

Reasons for retraining crimes

Re-qualification is, in fact, a change in the criminal article and, accordingly, the degree of punishment. Changes usually arise for three reasons. First: if new information is collected that fundamentally changes the initial idea of ​​the case in question. Second reason: the law may change during the investigation or litigation. In this case, the crime committed can be reclassified to another article of the Criminal Code or even go beyond the definition of an offense as a crime. The third reason: retraining of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may arise due to a mistake. Alas, no one is safe from mistakes. Therefore, there are lawyers who can delve into the matter and find these errors. If at first the committed act was qualified as a serious crime, then it may turn out that the offense does not correspond to the specified qualification in all respects.

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