
Who is the buyer?

Who is the buyer? Each person constantly acts in this role. This can be not only an individual, but also a legal entity, that is, an organization or enterprise. You can purchase both goods and services. Details about who this is the buyer will be discussed in the article.


Clothing buyers

The buyer is a person (individual) or an organization that is a legal entity that purchases goods or services from the seller. At the same time, they are paid in cash.

In other words, the buyer is the entity that orders, acquires, or intends to acquire the goods or service he needs to satisfy certain needs for money.

One of the key points in the characterization of this concept is the acquisition on a reimbursable basis, that is, for money. At the same time, payment can take both cash and non-cash.

Protection of rights

During the course of purchases, various adverse circumstances may arise from which the buyer may suffer. In order to protect him from dishonest actions on the part of the seller and from the acquisition of substandard goods, there is a special law. Its name is “The Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights”. About how the consumer differs from the buyer will be discussed below.

It will be appropriate here to recall the well-known saying. Often you can hear these words: "The buyer is always right." They reflect the essence of the relationship between the parties who are present during the conclusion of the contract of sale. The main link in this system is the one who pays money for goods and services.

Next, words that are close in meaning to the subject will be examined.


Shoppers at the hypermarket

By the word "buyer" you can choose such as:

  • the acquirer;
  • customer;
  • counterparty;
  • consumer;
  • customer;
  • the purchaser;
  • merchant;
  • bidder;
  • manceps;
  • Franchisees
  • recipe;
  • bidder;
  • pickup;
  • instigator;
  • clientele;
  • the giver;
  • (to) the credential;
  • a patient;
  • visitor;
  • clientele;
  • subscriber;
  • at war.

If desired, you can choose other related terms.

For a better understanding of who this buyer is, it would be advisable to familiarize yourself with the origin of the studied linguistic object.


Buyer with a list

The word is formed from the verb "buy, buy," which, in turn, comes from the Proto-Slavic kupiti. From the latter also have their origin:

  • Old Russian and Old Slavonic "kѹpiti";
  • Old Russian, Russian Church Slavonic “kpiti”;
  • Russian "buy";
  • Ukrainian and Serbo-Croatian “buy”;
  • Belarusian “merchant”;
  • Bulgarian “buying”;
  • Slovenian kúpiti;
  • Czech koupit;
  • Slovak kúpiť;
  • Polish and Upper Luzhsk kupić;
  • Lower Luzhsky kupiś.

From here come the nouns “merchant” and “purchase”. It is assumed that the pro-Slavic verb kupiti is borrowed from the Gothic language, formed from the verb kaupōn, the meaning of which is “to trade with trade”, or from the verb kaupjan, in the same meaning.

It is compared with the Old English cypan. It is believed that the Old Prussian noun kāupiskan, which is translated into Russian as “trade”, also originates from the same source. As well as the Finnish noun kauppa, meaning the same thing. According to etymologists, the Gothic kaupōn was formed from the Latin noun caupō - “innkeeper, shopkeeper”.

Next, examples of proposals with the word "buyer" will be considered.

Examples of use

Product Buyers

As such, the following can be cited:

  • In the shop charters there was a ban on placing eye-catching goods in store windows of the exhibition, and it was also impossible to call on buyers.
  • The wholesale price is the one at which the manufacturer releases the products they make to the wholesale buyer.
  • Wherever you turn your head, everywhere you will see a lot of advertising posters, billboards, announcements, which are full of variety and attract the attention of buyers.
  • Marketers believe that the time it takes to design and install a sign will not be wasted due to the constant flow of interested buyers.
  • Under the foreign market is meant such economic relations that develop as a result of the fact that part of the domestic market is reoriented to a foreign buyer.
  • According to the accounting rules, when the representative of the buyer has a power of attorney in his hands, the seal of the acquirer may not be present in the document.

Further, the studied lexeme will be considered from the point of view of its morphology and its constituent parts.

Parsing the word “buyer”

  1. Morphological. The word is a noun, a common noun, denotes an animate object, refers to the masculine gender, is inclined according to the 2nd type.
  2. Analysis of the word “buyer” by composition. The lexeme under study consists of the prefix “by”, the root “kup” and two suffixes “a” and “tel”.

To understand who this buyer is, you should familiarize yourself with one of the concepts closely related to it.

Who is a consumer?

Little shopper

The buyer must be distinguished from the consumer, although in some cases it may be the same person.

A consumer is a person who wants to purchase, order, purchase and order, or using goods, services, works that have a specific purpose. Namely, this purpose is exclusively personal, social, family, home and other needs that are not related to the activities of the entrepreneur.

In 1962, March 15, in the American Congress, D.F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, said that we are all consumers. Later, on the basis of this speech, World Consumer Rights Protection Day was established. It was first celebrated in 1983.

The whole world economy is based on the principle that the final link in the money-commodity-money chain is, as a rule, an ordinary consumer. After all, it is his needs and natural needs that are the subject on which the work of all industries, all aspects of the entertainment industry and services in the world is directed. The only exception is the military-industrial complex.

Thus, the consumer is the most important link in any economic industry. Any of the manufacturers who have lost their consumer is sentenced to bankruptcy. In this regard, we can conclude that protecting the interests of the consumer and his rights is one of the main directions in the activities of any state.

What's the Difference?

Fruit shopper

So, the buyer is the one who buys the product and pays money for it. And the consumer is the one who uses it to satisfy his needs. Do these faces always match? It turns out, no.

An example of a coincidence is when goods or services are purchased for personal use. For example, a man buys a shaving machine. In this case, he is both a buyer and a consumer.

An example of a mismatch - if a man purchases clothes for a child, then he will no longer be a consumer. In the latter case, the father pays, and the child uses it.

Another example of a mismatch is when an organization or an individual entrepreneur acts as a buyer and purchases goods for resale, such as office supplies.

The consumer will be the one who purchases this product for personal use. Moreover, he will simultaneously be the buyer.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion. “Buyer” and “consumer” are two different concepts, but in certain cases they coincide - it all depends on the specific situation.

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