
Is there a pension supplement for children of war?

At the moment, the bill on children of war has not been passed. It has been considered for more than one year. However, the concept of "children of war" already exists in various regions. And for citizens assigned to this category, benefits are provided. In particular, the law provides for supplementary pensions for children of war. They are installed individually. They are prescribed in regional legislation.

About the general provisions

Children of the war - citizens born between 1928 and 1945. In order to receive the status of children of the war and additional payments to pensions, in Russia it is necessary to prove the fact that a person lived on the territory of the Soviet state on a permanent basis during the Great Patriotic War.

Children June 22, 1941

There are several types of benefits intended for such citizens - these are tax, medical, housing, transport benefits.

Who does not belong to this category

Children of the war who were in prison during the hostilities receive neither special status nor supplementary pension. The children of war themselves are not those who directly participated in the battles. However, they helped in the rear, lived in poor conditions, starving, suffering, and ended up in concentration camps. And for this reason, privileges were introduced - surcharges for retirement to children of the war.

Children of war can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, stateless persons, persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

About benefits

In a number of areas of this category of citizens additionally provide benefits for dental prosthetics. In addition, they can move across the entire state, acquiring tickets for trains or planes on preferential grounds. Supplements to pensions for children of the war in Moscow will significantly differ from those currently available in the regions.

About financial support

Today, only 18 Russian entities introduce benefits for children of war. For example, in the Irkutsk region, supplements to the pensions of children of the war amounted to 383 rubles as of 2014. Most of the remaining regions provide them only for people with disabilities of the Great Patriotic War, direct participants in hostilities, widows, families of the victims. This fully applies to the issue of pensions and supplements to children of war in the LPR. Regional features are due to various conditions and material capabilities of a particular region of the Russian Federation. It will be possible to answer more specifically the question of whether there is an additional payment for pensions to children of war and what its size is in which region, after the adoption of the bill.

The bill, which is planned to be adopted in 2018-2019, provides for not only free rides for these citizens, but also additional payments. Answering a question about what kind of surcharge for a pension for children of war is better to introduce, the legislator proposes to establish an amount of 1000 rubles for each month. Also, this payment will be indexed every year. Norms that apply to inflation will be respected.

Another surcharge

In addition, financial support is planned to be organized in the form of additional privileges. These include installing a telephone house out of turn, paying it on preferential grounds. In addition to supplements for retirement, children of the war are planning to organize a medical examination every year for free. They will also be recorded in nursing homes, disabled homes out of turn. Such benefits are already available in a number of regions, but pension payments to children of war are recorded only in very rare areas.

Statistical Information

At present, about 13 million people of retirement age belonging to the described category of citizens live in the Russian Federation. And only a small part of them actually receives supplementary pension payments for children of war. Many do not even realize that they are entitled to additional privileges.

About types of benefits

Among the main privileges for this category of citizens, the bill lists: discounts on housing and communal services, on the purchase of medicines, lower tax rates. But if a person belongs to several preferential categories of citizens at once, then he chooses privileges on only one basis. They will not be cumulative. Thus, if a person turned out to be both an invalid and a child of war, then preferential conditions will be provided to him only on one of the grounds. Which one - he chooses for himself.

One of the varieties of benefits is the compensation of funeral services. Families of children of war do not need to pay for the burial of their relative. The state itself will allocate funds for this ritual. It should be noted that in Russia there are already several regions that support children of war in this way.

On the bottom

According to the bill, children of war will receive payments after they submit a corresponding statement to the official bodies. Anyone who wants to receive privileges on this basis will need to bring an identity document to the Social Security Office at the place of residence. After that, the accrual of benefits will begin. However, this does not apply to additional pension payments - their Pension Fund of the Russian Federation accrues without additional applications already upon the fact of documentation available in this body.

It is planned to introduce a separate document that will confirm the status of children of war. This will be a certificate, according to which a person will enjoy all the benefits laid down to him in accordance with the law.

About regional practice

Although not all regions supported the idea of ​​a new bill related to the children of the war, it was still implemented by some departments. So, in some regions of this category of citizens, transport and medical benefits, benefits for housing and communal services are relied on, they are given free prescription drugs, and they are also taken without waiting in medical institutions.

Monument to them

In addition, in some regions there are already supplements to pensions for this category of citizens. For example, in the Amur Region, children of war receive a surcharge of 600 rubles each month. In the Samara region, they receive the right to prosthetics at discounts. And this applies to both free and paid clinics.

In the Belgorod region they are paid 500 rubles every month. In the Penza region there is no such concept, but persons born between 1927 and 1945 pay utility bills on preferential terms. If their pension is less than the sum of 2 living wages, then they are entitled to surcharges. In addition, there are benefits for funeral services.

It should be noted that the current program "Children of War", which is currently operating in certain areas of the country, is successful. Most pensioners, whose standard of living is low, due to these additional privileges feel a little better in the current social conditions.

About the prospects of adoption

If the law "On the Children of War" is adopted, many pensioners across the country will receive new privileges, and no region will have the right to refuse to allocate them. As practice shows, in the regions in which they already exist, pensioners are very actively using the benefits set by them.

More payouts

The legislative bodies have repeatedly put forward the idea of ​​a law that would supplement the benefits for children of the war, but it has not been adopted. For example, in 2015, the initiative came from the Communists.The authors of the project proposed to provide children of the war with benefits similar to those currently provided to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other military conflicts.

It should be noted that currently the legislation in the regions is much more loyal to the children of war than federal. In some regions, in order to receive benefits, additional requirements must also be met - for example, to prove orphanhood or provide evidence of the death of one of the parents during the Second World War. The last condition is put forward by Moscow, Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg.

Bills, including benefits and bonuses to children of war at the federal level, were also proposed in 2013, 2014, but all of them were rejected for one reason or another. Nevertheless, it should be noted that pensioners who were children during the war years can expect additional payments on a different basis.

In the war, children

So, for persons over 80 years of age, the amount of pension payments is increased. At the moment, the base rate for those under the age of 80 is approximately 4,400 rubles, but those over 80 are entitled to 8,700 rubles.

How to make out

To obtain the status of a child of war, you need to contact the official social security authority at the place of residence. There, a person applying for this status can receive information about the benefits and privileges that he will receive. It is important to consult with specialists from the relevant authorities in advance, since there is a possibility that, on a different basis, a pensioner will receive much more benefits. After all, benefits received for various reasons are not cumulative.

Status Procedure

After a citizen has handed in documents for benefits, he needs to wait about a month. During this time, the application and documents will be considered. At the end of this period, a person will be called back or sent a notification of the final decision - positive or negative. It should be noted that most often the answer in these cases is positive.

It is important to remember the rules for writing an application to social security authorities. It must be addressed to the head of the local department. The cap should contain the pensioner's personal information, including his address, SNILS, passport details, contacts.

He is a senior citizen

The application for status is registered in the body of the application, the basis on which it will be provided is indicated. It is important to list the documents attached to the application. In addition, you will need to agree to the processing of this data, put a signature. However, social security officers, if necessary, will talk about all the intricacies of filling out an application personally, and you won’t have to worry about the correctness of writing the application. Waiting for help later, you need to remember that the amount of benefits depends on the material capabilities of a particular region.

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