
Getting RWP on marriage: documents and procedures

Any foreign citizen who comes to Russia for temporary or permanent residence must correctly draw up different permits to stay in the country. Even if a foreigner enters into an official marriage with a Russian woman, this does not serve as a basis for permanent residence in the country. Therefore, under such conditions, RWP is issued for marriage. A temporary residence permit allows a person to stay legally in any region of the country.

Permission concept

A temporary residence permit (RVP) is presented by a document granting a foreigner the right to stay legally in the Russian Federation for three years. It is issued only if there are good reasons, therefore, it is often requested to marry by a marriage. The presence of official relations with a Russian woman is a legal basis for living in the country.

The presence of a RVP cannot be equated to citizenship of the Russian Federation, but using this document, you can continue the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship.

rvp after marriage

Process requirements

Getting RWP on marriage is possible only after the official marriage. It does not matter if the union was concluded in Russia or a foreign country. This is due to the fact that even marriages concluded in another country are recognized in the Russian Federation.

If the newlyweds want to live in Russia after marriage, it is advisable to conclude a marriage directly in the Russian Federation.

Getting RWP by marriage is considered the easiest and fastest way to complete this document. But if representatives of state bodies suspect that the marriage is fictitious, then citizens will be held accountable, and the previously issued permit will be revoked.

Conditions for registration

RWP for marriage in Russia is issued upon the satisfaction of certain requirements. These include:

  • the presence of an officially registered marriage with a Russian citizen, moreover, the process can be carried out in the Russian Federation or in another state, but all norms applicable in Russia must be observed;
  • the marriage certificate has a mark confirming the legality of this procedure;
  • Before registering a marriage, a Russian citizen must confirm the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

These requirements will be checked by the FMS employees before issuing the RWP. Therefore, if the conditions are not met, then permission is not issued.

Nuances for Ukrainians and Moldavians

For residents of countries belonging to the former CIS, a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship is proposed. For Ukrainians, such a scheme is now banned after the conflict escalates. This has led to changes in migration policy.

With a simplified procedure, the amount of time that has to be spent on processing various permissions and documents is significantly reduced.

getting rvp for marriage

Marriage requirements

RWP for marriage in Russia is issued only when some requirements are taken into account:

  • if registration is performed in another state, then the procedure must comply with the requirements of the RF IC;
  • when registering a marriage in Russia, it is important to make sure in advance that the foreigner does not have a wife in his native country;
  • the conclusion of the union must be legal; therefore, there are no signs that the marriage is fictitious.

Often, Russian women marry foreigners for a certain monetary reward, who, due to this, can issue a RVP. After that, they will not have problems with obtaining Russian citizenship. Exposing such a relationship is quite difficult, but in practice such cases occur.For this, an inspection is carried out by the FMS staff. Therefore, citizens must live in the same territory, as well as neighbors must confirm that there really is a family relationship between them.

marriage documents


Making RWP on marriage has many advantages. These include:

  • You do not need to wait until a quota is allocated for submitting documentation;
  • in order to use this opportunity, it is enough just to transfer the marriage registration certificate to the Department of Internal Affairs.

Due to such registration, the amount of time that has to be spent on the procedure for registering a RVP and citizenship of the Russian Federation is significantly reduced.

How is it requested?

In order to get RWP by marriage, you must perform certain sequential steps. These include:

  • Initially, you must contact the migration service with a statement;
  • other documents of a foreign citizen are attached to the application, moreover, a marriage certificate is necessarily included in the package of documents;
  • then you just have to wait for a decision;
  • if there are no problems in the documentation, then an RWP is issued to the applicant;
  • if there are various violations, then a refusal to issue a permit will be received.

If a refusal is received, then first you need to find out the reason for this decision. If additional documents are required, then it is enough to bring them to the migration service in order to obtain permission. If legal norms are violated, then it is advisable to contact a lawyer for help.

get rvp by marriage

What documents for RWP on marriage should be prepared?

To obtain this permission, it is necessary to transfer a certain package of documents to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It includes the following documentation:

  • a well-formed application, and it is submitted in duplicate;
  • a copy of the applicant’s passport;
  • if all information in the passport is in a foreign language, a notarized translation is additionally made;
  • certificate obtained as a result of passing the exam on knowledge of the Russian language, Russian legislation and history;
  • a medical certificate confirming that the applicant has no dangerous infections or HIV;
  • marriage certificate with a Russian citizen;
  • certificate of employment;
  • a document confirming that the applicant has a place for permanent residence;
  • Photo;
  • duty receipt.

Other documents may be requested if necessary.

How to confirm the presence of income?

A foreigner must confirm that he has the work or means necessary for optimal living in Russia. For this, different documents can be prepared:

  • certificate in the form 2-NDFL issued at the place of official employment;
  • 3-NDFL declaration, if the applicant is engaged in entrepreneurial activity in Russia;
  • bank statement, if it has a large amount of funds necessary for optimal life in the country.

Other papers confirming the good financial condition of the foreigner may be included in the documents on the marriage in marriage. These include a lease or an extract from the USRN indicating that a person has officially registered property in Russia.

marriage application for marriage

Rules for preparing photos

To obtain RVP after marriage, concluded with a Russian citizen, you must prepare a photo that must meet the following requirements:

  • size 35x45 mm;
  • the photograph may be in color or black and white, but any glare is not allowed;
  • a person should look at the photo directly into the camera, and not to the side;
  • the person should be centered, and retouching or other processing methods are not permitted;
  • photos are not accepted in which the migrant is depicted in a headdress;
  • if a person constantly wears glasses due to poor eyesight, then in the photo he should be wearing glasses, but they should not be darkened.

Suitable for photography exclusively matte paper.

How to make a statement?

It is important to responsibly approach the process of filling out an application for marriage in a marriage. It is advisable to take the form directly from the migration service. Be sure to include the following information in this document:

  • name of organization to which the application is transmitted;
  • it is indicated on the registration of the RVP without a quota due to the presence of an official marriage with a Russian citizen;
  • the reasons for issuing a temporary permit are prescribed, which include the existence of family relations with a woman who is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Indicate F. I. O., date of birth, citizenship, gender, passport details and address of residence of the applicant;
  • information about the phone number and TIN is entered;
  • it is indicated in which country the applicant was born, and also whether he previously had Russian citizenship;
  • information about all relatives with Russian citizenship is entered;
  • data on education documents are provided;
  • the place where the migrant is engaged in labor activity is indicated;
  • it is prescribed that the person does not have a criminal record, because if it is, then you can not even try to get a RVP;
  • at the end of the application is the date of its preparation and signature of the applicant.

Each such statement is carefully checked, therefore it is not allowed to enter inaccurate information, since the applicant may be held liable for this. An example of a marriage proposal for marriage can be found below.

rvp by marriage

Registration term

The time during which the permit is prepared depends on the country from which the applicant arrived.

If an agreement on visa-free entry has been concluded with a migrant’s home country, Russia will be ready for RVP within two months after the transfer of documentation. If such a document is not available, then the RWP for marriage is submitted within six months.

Process cost

A state duty is paid for obtaining a temporary residence permit. The receipt must be attached to the application.

In 2018, 1.6 thousand rubles will have to be paid for the implementation of this process. You can perform the process within the boundaries of a Sberbank branch, terminals located at the MFC, online banking, as well as through the Gosuslug portal, which allows you to take advantage of a 30% discount.


Received RWP for marriage is issued for three years. During this period, the migrant must apply for a residence permit.

If you fail to obtain a residence permit, you will have to leave the country for a person, even if he has an official spouse in Russia. He can again enter the country and issue another RVP.

What to do next?

As soon as the RVP is received, the migrant must perform other actions:

  • register at the place of residence;
  • register with the migration department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs at the place of registration;
  • present documents to the migration service for obtaining a residence permit;
  • get a residence permit that allows you to permanently reside in Russia.

These actions will allow a foreigner to legally reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.

RVP marriage for citizens

Is it possible to extend?

RWP is issued only for three years without the possibility of extension. Therefore, if the document has expired, the migrant chooses one of the options:

  • a person leaves the country, after which you can return again to re-register the RVP;
  • a residence permit is issued.

It is necessary to apply for a residence permit until the moment when the term of the RVP expires.

For what reasons is canceled?

Permission may be revoked for various reasons. These include:

  • recognition of marriage with a Russian citizen fictitious;
  • relocation to another region of the country, if the permission for this process was not previously obtained from the employees of the migration service;
  • applying for a job in another city in the country, as travel to another region is prohibited without first obtaining permission from the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • absence from the country for 6 consecutive months.

As soon as a person is deprived of RVP, he will have to leave Russia.


Marriage of forced labor for foreign citizens is considered the easiest way to apply for a legal residence permit in Russia for three years. The process runs without having to wait for quotas. To obtain permission, you need to prepare a specific package of documents.

In some circumstances, authorization may be revoked. It is not allowed to renew it, so if a foreigner plans to continue to stay in Russia, he must apply for a residence permit.

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