
The concept and types of housing stock. LCD RF. Section 19. Housing Fund

Types of housing stock is a classification of residential premises depending on ownership and purpose. Consider what it is based on, how it affects the rights and obligations of citizens. We will touch upon the methods and forms of accounting and monitoring of housing available in the country.

Normative regulation

Answers to questions about housing gives the LCD. It describes the concept and types of housing, the rules for their use.

As for the rules of detention, they are adopted at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation.

concept and types of housing stock

We must not forget about documents that are purely technical in nature (housing operation rules), which guide housing and communal services workers.

A number of special documents have been adopted to regulate the accounting of all housing in the country.

Housing composition

In its quality, the legislation refers to residential premises available in the country. The form of ownership does not matter, the purpose of the premises as well. These factors are only used as classification criteria, as is the order of formation and use.

Forms of ownership

Consider how the right to own property by various entities is realized. Housing stock is divided into premises owned by:

  • citizens and non-state legal entities (private housing);
  • the state fund, respectively, belongs to the state and its subjects (represented by regional authorities);
  • The municipal fund is owned by municipalities.

How private housing appears, it is clear to everyone: as a result of privatization, the construction of new facilities for the money of citizens or organizations.

The state fund is formed through the acquisition of housing at the expense of the budget. Companies can transfer apartments or houses on account of tax and other obligations to the state. Property may be transferred to state ownership for other reasons. Similar rules apply to municipal housing.

Purpose of use

The law indicates several types of housing stock, depending on the purpose:

  • for social recruitment;
  • specialized (intended for a wide list of persons);
  • for individual use;
  • for commercial use.

In the text of normative acts there are references, for example, of a departmental fund, which refers to a specialized one. It is only necessary to build on complaints and claims from the wording of the LCD.

Social housing

Apartments from the housing fund for social use are provided to citizens under a social contract of employment. No usage fee is charged. Provided by state or municipality. They are often represented by an authorized organization responsible for housing management.

social housing housing

They are provided for living on the conditions set forth in the LCD. Agreements are concluded with citizens on the basis of a standard form. Who is entitled to use the premises?

There are several categories of citizens: people with disabilities and their families, citizens whose income is below a certain level, large families and people who need additional housing. The regulatory acts in the regions set out in detail the list of requirements for applicants for housing in this way. The right to premises from the housing fund for social use have a variety of categories of people.

The described form of assistance cannot be confused with housing rental in a social use fund, which is provided for a small fee.

Specialized Housing Fund

It is formed at the expense of the premises held by the state and the municipal authorities. Persons moved into premises assigned to such a fund are not entitled to their privatization, as is done with housing transferred in accordance with the rules of social hiring.

specialized housing stock

In particular, the specialized housing fund includes:

  • office space;
  • dormitory rooms (unless they are transferred as part of social hiring);
  • housing from a maneuvering fund;
  • social for serving citizens;
  • for internally displaced persons, refugees;
  • for persons referred to orphans and left without parental care and previously treated (reaching the age of 18 does not deprive of rights);
  • Housing for social protection of certain categories of citizens.

Nothing is said about the latter category, only reference is made to other regulatory acts.

Sample list of purchasers

Premises from the maneuvering fund are provided for the duration of training, service or work. As a rule, people are accommodated in dorm rooms.

In the LC there is an incomplete list of grounds giving the right to premises from a maneuvering fund:

  • major repairs of the premises issued under the social hiring program are carried out;
  • the only housing purchased with credit was foreclosed;
  • housing became unsuitable for living due to natural disasters, military operations and other emergency situations.
rules and norms of housing operation

Thus, the law distinguishes one more type of residential premises not mentioned in the first articles of the code.

Individual housing

Art. 19 LCD RF considers it as premises in private ownership. The owner has the right to establish living conditions at his discretion, with the exception of setting fees. The owner himself, the family members and other persons whom he wishes to instill have the right to reside.

Commercial Fund

The article of the LCD devoted to the concept and types of housing stock refers to commercial premises premises transferred on a paid basis. The wording does not allow the use of premises for paid accommodation if it belongs to a specialized fund or is provided for social hiring.

Housing monitoring and accounting

Provided by the Ministry of Construction and Housing. Monitoring includes taking measures to collect statistical reports on the state of housing in the Russian Federation: its volumes and technical condition. When receiving information, analyzing it, the ministry is obliged to report its findings to the authorities, obliged to take measures to preserve and maintain its safety.

Art. 19 lcd rf

Accounting - measures in the form of inventory and certification. Both tasks are carried out by special enterprises - BTI, owned by the regions. In addition, the activities of private organizations that perform the functions of BTI are allowed. However, copies of the materials collected by them are still transferred to state organizations.

Rules and regulations for the operation of the housing stock

In 2003, Gosstroy adopted a document describing the operation of housing. It includes references to other acts, it spells out the obligations of owners of apartments and the common property of an apartment building. From them, for example, a careful attitude to real estate and objects of improvement is required. What else is said in the document?

  • The types and procedures of inspection and maintenance are described.
  • Types of repair (current and capital), the procedure for carrying out.
  • Organization of maintenance of residential premises, attics, landscaping facilities.
  • The procedure for preparing for the heating season.
  • Organization of dispatch service.
  • Cleaning in different seasons (winter, summer).
  • A significant part of the document is reserved for the description of the maintenance of walls, partitions, floors, coatings, roofs, windows.
conclusion of a social employment contract

The final part of the rules and norms of housing operation is devoted to forms of documents reflecting the condition of the house, fixing the conduct of inspections, repairs and other events.


LCD describes the categories of premises used for living. In Art. 19 of the Code notes the main ones. The classification criteria for housing facilities are given.

A number of documents highlight the process of maintaining and operating an apartment building. It is on them that the attention of the state is directed. People living in individual houses ensure the safety of housing on their own.

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