
The concept and types of seniority. Calculation of seniority. What is included in the length of service

This article will examine the concept and types of seniority. This topic is extremely important for the modern population. Especially for those who hope to retire and live on appropriate government benefits. What you need to know about work experience? How is it calculated? What is this all about? The answers to all these questions will be mandatory found below. If you carefully study the current legislation, then there will be no problems with a similar topic.the concept and types of seniority


The concept and types of seniority do not have anything incomprehensible. Work experience is the total duration of work.

Usually, only periods of official employment are included in the length of service. They are prescribed in a special document.

In addition, the aforementioned component includes time intervals in which a citizen carried out entrepreneurial activities. This is a fairly common occurrence. Conducting one’s own business is not displayed in the labor document, but it will be possible to get a certificate from the FIU or the Federal Tax Service that the applicant worked "for himself" at a specific time.

About calculus

Calculation of seniority is not a hassle. As we have said, we are dealing with the total duration of a person’s work throughout his life. This period is calculated in years. Then come the months and weeks. Only then - the days.

To calculate the experience of official employment, you just need to add together all the periods in which a person worked. And they will need to add some special periods of time, which are not considered employment, but bring a person closer to retirement. About them will be discussed later.calculation of seniority


The concept and types of seniority are interesting for everyone who counts on the support of the state in old age. After all, the mentioned component plays an important role in calculating the pension.

Work experience is of various types. Namely:

  • continuous
  • insurance;
  • general insurance;
  • special.

What can be attributed to each item? And what happens when you get a seniority? How to fix it documented?

Continuous work

Continuous experience is a concept that has sunk into oblivion in Russia. It was actively used in the USSR, but in the modern Russian Federation the significance of this component has been lost.

Continuous experience is the period of a person’s work in the same field of activity without dismissal. Most often, it means work in a particular company.

Previously, having continuous work experience brought an employee closer to retirement faster. In addition, such personnel were appreciated, they were given certain state bonuses. But now continuous experience does not provide any special opportunities. And therefore, they do not particularly strive for it.continuous experience


The concept and types of insurance seniority are also of interest to many. Since 2015, in Russia, the significance of the duration of a person’s work has partially depreciated. After all, now, upon retirement, the insurance role plays a decisive role.

This is the name of the periods in which contributions were made to the FIU for a citizen. For example, during official employment or during a stay in the status of individual entrepreneurs.

The insurance experience is general, labor and unearned. In the first case, the sum of the labor and unearned periods is meant, in the second - official employment, in the third - special cases that can be considered work experience without a person having work.

General insurance

We already more or less understand the legal meaning, concept and types of seniority. It is worth paying attention to the general insurance subtype.

As a rule, he will play a decisive role in calculating a pension in Russia. The general insurance period includes, as already mentioned, all periods in which certain deductions were made to the FIU per person. This is the time of work, and doing business, and the use of special life situations.

Calculating this component is easy. First you need to know the length of service, then - unearned periods. Putting all this together, you get the total duration of the item that interests us. Most often, to clarify the situation, citizens come from SNILS to the FIU. Employees will quickly help to calculate the total insurance experience of a citizen.

Special work

The last alignment is a special work experience. The concept of this term is not interesting to all citizens. And only a few workers are faced with it.

Under the special experience it is customary to understand the duration of work of a citizen in a particular field of activity. For example, when staying in a position providing for early retirement due to seniority.seniority concept legal meaning and types

This component plays a role in the following circumstances:

  • assignment of pension payments for labor in special conditions;
  • registration of a pension for length of service.

The special duration of work often affects the allowances and other remuneration due to a person for his long service. Most often, this form of experience is faced by the military, doctors and teachers.

About Confirmation

The main points relating to the concept and types of seniority are now known to us. It is worth paying attention to the features of the topic under study.

Confirmation of a person’s seniority plays a huge role. Most often, evidence is provided by documents. But sometimes testimony may be required.

Confirmation of seniority ideally takes place upon presentation of an employment record to the FIU. All periods of official employment are recorded here. Also, any information indicating the time of opening and closing of the IP can be suitable as documents.

A military ID and certificates from the commissariat are also able to indicate the duration of a person’s work. But in real life they are rarely used. Unless, if a citizen has the right to receive an increased pension and various allowances.

Unearned periods

The institute of seniority without fail includes unearned periods, which will be counted in the seniority. Since 2015, after the entry into force of the new principles for calculating pensions, the government recommends actively using the proposed opportunities. After all, they will bring them closer to retirement without formal employment.the concept and types of insurance seniority

Unearned periods include:

  • conscription (urgent) and military service;
  • caring for children under 1.5 years old;
  • care for the disabled;
  • registration as a carer for a citizen after 80 years;
  • stay in custody by mistake (illegal);
  • receiving social benefits for temporary disability;
  • living with a military spouse in an area where there is no place for work (no more than 5 years in total).

Accordingly, all the above periods of life will be taken into account upon retirement. During them, transfers to the FIU. They are what citizens need!

About retirement

The concept and types of seniority are already known to us. But what about a citizen who decided to retire? After all, he will have to confirm periods of official employment!

When assigning a pension from citizens, the following package of papers will be required:

  • SNILS;
  • passport;
  • military ID (if available);
  • employment history;
  • statements of employment;
  • certificates from the FIU on caring for the disabled and elderly;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • account number to which to transfer the pension.

In addition, other statements may be required.For example, a marriage certificate and certificates of residence of a military spouse in areas that are problematic in terms of employment. This is quite normal.

As a rule, the calculation of seniority will be performed by employees of the FIU. All listed securities will be taken into account. But if desired, a person himself can find out what experience he has.the concept of special work experience

Counting methods

How to do it? Fundamentals of calculus were presented to our attention earlier. Therefore, it is already approximately clear how you can find out your seniority.

Among the most effective solutions to the problem are:

  • appeal to the FIU with SNILS and a work book;
  • independent calculation;
  • use of special online calculators.

Self-determination of his seniority often ends in failure. Errors and inaccuracies are revealed. Therefore, it is better to either use calculators or seek help from the FIU.

About calculators

On the website of the Pension Fund of Russia for all citizens in the public domain there is an online calculator of experience. It allows you to find out how much he worked from the data available to a person. And taking into account the current pension system, the pension points available to a person will be displayed on the screen.

It is not necessary to delve into the concept and types of seniority. It is enough to simply enter in the appropriate fields in the calculator data on doing business, unearned vital moments and information from the work book. After clicking on the "Calculate" button, the information we are interested in will appear on the screen. Very comfortable and easy! Although, inexperienced Internet users can enter the requested information for a long time.


We got acquainted with the concept and types of seniority. In addition, we have studied unearned periods, which play an important role in calculating pensions.

In Russia, the retirement age for men has so far reached 60 years, and for women at 55. When you are long, you can go on a well-deserved vacation earlier. But the bulk of the population is faced with precisely such restrictions.proof of employment

By 2020, to retire, you will have to have a minimum insurance period of 15 years, as well as about 30 pension points. Previously, 5 years of labor was enough. If a person has not scored the necessary indicators, then he is entitled to a social pension. It is issued at 65 and at 60 for men and women, respectively.

What if a person works informally? These periods are simply crossed out and not taken into account upon retirement. They are not included in the length of service.

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