
Postgraduate education: its levels and law

Kindergarten, school, college or university are the traditional stages of the educational path for most Russians. Acquaintance with the basics of scientific disciplines, subsequent specialization in a certain field are the necessary stages in the formation of a student, and then a student as a person and a professional. The next stage is postgraduate education. What other steps does the educational ladder include, and is it possible to get to the very top?

After high school: where to go to study

while studying

If we take into account the terms of the theory of materialism, then the diploma of higher education will act as a kind of basis, while the subsequent stages of increasing our level will be a superstructure. That is, postgraduate education is possible only after graduation from a specialty or graduate program. The main task is to prepare professional scientific personnel and future university teachers. To date, the category of "highest" education includes:

  • graduate school (postgraduate study),
  • residency
  • assistant internship.

Equivalent in level, they relate to various professional fields, making it possible to continue academic training for graduates:

  • civil universities;
  • systems of the armed forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies;
  • medical universities;
  • universities implementing programs in the field of art.

On what basis: the law on postgraduate professional education

Until 2013, the main categories and principles of postgraduate education were determined by two normative acts. This is the Law "On Education" of 1992 and the Federal Law "On Postgraduate Professional Education" of 1996. They are currently considered to be invalid. The key legislative base is Federal Law N 273-ФЗ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. According to its provisions, the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out in the framework of postgraduate / postgraduate programs, residency and assistant internships. Earlier, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Postgraduate Education", this system also included internship and doctoral studies. The latter is currently fully attributed to the field of science.

Mastering postgraduate programs (full-time studies) are entitled to:

  • retention of position and granting leave;
  • deferment from army service;
  • place in the hostel;
  • scholarships (+ annual allowance for the acquisition of scientific literature).

Graduate School (Adjuncture): Become a Candidate

The presence of a degree or, as the people say, “crusts”, continues to be a prestigious confirmation of a certain status. And it has significant weight in professional and academic circles, increasing the level of competitiveness of the applicant for the post. The defense of the Ph.D. thesis is the logical conclusion of postgraduate studies, one of the key components of the postgraduate education system.

academic degree

Educational activities under the postgraduate (postgraduate) programs can be carried out by universities or research organizations licensed for this type of activity. Training can take place in full-time and part-time. The rules for admission are determined by the Procedure approved by the Ministry of Education, as well as local regulations of the organization. The term of postgraduate study is 3 years (4 - for the correspondence course). The applicant passes three entrance tests:

  • specialty;
  • foreign language;
  • philosophy.

In the process of training, the applicant is required to pass candidate exams in the specialty, history and philosophy of science, a foreign language, prepare the text of the dissertation and come to the defense.


Higher medical education continues to be one of the most labor-intensive. Becoming a specialist in medicine or pharmaceuticals is really not easy. Moreover, to achieve a high-level qualification only during higher education is often not possible. Residency is an important step in the system of training a medical specialist, allowing you to deepen knowledge in the field of medical sciences and acquire the necessary skills for independent practice. Enrollment takes place on a competitive basis, the term of study is two years, in some cases it can be extended to five years.

medical training

Resident physicians are engaged on the basis of an individual plan formed by the supervisor, in addition to the practice of passing tests in the chosen specialty.

Assistant Internship

It is in this format that postgraduate education of graduates who have received a creative specialty in the field of art is carried out. Training takes place in full-time, the term is 2 years. For admission, you must pass the entrance exam in a special discipline and a foreign language. The educational process is organized on the basis of an individual plan. It is created by the head of the assistant trainee. The completion of training is the final certification after the successful implementation of an individual plan.

types of arts

Graduation work in the creative and performing specialty is the preparation and conduct of public performances, performances, concerts and other things.

Doctoral degree: scientific peaks

As a result of the fact that the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" in 2013 lost its force, doctoral studies finally moved to the field of training scientific personnel. In fact, this is the highest point of academic professional development. Now the basis of regulatory regulation for doctoral students is the "Decree on doctoral studies", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2014. For admission, you must meet a number of requirements:

  • possess the degree of candidate of sciences;
  • have a sufficient number of scientific achievements, patents, publications (including monographs);
  • work experience in the sending organization (the scientific council and the head of which decide on the recommendation for admission);
  • an approximate plan for the preparation of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Sciences.
work process

Admission does not include passing exams; a decision on admission is made collectively by the academic council of the host organization. The research plan for preparing the thesis is designed for 3 years.

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