
Embassy of Australia in Moscow. Relationship history

The Australian Embassy in Moscow appeared in 1942, when our countries were allies in the Second World War. However, relations between the two states began much earlier when Russian sailors arrived in Port Jackson in 1807.

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Beginning of bilateral relations

Russian sloop Neva moored in an Australian port in 1807. From that moment, the countdown of bilateral relations between the two countries is being carried out. At the beginning of the XIX century, Australia was part of the British Empire, which actively colonized the continent for the whole century, this had a strong influence on the situation.

Relations were renewed only in 1820, when two more Russian ships arrived at the same port, heading for exploration of Antarctica. It is worth noting that relations between the countries were not yet constant and deep, since the number of Russian citizens living on the mainland did not exceed several dozen, which means that there was no need for an Australian embassy in Moscow. It is noteworthy that to this day Australia is one of the few large states that do not have their own building in the Russian capital. The Australian Embassy today rents an office mansion in the center of Moscow.

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Australia and the USSR

Despite the fact that relations at the consul level between the countries were established in the middle of the 19th century, the permanent Australian embassy in Moscow appeared only in 1942, which was facilitated by the World War II. However, this did not contribute to the establishment of constant close contact, since geographical remoteness minimized the points of contact.

In fact, all relations between the countries over the twentieth century boiled down to the fact that the Australian Embassy in Moscow supported the position of its partners, which primarily include NATO member countries.

Modern relationship

In the 21st century, the development of transport and communications makes possible a much closer interaction even between remote countries such as Russia and Australia. Therefore, economic relations are developing very intensively.

However, the key issues addressed by the Australian Embassy in Moscow (address: Podkolokolny Lane, 10a / 2) still remain ecology, environmental protection and assistance to third countries during natural disasters.

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