
What guides the richest people in the world when choosing a financial manager

Many people dream of becoming rich, but they don’t even know how difficult it is to manage a billion dollars. That is why so many super-rich people are carefully considering the choice of financial manager necessary to help them maintain or increase their wealth. Choosing the right financial manager can be a very personal decision, but there is one factor that billionaires especially value when choosing advisers - this is good service.

Unique study

In an annual report on global wealth, experts look at how people with high net worth manage their wealth. Researchers interviewed more than two and a half people with high equity.

It turned out that for the ultra-rich, the quality of customer service is especially important. This is the main factor that they pay attention to when choosing a person to whom they plan to entrust their own finances.

More than 90% of ultra-rich people surveyed said they considered how potential welfare managers and management firms relate to them when making decisions. Customer service was rated above all other studied factors, which included fees, recommendations from colleagues, past performance of the company and geographical location.

Personal contact

According to experts, money management is a personal business. This means that for potential customers, it’s more important than the candidate’s technical skills, but personal interaction. As you know, the technique does a great job with any calculations.

That is why the ability to establish personal contact with a client and maintain it throughout the entire process of cooperation comes to the fore for a financial manager.

This trend has led more and more money management firms to provide their managers with technological tools to minimize administrative work and maximize the time they can spend with clients.

When looking for a financial manager, billionaires value customer service. These are the requirements of the modern world that must be met.

The key to success of a financial manager

Super-rich people are very good at choosing asset managers to suit their needs, as 79% said they were satisfied with their financial managers and 82% said they were satisfied with management companies.

Financial management professionals often attribute their success to their ability to tailor each client’s portfolio to their specific needs. Clients often ask a financial manager to do things such as diversifying portfolios while minimizing their tax accounts or adopting risky strategies such as using loans to buy stocks.

That is why communication with a client often begins with building a strategy. This requires asking just two of the most important questions. What do you need and when do you need it? How do we make it fit your values?

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Alexey Rodin
Is this a translation of a foreign article?
Financial manager)))) tax account minimization))): smile:


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