
Reading, friends and more. At 30, I was already successful and will talk about 9 important things that helped me.

People define success in many ways. Some people think that this is the treasured amount of money. Others define it as a way of life, a level of freedom. The truth is that you can determine success in hundreds of different ways, but the only thing that matters is whether it meets your expectations. At the age of 30, I have already achieved success and will talk about 9 important things that helped me in this.

Start working on your emotional health right now

Too often, people say the phrase: “I'll do it when I'm a little older.” But nothing changes with age. They just keep saying, "I will do it later when I have more time."

This is the road to nowhere. Try 5 or 10 minutes a day to practice the habit of working on your emotional health.

Spend time with people who can teach you something

Surround yourself with people who have already achieved something in life. From them you can learn something, get valuable advice. Their example and experience will help you overcome difficulties that may be encountered on your way.

Save and invest as much money as you can

The sooner you start saving and investing, the greater will be your profit in the long run. Financial freedom does not come from buying new sneakers or other things. It starts to come when money becomes a tool that you can use to make more money. This should work for you, not the other way around. And the sooner you begin to practice this skill, the faster you will get to the place where you will be financially protected.

Get rid of friends who won't go anywhere

It may sound rude, but true. At a certain point, it is important to understand where people are going in life, how much time you want to continue this relationship. This does not mean that you must completely break off relations with old friends. But you should not spend all evenings on “beer” gatherings with a friend who feels quite comfortable in his factory. Of course, if this is not the life you want for yourself. Friendship is an investment. Invest wisely.

Keep reading, even if you graduated from high school

So many people stop reading at their 20s. We live in an era of digital technology. Video, animation, podcasts - all this is perceived much faster and easier. But reading is a completely different experience. This is what makes you think. It is also one of the only forms of knowledge transfer that allows us to receive ideas from those who have lived decades or even centuries before us.

Find a workout mode that complements your main goal in life

Success is almost always rooted in some form of exercise. When we are young, we tend to associate exercise only with sports. But when we get older, they become one of the few ways that we can maintain our physical fitness. Time spent in the gym is our personal time. Running early gives you a boost of energy all day.

Do not let your hobbies die

We all have hobbies that we do just for fun. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, this is often relegated to the background. Our career takes over. Add here family, children, bills, vacations, etc.

But our hobby is what relaxes us. Always find time for your hobbies.

Find a mentor and give up short-term rewards for knowledge that will help you all your life

Everyone in youth is as obsessed with success as possible.And although this desire for success is great, it should never encourage you to make rash decisions. For example, what is more valuable: to offer a person their services for $ 1,000, but treat him as a client? Or do you provide your services for free, but get the opportunity to work directly with the person from whom you want to learn most?

Many people will not agree with such a mentality, and yet this is one of the greatest indicators of success. The more you can refuse short-term rewards and invest in yourself, the slower your success at the beginning may be, but, in the end, the higher your achievements will be.

Take care of your relationships with your loved ones

At twenty, I thought I could succeed only if I was 100% committed and obsessed with progress. That in this life there will be no place for a family.

Many entrepreneurs who live with such a mentality, but even those who have relationships, will regularly downplay their partner's priority. But this is an erroneous approach to both business and life. Statistics show that family people are doing better in life.


If you ask most people what they want from life, then almost everyone will say that they want to be successful. They want a big advertisement, a luxury car, a house by the sea. This list goes on and on. However, very few people have any effective plan or even an idea on how they are going to achieve the success that they so much want. Start working on yourself. And the sooner the better.

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