
The rich are fundamentally different from other people: we’ll tell you what exactly

Many people believe that the rich are different from everyone, but they interpret it incorrectly. They say that money makes the rich tough, narcissistic egoists, focused only on increasing their capital. In fact, it is, only thanks to these personality traits such people become rich. It is not money that makes them like that, but their innate features that help them make money.

Even the Bible recognizes the difference

The first significant differences between rich and poor were noted in the oldest book - the Bible. “The rich dominate the poor, the debtor becomes his slave,” “the rich man is a sage in his eyes.” In general, people with money seem serious and diligent, unsociable, but smart and not knowing the rest. Poverty is condemned by the Bible, because it comes from human laziness, unwillingness to work on oneself, learn and learn from others.

It is not the first year that world-famous psychologists have been studying the issue of the difference between rich and poor people and also cannot but recognize serious differences. People with certain qualities are able to make money literally on everything, multiplying them in a short time. What personality traits distinguish the rich from the poor? Now everything is scheduled and confirmed.

The main features of the personality of the rich

Firstly, rich people are less emotional, they keep the expression of their feelings under control. This helps not to be distracted and only do work, which impulsive people cannot afford. The brain of the rich works better and faster, they are sociable and quickly take control of the situation. They have high organizational abilities and the ability to influence the opinions of others.

Rich people do not spare time for training, they constantly increase their level of knowledge in a particular area. They remember all the people who are useful to them, know their strengths and weaknesses, remember any little things that help in their work. The rich are incredulous, they will not open to the first comer, although they can easily communicate with them on abstract topics not related to business.

The rich are more meticulous and conscientious, they know the value of time and do not waste it. It’s easier to negotiate with them, but making close acquaintance is quite difficult. The rich work with maximum efficiency, trying to make their work more efficient in less time. They track the degree of usefulness of the people around them and easily part with the "superfluous", no matter how unpleasant it may sound.

Increased narcissism

A separate study concerned precisely such a personality trait as narcissism. This is a very broad concept, including not only increased self-esteem, but also the ability to really assess one’s abilities, “filter” one’s mistakes and correct them in time. The rich are really stronger than others directed inward. They constantly scroll in the head their actions, give them an assessment, track the degree of their effectiveness.

It is not difficult for the rich to accept criticism; they know how to turn it into a useful experience and correct their mistakes. Yes, they constantly think about themselves, but not in the sense in which others think. The narcissism of the rich is not narcissism, but self-awareness, self-control and the ability to admit one’s mistakes.

Ability to keep punch

Rich people have a completely different attitude to problems than poor people. They do not become discouraged and do not begin to blame everyone around them for their troubles. They do not seek solace in alcohol (usually rich people do not drink alcohol at all, as this reduces their self-control), and immediately look for the cause of their failures.There are many examples when the richest people in the world several times completely went bankrupt, and then again became millionaires.

Most of these personality traits are innate, but this does not mean that you cannot learn to multiply your wealth. If you develop certain qualities in yourself, work on yourself and do not spare time for training, then you can become much more successful. And vice versa, having relaxed and letting the situation drift, you can quickly lose any wealth.

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