
The expert told why when they succeed, people do not feel happy

According to research, many people are not satisfied with the success they have achieved in life. The reasons lie in poor relations with partners or leaders, excessive workload, the presence of numerous additional problems, etc. But there is good news: all this is connected with a person’s personal perspective. This means that our way of thinking can be easily corrected.

Go in pursuit of balance

Some people were tuned to one aspect: a large salary, career growth, scientific discovery, etc. But they forgot that in this case other aspects of life will suffer. For example, a person receives a huge salary, but is engaged in uninteresting work, has grown up to the boss, but is not respected among colleagues and subordinates, has made a discovery, but cannot register it. So it turns out that the goal has been achieved, but happiness still passes by. To prevent this from happening, always remember the balance. You do not need to rely on only one direction, try to control all other important life aspects.

Do not dwell on status

Everyone wants to be successful, but rarely does anyone imagine life after they reach their goal of becoming a high-ranking official or a popular artist. You must always measure your strength and never chase titles. Each post requires certain characteristics. And if you are by nature a completely different person (less public and more reserved), this may just not suit you. So try to do what you like best. And leave titles and regalia for your achievements in your favorite field. Let everything go naturally, do not try to become what you are not.

Do not forget about today

You threw all your strength in order to succeed. But during this long journey, they lost their health, spoiled relations with friends or relatives, and did not establish their personal lives. What happiness can we talk about if for the sake of success it was necessary to sacrifice today's life? This is a universal recipe. Strive for your goal, but do not forget about what is happening today. You cannot count on satisfaction in a year, three or five, you can only make plans. But life makes its own adjustments, and it will be very disappointing that you could not take advantage of the everyday joys that it gave you.

Do not miss important people

The saying: “Success does not depend on what you know, but on who you know,” some people interpret in their own way. You need to get influential acquaintances, and you can do everything you aspired to. In fact, we are talking about completely different people who are close to us. These are friends and relatives, partners and colleagues. Many successful entrepreneurs often remember exactly those with whom they started their business. Also in honor classmates, classmates, childhood friends. So try to set the right priorities. Never neglect people who have shown true friendship and devotion. Do not fire skilled workers because of personal ambitions. Sometimes, getting fired can cost you business success. Appreciate the good people, and this will be the key to your happy life.

Understand Progress Correctly

In childhood, we are often asked who we want to be when we grow up. Then this unique goal of all life appears with us. And when we reach it, we get disappointed (this does not apply to everyone, as many experience the joy of choosing the right path called “calling”).And now there’s a conversation about those people who perceived progress as normal growth (school, university, work, career, etc.). And progress concerns all aspects that make a person happy. And even if one of them remains motionless, talking about happiness will not be relevant. And for each there is a choice of aspects. Someone is not able to be happy without a personal life, someone without children, someone without friends, etc. Therefore, try to determine your priorities and progress in these areas. Then your success will be your joy.


Success looks a lot more complicated than just positions and functions. This is a collection of moments, experiences and relationships that create your so-called work history. This implies flexibility, balancing on the verge of feelings and methods of perception. If you are not satisfied, continue to write this story. You should not spend a lot of time feeling disappointed, as this will not change your future. You just need to decide what you are missing and start moving in this direction. Not only that, what excites you the most, should be ahead. And if this is a family or personal life, then give her part of the time, and do not focus solely on professional success. Only in this way can you feel fully happy.

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