
Want to achieve a career goal? Think like ... a traveler

Regardless of whether you intend to sit down for writing a manuscript, you finally decided to change jobs or even start a startup, in any case, you set a goal. However, it is likely that you do not know where to start. And the beginning is the most difficult and important thing in the new business.

Go to the goal!

Most of us are trying to do something. And many really restrain their career growth and put off their plans because goals or dreams seem too big or because some circumstances interfere. But what if achieving the goal would be as simple as planning a trip? Of course, this requires effort: you need to plan, save money, book tickets and pack. But it is doable and always worth it.

The most important thing is not to be afraid to risk pursuing your goals and make your own definition of success and achievements, using the same strategy as when traveling.

Map of your route: where you want to go

Remember when you last planned a trip. You have chosen your destination and, even if you have never been there before, you started planning your route based on what you knew from the words of other people and what you expect from the trip.

You can do the same when setting your career goal. Although at first this may seem intimidating and you may not yet know what all these steps entail, imagine what the path to your goal might look like, write it out in general terms, draw a map or even make a storyboard. This will determine your goals and desired results.

When you see your goals, you can start developing a schedule. How do you get there and how long does it take? Are you going to fly there (that is, do something this year) or will you go there by bicycle (that is, start a business somewhere in the next three years)?

Of course, you might think, “What if I'm one of those travelers who just go with the flow and don't plan ahead?” Even if you travel without reservation, you still have to choose a place to stay, right? So, once in place, even if you don’t have a map or a planned route, start appearing at events or taking advantage of opportunities that may be relevant to your goals.

Book your tickets: take care of your goal

If you book a non-refundable flight, then go on this trip anyway. And although you can change the dates, you still have more chances to go on a trip along this route.

So, see how you can “book tickets” and make a commitment to achieve your goal. Will you sign up for entrepreneurship classes? Create a website to demonstrate your work? Spend half a day every weekend to write? Ideally, set the results that you would like to achieve every few months, and mark them on your calendar.

And just as you are going to inform people about where you are going when you go on a trip, start telling others about your goals. This scares many people because it means that you can get some criticism or rejection, but treat it as if you were telling a friend that you were going to a certain place and he asked you: “Why do you need this? Isn’t it dangerous? ”You can expect the same feedback when you tell people about your goals, and you should be prepared for this.But despite the bad feedback, there are no doubt people who will be positive and support you.

Pack your bags: prepare your tools and resources

On the road, many can do only what is packed in their suitcase or backpack: they are packed and ready for anything. From the point of view of your career goals, this item is no different. Aiming at your goal, you must collect the necessary tools and resources and "pack them." Maybe this means identifying key contacts on your network that can help you connect with the right people, or creating a small team of trusted friends as an advisory board. Perhaps this is the creation of a home office from which you can work, or providing additional money in the budget in case your freelance career lasts several months.

You can definitely get to your destination without unnecessary cargo, armed with only one determination, but it will still be easier if you collect the necessary equipment.

Take-off: start on the way to the goal

When you are in flight, you understand that there is no turning back, only forward movement remains. Think about achieving your career goals in the same way. Even if it may seem that you are stuck in one place for a while, you are always moving forward and will end up in a new place where all these expectations and hard work will seem insignificant in comparison with your achievements. And although the journey can be long, it gives you time to prepare and enjoy your goal.

Think about the moment when you send your letter, take a step towards an interview or listening, or find yourself at an entry-level position in a new industry as part of your flight, knowing that this is a key part of your journey.

Arrival at destination: start exploring

One of the most important things when you come to a new place is the end of a long journey and the beginning of movement. So what happens when you finally finish this book or project? What will you do now?

The first thing that they usually do when they reach their destination is to learn and try new things, which applies to your goal to the same extent. Look around, study and decide what you want to do next, whether it is searching for new opportunities or creating new creative programs that will challenge you. When you arrive at your destination and finally reach your goals, this is where your journey begins.

Right before you go, it’s easy to get lost in anxiety and doubt, but you often put it aside, because travel excites and changes the way you see the world. So, get inspired and break out of your comfort zone, thinking like a traveler. We all have the potential to achieve our goals if we simply approach the issue from a new perspective. You may be surprised at how a dream turns into a real achievement.

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