
Idea for earning: a woman receives 58 thousand dollars a year, hugging strangers

A hug is very important for every person. Caring touches give a sense of security and peace. They increase the level of oxytocin, thereby eliminating the feeling of loneliness, nervousness and anger. In addition, the level of serotonin responsible for mood rises in the blood. To help people make up for the lack of touch in everyday life, Jessica O'Neill made this her profession, becoming a "hug therapist." Now she earns about 58 thousand dollars a year.

History of success

Jessica O'Neill is a happy wife and mother of three children from Australia. She argues that her arms can support those who suffer from loneliness, depression, and low self-esteem.

The girl did not build such an unusual career overnight. Initially, Jessica was a massage therapist. In the course of her work, she noticed that when she hugged her clients during the sessions, their anxieties and tensions disappeared, and communication between them became more confidential and open.

A typical session begins with meditation. Jessica is convinced that collaborative practice helps her and her client connect at a "spiritual level." After this comes the turn of a little conversation about what led her patient to therapy. “Everyone has their own story. But the most common factors are the sense of uselessness, loneliness and depression,” Jessica comments.

You may doubt the contingent that makes up the clientele of the specialist. However, the girl claims that these are completely ordinary people. Most of her clients are men, but a significant number of women also come to her. And although the nature of Jessica’s activities is very intimate, she says that the vast majority of clients adhere to established boundaries, and her husband does not mind her work, considering that what she does is noble.

So why are Jessica O'Neill's hugs so popular?

Despite the unprecedented opportunity to have a huge amount of communication, people in the digital age, ironically, are more alone than ever before. For people who are touch-deficient, hug therapy has a significant effect. Such sessions have a positive effect on their mental well-being.

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