
The name determines how others perceive the person and what profession he will choose: research results

Knowing the name of a person, science will say what his future will be like. At least, this statement was indicated by a series of studies that analyzed how names influence people's choices about people's lives. For example, where will a person live or which one will choose a profession. In fact, scientists say that intercultural and linguistic beliefs are the first thing that affects a name.

In our article, we want to share with the details of research that scientists from international institutes have discovered. Explain how forecasts are made based on the name we receive at birth.

Psychologists analyzed 10 studies that were conducted in various areas of the world to find a connection between the names of people and their destinies. We compared such aspects as the location of the house and the acquired professions, due to which they shed light on self-esteem and decisions in people's lives in accordance with the name.

Letter-Name Research

In the study “Why Susie sells seashells”, hidden selfishness and basic life decisions.

Pelham presented a theory known as the name-letter effect, a phenomenon in which people tend to choose the first letters of their name to determine important aspects of their lives. This is the case with people named Deniss.

Pelham discovered that many of them are dentists.

Another example is women named Laura, who usually become lawyers.

Life is centered on ourselves.

In psychology, there is a theory called implicit egoism that explains how people's lives revolve around themselves. This is an unconscious process in which people create positive associations based on the environment, as in the case of our name. For example, those who have the names of “saints,” such as Luis, Pablo, Marcos, or Juan, are likely to live in places like San Marcos or San Luis.

Birthday also affects fate

Pelham also analyzed the effects of birthdays on people. He found that: for example, those born in February or the 2nd of any month are likely to live in a house that has the number 2, this number will be either in the house number or in the street number.

Your name, your identity

This is not the first study to analyze the effect of names on people. Another study by researchers at Hebrew University of Jerusalem HEC Paris, the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), and Columbia University analyzed a hypothesis that reflects stereotypes of names in how we perceive faces. That is, we hope that they will live up to expectations about how people should look. For example, a girl named Maria is usually considered a moral and sweet person, while the name Katherine is perceived as more serious.

Highly Important Solutions

Both studies showed how names influence decisions and how people think that a person’s physical traits are based on how they are called. Of course, these reactions and decisions, people make (which, oddly enough, coincide with their names), are unconscious. However, this does not mean that they are irrational, but act egocentrically, that is, they are fully focused on themselves or on common beliefs.

Rare names

In 1948, two Harvard professors published a study of 330 people who had recently completed their studies and found out if their names had any influence on their academic performance. The study revealed that men with female names more often fell out of society or show symptoms of psychological neurosis.Mikey is often calm, but the Berriens have frequent problems. Psychologists have suggested that the rare name had a negative psychological effect on the wearer, and as a result on his fate.

Over the past 70 years, researchers have tried to evaluate the impact of a rare name on a person. It is believed that our identity is partially shaped by the way other people relate to us. Conceptual psychologists call this the “mirror-looking” effect, because our name can color our interactions with society.

Early research showed that men with rare names more often drop out of school and later become single.

Psychologists say that psychiatric patients with rare first and last names tend to be too worried and are more likely to suffer from neurosis. The recent work of psychologist Richard Zweigenhaft, from Guildford College in the USA, presented a mixed picture.

Richard noted that strangely named people are more likely to become millionaires. The scientist did not find the constant negative consequences of the strange name, but noted that both common and rare names bring both bad and good fortunes.

Conley, a New York University sociologist, says children with rare names can learn impulsive control because they are teased and asked a lot about their names. These people often benefit from a rare name, learning to control emotions and nerve impulses, which, of course, is a significant skill in achieving success.

Facts of the past

In a 1948 study, most of the rare names turned out to be surnames used as names - a common practice among upper class white families at the time. These names also served as privileges and competencies. Their carriers thought that they possess innate abilities, and without effort and education, they can even heal people. Such a phenomenon was characteristic in the 50s, and lost popularity after 70 years.

Parents, choosing a name for their child, should pay attention to the history of the name and the fate of the people who wore it. This can radically change the future of the child.

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