
Spanish company invents bladeless wind generators to protect birds

Traditionally, wind turbines have large blades that reach a span of up to 100 meters. They spin from the wind and pose a danger to some species of birds. The Spanish company has developed wind turbines without blades that do not harm nature.

A new wind turbine with a capacity of 2 megawatts produces an average of 4200 MW per hour per year, this energy will be enough for more than 800 private houses. The massive transition to wind farms poses a threat to the life of birds that die when they collide with the blades.

New model of windmills

To fix this, the Spanish company Vortex Bladeless created the first bladeless wind turbine. How it works? This new generation wind turbine is a vibrating resonant generator driven by air currents.

The technology consists of a cylinder that oscillates with the wind and then generates electricity through an alternator. Smaller, less noisy, more economical, it is also easier to install and maintain. But most importantly, it significantly reduces the risk of collision with birds.

Which birds suffer more

Most birds suffer during migration. These are mainly passerines, which account for about 60% of dying birds found under wind turbines during their flights. 23% are daytime predators that fall into the lobes during the nesting period. This makes them the second group suffering from wind turbines after migratory birds.

The important role of disseminating new models in the field of nature conservation

Although bird mortality may seem ridiculous in terms of their total number - according to a study by the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO), 3 birds per year die from one wind turbine - but if you multiply them by the number of turbines installed around the world, the number will be significant .

At the same time, the spread of a new model of a wind generator will be great progress in the field of nature conservation.

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Reason for complaint
Vasily Klochko
I did not understand what the principle of operation of such a generator is.


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