
History of success. How a young mom on maternity managed to create a profitable business

Today, the closed Mamsi children's goods sales club has a platform with a profit of two and a half billion rubles and ten million subscribers. And it all started with the family business of Maria and Andrey Skurov, who organized the project so that the young mother had something to do.

Business idea

In 2011, young mother Maria Skurova decided to create her own small business selling children's goods. Prior to that, she worked as a lawyer in an Internet holding, and her husband had his own project. Andrei decided to make a present to his wife in the form of a company that would prevent the girl from dying of boredom. So it was decided to create a site that allows Mary to realize children's things in the shortest possible time.


Based on the personal experience of a parent who wants her child to dress in beautiful things, the woman came up with an original idea. She understood how much clothes cost and how important it is not to spend a lot of money on their purchase. After all, a child grows very quickly, and things purchased at high prices immediately become small. Therefore, the model was taken scheme for quick sales. Such directions were already widespread in the west, but in our country were a curiosity. Maria has found a variant of the American online store with "deals of the day."

New format

The bottom line was to sell a large batch of goods in an extremely short time. At the same time, buyers can save up to 80% of the amount. Things are put up for sale, the discount is valid for three days (and sometimes one), so you need to quickly respond and immediately buy quality things, as long as there is such an opportunity. Maria noticed that young mothers belong to the contingent, which is trying to act decisively and quickly responds to new proposals.

Closed club

At first, Skurovs did not have the opportunity (and desire) to buy consignments of goods, so they limited themselves to a small amount. They quickly created a closed club website, the principle of which was to hide prices for retailers. If they saw that those goods that are sold for five hundred rubles are offered to them by suppliers for a thousand, they would immediately refuse such supplies. Thus, Maria and Andrey did not interfere with other suppliers or their distributors.

First investment

Fortunately for Skurovs, a children's clothing store appeared, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. The owners were happy to sell at least part of the goods at affordable prices. Maria and Andrei invested their twenty thousand dollars to buy goods, rent a warehouse, a place in the exhibition hall and advertise on the Internet. Things went even faster than they expected. This did not bring much profit, but the guys saw the potential of this business. Demand markedly exceeded supply, as the number of young mothers wishing to purchase goods at a discount was constantly increasing. Andrew left his project and began to help his wife, because Mary herself could not cope.

Great idea

The whole point of the business was to create a hype around the product. Buyers closely monitored the availability of stocks, tried to meet deadlines. Everyone understood that if you don’t buy a thing now, you can never buy it. Therefore, all together joined in a kind of game, which was an extraordinary pleasure. In Russia, this has not happened before, and the discoverers always become real heroes, allowing people to look at the ordinary process with different eyes.


After the implementation of the entire batch of goods, which lasted two months, it was necessary to look for new suppliers.Maria began to actively search the Internet among Russian and foreign manufacturers of children's clothing. At first, everyone was opposed to giving the new company goods for sale, suppliers demanded full prepayment. In this regard, Skurov also had to sell his Mercedes in order to be able to redeem small quantities of goods for sale. So gradually the business began to gain great momentum. The assortment was unlimited, because each time different offers came from manufacturers.

Correct calculation

Things were sold in a few days. Buyers could reserve the goods, and then redeem them for a certain time. Maria and Andrei calculated that they would buy back about 70%, other things remain unrealized (at least over the allotted period). They began to understand how much goods they should order and how much profit to expect. There were also regular suppliers who were already trusting the guys. Maria was looking for new products and partners, and Andrei was responsible for infrastructure and logistics.

Successful business

In less than ten years, Skurovs' firm has become successful and popular. There are investors, reliable suppliers and a huge number of buyers. This made it possible to move to a new office, introduce new technologies and receive a large amount of profit. So the young mother with her decision to engage in a useful and exciting business became one of the most successful entrepreneurs of today.

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